
At that moment, Serana seemed to understand a lot.

"What's wrong?"

He glanced at her strangely before paying.

"This is my... extremely important extraordinary item..."

It can be seen that this person is already trying his best to organize his words.

"Then what?"

"So...can you give it back to me?"


After listening to this person's request, Fu Qian looked in disbelief.

"Have you not investigated me carefully and fully understood me? Why do you still have such unrealistic ideas?"

"After all, you have more than five hundred years of experience. You are no different from Taylor!"

For a moment, Serana almost had the urge to fight with the opponent.

It's one thing to lose an extraordinary item, but this guy actually said that he was similar to an idiot like Taylor. This comment was simply insulting.

The most important thing is that I still can't refute it.

After all, if you think about it carefully, although the process is different, there seems to be really not much difference in essence.

He also knew the bad nature of this guy early, but he also put the family secret treasure in front of him, thinking he was in control of the situation, and then suffered a big loss.

No wonder this guy just asked so detailed questions about the method of opening and closing.

The more I think about Serana, the more my blood pressure rises.


Although ancient memories are important, we must also live first.

Not to mention that he is injured now, even if he is in good condition, it is difficult to say what the outcome will be with this guy's unpredictable methods.

And he was obviously motivating himself to take action. You must know that this is the opponent's territory. He came to the door and was killed, and his things were taken away. The night guard had no reason to leave.

We can't let him succeed.


After some self-counseling, this vampire lady finally made up her mind and decisively admitted defeat.

Serana's leaving figure was quite lonely.

Even if the sun is shining brightly, it feels like a heartbroken person is at the end of the world.

And watching the other party leave, Fu Qian was also quite emotional.

Putting the trophies on the counter, before paying, he took out the Abyss Notes and placed them side by side.

The local gang...is too polite!

They rushed over to deliver things.

Are the vampires really stupid?

Although the two trophies on the counter have no direct damage capabilities, they are undoubtedly items of quite high rank.

In my opinion before paying, it is actually more valuable than some big killers.

After all, after solidifying his form, his lethality is no longer a shortcoming for him.

The previous blow that injured Serana had fully demonstrated this point.

The physique of a demigod-level vampire was like paper in front of him.

The opponent even activated the semi-virtual state, which obviously had special defense bonuses, but it still had no effect, and most of his body was torn apart.

In contrast, the special effects of the two items may come in handy - although like the notes obtained before, Fu Qian is not too eager to explore this eyeball.

In the exchange just now, Ms. Serana actually revealed a piece of news unintentionally.

After the previous conflict, the Goulard family's reaction was somewhat unusual.

There were constant small movements in the front, and then he suddenly turned 180 degrees after being deflated, and the level of repeated horizontal jumps was really too high.

You must know that this is not a fight between children, but a family with the confidence to play tricks under the eyes of the night watcher.

Not to mention that the legendary vampires are naturally proud. It is hard to imagine how they would accept this kind of behavior that would be laughed at by other family consortiums.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Being so well-behaved, could it be that there is something extremely important that they are eager to do without any twists and turns in the process?

This is a reasonable explanation.

Moreover, this plan should have come out of the blue, as it happened at the time of the Gan Zuoxun incident. After all, they had been very active in their small actions before.


Seemingly seeing something brewing, he collected the loot and stood up before paying.

Before things are clear, it’s better not to do any dangerous exploration. After all, we only have a few dozen sanity points left.

It's better to go talk to Chief Yuan.

"What's the point of looking for me? Damn it!"

In Chief Yuan's office at the Night Guard base, a familiar scene reappeared.

Fu Qian had only taken two steps through the door when Yuan Shan jumped up.

"You, I...have you really cleaned up the Goulard family?"

"Even I didn't get any news. Your hands and feet are too clean!"

"You think I'm a god!"

Fu Qian scoffed at Chief Yuan's rampant divergent thinking.

"And do you have any misunderstanding? We always believe that the benevolent are invincible."

"Then what's going on with that thing on your body?"

It can be seen that although Yuan Shan does not believe in the saying that the benevolent is invincible, she must have confirmed that Fu Qian did not exterminate Gulade's clan.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Considering that the other party was in an agitated mood, Fu Qian did not take out the Abyss Notes to scare people, but directly took out the new trophies.

"Sure enough it is!"

Looking at the ball placed on the table in front of her, Yuan Shan looked a little crazy.

"Another one!"

"And if I'm not mistaken, this should be an extraordinary item belonging to Serana, right? It has never been given to anyone else in the Goulard family. Where did you get it?"

"Just because you don't give it to others doesn't mean you can't give it to me."

He said very casually before paying.

"What if a family has a special tradition, something like spreading it to others but not to others?"

God spreads the word to outsiders but not to the inside!

Referring to past experience, Yuan Shan realized that it would be endless if she continued to argue like this. She immediately took a deep breath and forcibly changed the topic.

"Serana is giving you trouble?"


Seeing this person taking the initiative to bring up business, Fu Qian nodded.

"Because of the notes?"

"So be it."

"It's really her style, she's still so unscrupulous in doing things!"

Yuan Shan snorted, vaguely unhappy.

"Then she failed to achieve her goal and even the extraordinary items were robbed by you?"

"What does robbery mean? Do you think it's a black shop?"

Fu Qian expressed dissatisfaction with this person's wording.

"I really can't imagine how you did it. Ancient Memories, I've heard a lot about this thing. Even if it's considered a nightkeeper, it's still a pretty good extraordinary item."

Yuan Shan rolled her eyes.

"But if you take advantage of this, I won't be able to help you get justice. The best I can do is give you a slap on the side."

"No, it's great to have friends from far away, and as far as I know... they seem to have already done it themselves."

"What's the meaning?"

Yuan Shan's eyes moved and she heard the special meaning.

"Actually, I'm curious too."

Before paying, she did not hide anything, and told Serana about the internal ban of the Goulard family and the reasons why Taylor and her separately came to trouble.

"It's actually like this!"

After listening to Fu Qian's description, Yuan Shan fell into deep thought for a while.

"It's really a bit strange to be well-behaved. It's not their style."

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