"You have a choice to take the risk and save your crush, or pretend you didn't see anything and complete the test."

"Is it so troublesome?"

After listening to Brother Jigsaw's words on TV, Fu Qian immediately frowned.

"Why, you seem to be hesitant?"

At this time, Jigsaw's hoarse voice already had a sarcastic tone.

"It seems that your thoughts are not as firm as you thought."

"Of course for ordinary people, fickleness is nature."

"But you, who calls yourself a superman, are you no different from others?"

"Same shallow, just as hypocritical, just as ridiculous."

"In this series of changes in thinking, where do you think you are different?"

"That makes sense."

Facing Brother Jigsaw's soul torture, Fu Qian responded casually, sounding like he had no consciousness of being tortured.

After taking a look at the antidote in the bottle, he didn't step forward to take it. Instead, he turned around and went downstairs along the rope ladder.

In the room downstairs, the admirer Trika remained motionless in the same posture as before, and was calmly welcoming her death.

Without hesitation, Fu Qian took two steps forward and dragged the person and the bed aside, letting the latter leave the scope of the death net.

After finishing it, Fu Qian quickly returned upstairs.

This time he didn't waste any time and reached out directly to pick up the antidote bottle.

"Are you really prepared to sacrifice yourself?"

Brother Jigsaw seemed a little surprised when he didn't rush to open it and drink it before paying.

"If it's because of what I just said that irritated you, please believe that I didn't mean it."

"But don't blame me for not reminding you. You are taking a risk to save a species that you consider to be a low-level species, and the price may very well be your own life."

"Or is it because she has a crush on you that makes her sublime?"

"Who said I was going to save people?"

Facing this joking voice, Fu Qian just snorted.

The next moment, he held the antidote in his hand and jumped directly from the upper level without even using the rope ladder.

After landing firmly, Fu Qian ran straight to the kitchen and grabbed a transparent glass wine glass.

Faced with such strange behavior, Jigsaw on the TV seemed to be shocked and remained silent for a while.

This person remained silent, and Fu Qian naturally ignored him.

The net on the ceiling has really fallen to the ground now, and it can be seen that the pressure sensor on it is quite sensitive.

Fu Qian directly dragged a chair and sat next to the bed that was moved under the window.


With a tense sound, Fu Qian opened the bottle cap with one hand and poured the light blue liquid inside into the wine glass.

Facing the last rays of the setting sun, he swung the wine glass in a serious manner, tasted it like a master, and then drank it all in one gulp.

After making some gestures, Fu Qian held the empty wine glass and watched the last ray of sunset setting outside the window.

At the same time, the man on the bed turned over.

"When did you know it was mine?"

Trika, the high school student who was supposed to die, had no expression on her face, she just stared straight at Fu Qian and asked.

"Just now, to be precise, when you rolled out of bed."

Facing this person's doubts, Fu Qian said casually.


Trika's body stiffened.

"Didn't you do what you just did because you confirmed that I was the designer? Not only did you not save people, but you also deliberately drank the antidote in front of me?"

"Half and half, I've already speculated, but I confirmed it was just now."

He waved his hand before paying to signal this person not to get excited.

At this moment, it was already clear that the Trika on the bed was the Jigsaw brother who set the test.

"During the exchange just now, I did have some doubts, but I have to say that your design was quite thoughtful."

“The best part is that when the communication changes from recording to real-time connection, you are directly there.”

"This will undoubtedly eliminate your suspicion to the greatest extent."

"Those words were actually recorded in advance, right?"

Fu Qian pointed to the completely still puppet on the TV.

"You obviously have a nifty controller in your hand that allows you to choose from a number of voices to create the scene of a normal conversation."


Faced with the question in front of her, Trica just snorted and looked away without denying it.

"Your performance was still on point, until I asked the question - who are you?"

"That is indeed a temptation!"

Trika gritted her teeth slightly.

"How could you not know me? I shouldn't answer such an illogical question at all."

"No no no."

Unexpectedly, Fu Qian waved his hands repeatedly.

"That was a test, but I didn't lie. I really don't know you."

"In fact, I'm not even sure now about the authenticity of the name Trika."

As soon as these words came out, Trika was almost petrified on the spot.

"Actually, there are still abnormalities, but they are not at this point."

Turn a blind eye to this before paying.

"The point is not whether I know your name, but that I would ask you when I don't know your name. This is obviously not in line with my style."

"Anyway, because of a question that was unexpected to you, in order to let the conversation continue naturally, you had to answer directly."

"Of course, my attention was mainly on the TV at the time, and you were covering it up very well, so I'm not really sure."

"But anyway, I still had doubts at that time."

"Just having doubts will make your subsequent behavior feel at ease, right?"

Trica chuckled, showing disdain.

"You are a young man after all!"

Unexpectedly, Fu Qian still shook his head.

"When you get older, you will know that it is too luxurious to pursue the spiritual enjoyment of peace of mind all the time."

"In fact, whether you are the mastermind or not, it will not change my choice."

"After all, to be fair, you and I are both victims. I have no obligation to risk my life to save you, and you have no right to accuse me."

"Besides, it's my turn to ask questions next."

"Okay, just ask."

Trica didn't seem to mind.

Fu Qian pointed around.

"Can I know what your motivation is for designing all this?"

"Didn't I tell you before? I am your admirer!"

After some shock, Trika seemed to have recovered, and faced the question before her, showing a strange smile.

"Your style has been questioned a lot in school."

She laughed and shook her head.

"And I want to help you prove that you are not just an act, but that you are truly different."

Help me prove it.

Fu Qian rubbed his temples.

"So you're not actually poisoned?"

"Of course."

Trika admitted it honestly.

"What about what's on me?"

"That's true. If you don't drink the antidote in one hour, you will indeed die."

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