Staring directly at the ancient gods for a whole year

Chapter 267 An irresistible condition

Of course I didn't forget to send Wen Li away before paying.

Although many times knowing too much is not a good thing.

But sometimes, knowing more can have unexpected benefits.

Let Wen Li stay here, on the one hand, it will make it more difficult for Yuan Shan to figure out her relationship with Wen Li.

On the other hand, Wenli, who knew more, would be someone who had to be protected by the Night Master.

For example, at this moment, Yuan Shan definitely doesn't want her to fall into Ariel's hands.

It can also be considered to increase the safety index of this unlucky child in Beijing.

"So what was your original plan?"

He asked directly without explaining anything before paying.

"I wasn't going to rush it."

Yuan Shan sighed.

"Although Ariel is highly suspicious, if he is really testing, a strong reaction will play into his hands. In addition, it will take time for me to gather people, so I plan to pretend not to notice Ming Yue's problem and not disturb him.

"I didn't expect something to happen to the Chen family so soon. Not only is the Chen family in chaos, many families in Beijing are watching. It will be abnormal if we don't take action."

It was pretty much what she thought, and it was obvious that Yuan Shan also believed that Chen Du's death was caused by Ariel.

Nod before paying.

"It's such a mess, shouldn't Chen Xing come out and take charge of the overall situation at this time?"

"That's because when Chen's people came to report the case, they also said that Chen Xing was also missing and asked us to help find him."

Yuan Shan looked at him and spoke without hesitation.

"Of course, Chen Xing is not missing, but dead."


Wen Li exclaimed from the side, but Fu Qian didn't show much surprise.

Chen Xing's practice of thanking guests behind closed doors is inherently unethical, and there are various speculations about it. There may be something wrong, and there may be speculation that the person is gone.

I acted too surprised at the moment, but deliberately.


Yuan Shan only looked at Fu Qian for half a second before looking away.

She still understood the priorities of the matter clearly and had given up the temptation now.

"Then you can just be perfunctory and just look for it. Over the years, there must be many cases that have been inconclusive, right?"

"Of course there are, and there are a lot of them."

Yuan Shan sighed.

"But it's different now. Let's not talk about the impact of Chen Du and Chen Xing. The biggest problem is that the murderer left obvious clues..."


Fu Qian frowned, this is really not surprising.

From the current point of view, Ariel is obviously very arrogant, and it is not too unexpected that he would do this kind of tightrope test.

But when they actually find him, this person will most likely have a perfect alibi, and will judge how much they know based on the night watcher's next move.

Seeing that Fu Qian already understood the whole story, Yuan Shan continued.

"In this case, let alone the fact that we can't do nothing, the Chen clan has also spontaneously followed the clues to search for it. It is impossible for them to have no reaction when the head of the family is killed."

"Are you worried that if they find the rightful owner, they won't be able to control the situation?"

"Yes! It will be more troublesome to deal with it then."

"So we have to take control of the situation."

Yuan Shan stared at Fu Qian without blinking.

"You just want to..."

Fu Qian probably guessed what Yuan Shan was thinking.

"Yes, I hope you will play the role of the murderer to help attract attention and buy time for me to get people."

Yuan Shan said seriously.

I knew it!

Fu Qian glanced at her, but his expression showed no obvious change.

"It sounds crazy, but it's not impossible."

Yuan Shan didn't say anything before seeing him, so Yuan Shan continued to explain.

"With the strength of Chen Xing and Chen Du, it would be difficult to convince people if someone else were to play the murderer.

"The biggest advantage right now is that not many people in Beijing know that you are a demigod, so you just need to find an opportunity to show off your strength.

"At this moment, a demigod who appears suddenly is too sensitive, and it will have very good effects without any deliberate guidance.

"And you should have the ability to change your appearance, right?"

"That's easy."

He responded before paying.

To be fair, Yuan Shan's idea is indeed somewhat feasible.

The reason is simple: I am a very suitable actor.

An unknown demigod who changes his appearance at will, and has dealt with the Chen family, the Night Keeper, and the Native Council.

And most importantly, I am really the murderer of Chen Xing!

It can be called a mistake.

"I will mobilize the night guards to cooperate with your actions, and the entire situation will never be out of control."

"This should buy me a few days, enough for me to coordinate my manpower and minimize the risk of Ariel's bomb."

"Faced with such a change, under normal circumstances, he would be a little confused, but he would not be sure whether he was exposed, and he would not take other drastic actions in the short term."

I can only say it should.

Fu Qian said in his heart.

"I agree with your plan."


Yuan Shan's eyes instantly lit up like morning stars, as if she didn't expect Fu Qian to agree so simply.

"It's a reasonable plan and there's not much risk to me, so why not?"

Fu Qian smiled enigmatically.

A second-level extraordinary person who behaves erratically and is capable of causing catastrophe. As Yuan Shan said, this is an uncontrollable bomb.

He still needs to be kept under certain control.

Moreover, this brother gave people a very special feeling, and Fu Qian didn't mind having more dealings with him - in the name of the night bearer.

"That's great!"

Yuan Shan looked at Fu Qian with a smile as bright as a flower.

“Don’t worry, your work will never be in vain.

"After this time, you can check any information within my authority at any time. There is no quantity limit."

"In addition, the Night Keeper has collected many magical items and materials over the years. I can also find time to arrange for you to pick them out."

Not bad.

Fu Qian nodded repeatedly after hearing this, Chief Yuan really knew how to behave.


Yuan Shan thought for a while.

"If you are interested in any night watchman, I may also find ways to create opportunities for you..."

"male or female."

“It’s an offer that’s hard to refuse!”

Yuan Shan's speech without any lower limit made Fu Qian sigh from the bottom of his heart.

It's obvious that this guy is quite a pragmatist.

"Just to show sincerity!"

Yuan Shan answered as expected.

"Then it's settled? Don't be too hasty. You can just find a way to show up around the afternoon. If it's too early, it will look suspicious."

"Don't you need to refer to the clues left behind?"

"No need."

Yuan Shan looked confident.

"As long as a strange demigod appears, it's enough. I'll handle the rest. You know, many clues are often left to mislead..."

The heroes see the same thing.

Fu Qian deeply agrees with Yuan Shan's statement.

"But even so, it still feels a bit deliberate. I'm afraid there will still be suspicions that this is a behind-the-scenes operation."

"That's something you can't help. You can fight for as long as you can."

Yuan Shan's tone was a little helpless.

"Or do you have a better idea?"

"Yes, I have."

He said casually before paying.

"Chen Du is dead, who is in charge of the Chen family now?"

"Is this it? There are no accomplished figures in their generation, and now Chen Ping, who has long since retreated behind the scenes, is presiding over it—wait a minute, why are you holding back?"

Yuan Shan realized something was wrong halfway through speaking.

"Exactly what you thought."

He rubbed his chin before paying.

"It's all a show. Why don't I go and send this old man away directly? Everything will be more reasonable."

Thanks to Master Shan, Xiao Fanfan for the reward, and everyone for your support!

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