The sudden coughing sound was obviously very impactful on a night like this.

Not only was Joseph frozen in the action of taking off his pants, but Daniel next to him was also stunned for a moment.

The next moment the two of them realized something, they looked in the direction of the sound and saw a figure.

"Go on, don't worry about me."

Facing their gazes, Fu Qian made a gesture casually, instructing them to continue.

How can this go on!

Unexpectedly, there was an audience outside. Joseph almost jumped up and let out an animal-like roar from his throat.

He still seemed to know Fu Qian, but he was obviously confused about the situation.

After repeated intense stimulation, people almost fainted.

"It's you……"

At this time Daniel also roared lowly.

Fu Qian's face obviously brought back some bad memories for him.

Of course, it is obviously a worse situation for the other party to appear here at this moment.

Daniel seemed to realize something in the next moment, looking down at Medea on the ground, his voice became more gritted.

"You also said that you are not in the same group."

"Pay before?"

Medea, who was on the ground, was obviously in a trance. She didn't recognize Fu Qian at first, but now she finally realized the voice and was pleasantly surprised for a moment.

But what Daniel said next made her confused and refused to answer.

"What kind of group?"

"This classmate Daniel seems to think that we have colluded to do him a fairy dance."

Faced with this person's doubts, Fu Qian gave a concise explanation.

"How can it be!"

Medea obviously felt that this statement was extremely ridiculous and subconsciously refuted it.

But then she realized something and looked up at Daniel.

"Is this why you want to kill me?"

"You... are simply unreasonable!"

"I hate it when others threaten me."

Feeling Medea's anger, Daniel seemed a little bit unreasonable, but still said with a sneer.

Fu Qian understands this very well.

Forced by the situation during the day, this man begged for mercy. After returning, he obviously calmed down and then entered a state of embarrassment and anger.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for an emotional outlet.

So it doesn’t matter whether it’s a fairy dance or not!

There is a high probability that once Medea dies, he will be next.

And from what Daniel just said, it can also be heard that this family is quite powerful in this place and can control many things.

It's a pity, even if it's just for the sake of sanity, I definitely can't let this person get his wish.

"So what do you want? Come in and take this woman away?"

At this time, Daniel obviously realized that the matter was difficult, and immediately spoke to Fu Qian, even vaguely hinting at letting him in.

"How could that be? I just went out for a walk after dinner, you can do whatever you want."

However, Fu Qian was not in a hurry at all and just stood outside so casually without even moving his feet.

He knew very well that as long as he stood here, the murder in the classroom would not happen.

Even if Daniel wanted to do it, Joseph would definitely stop him.

Medea was already struggling to stand up and moved towards the window.

Joseph was obviously in a hurry and subconsciously wanted to step forward to arrest someone, but in the blink of an eye he hesitated on the spot.

"What do you think she is?"

Of course, Daniel also noticed Medea's movements, but he did not stop her. Instead, he sneered at Fu Qian.

"This woman is a total bitch!"

After saying this, he took out an envelope from his pocket, took two steps forward, opened the window and threw it to Fu Qian.

"Take a good look. Everyone in it was once your teacher Medea's lover."


Before paying, he took the envelope, squeezed it first, and then pulled out one, confirming his guess.

Inside the envelope was Medea's private collection that she had seen before, locked in a drawer.

"where do you come from?"

Medea's eyes suddenly widened.

"There's no need for you to look like you've been deceived."

Not understanding Medea's yelling, Fu Qian looked at Daniel with an unbearable expression.

"You stole this thing, maybe you were going to use it after killing someone?"

He didn't think that the Daniel in front of him would be so innocent that his feelings would be deceived.

The relationship between this person and Medea is basically about each getting what he needs.

The reason why this person stole Medea's private collection was obviously for one purpose - to expose this person's "true face" after Medea ran away with her students.

Of course, the purpose of taking it out now is most likely to not understand the relationship between himself and Medea, and to see if this thing can affect his emotions.

It's better to leave in a rage, then there will still be room for maneuver.

It's a pity that people's joys and sorrows are not the same. We are ruthless workers.

Fu Qian glanced at Medea inside the window. The latter's face was ashen at the moment, looking like she had been violently shocked.

"As the saying goes, the word sex has a knife in its head!"

He gave a long sigh before paying, and stuffed the envelope back with an air of success.

Medea took it subconsciously, her eyes blank, as if she didn't know how to react.

"very good!"

Medea was not the only one who was confused. From just now, Daniel had been staring at Fu Qian. Unfortunately, the latter's reaction made him despair.

Although it is impossible to determine his relationship with Medea, it is obvious that this guy does not mind what is in the envelope at all.

Judging from his behavior just now, he obviously wanted to save Medea.

It's not that I haven't thought about getting rid of him together, but according to my previous experience, this guy is obviously very skilled. Now that he is outside, if he wants to escape, he will definitely be unable to do anything with him.

But the problem is that letting people go like this is also unacceptable to me.

According to Medea's character, she will never give up even if she is on the verge of death.

"Hold her and don't let go, or we'll both be done playing."

The next moment, Daniel winked and signaled Joseph to step forward and control Medea.

The latter shivered and suddenly woke up from a dream.

After understanding Daniel's words, this man obviously realized his situation.

The next moment, Joseph showed amazing agility and rushed forward directly, holding down Medea who was trying to escape through the window.


At this moment, another flash of light appeared in the classroom, covering the two people in the entanglement.

"what are you doing?"

After reacting, Joseph looked at Daniel holding the camera in disbelief, and couldn't help but roared in a low voice.

Unfortunately, what responded to him was the crisp snapping sound of his neck.

"you can go now."

Carrying Joseph's body and slowly placing it on the ground, Daniel stared at Medea and said.

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