"Although Hamadus is just a god, he is quite powerful in the story."

The sister-in-law Weier, who was completely unaware of all this, was still exchanging the plot with great interest.

"It says that the wife of the God of War fell hopelessly in love with him because of his strong blue muscles."

"It is said that as the god of noise, the roar of Hamadus can not only destroy his enemies, but can even tear the sea apart, and his followers will receive the same gift."

"If he is so powerful, why do he still follow God?"

At this time Li Te raised objection again.

"I really know this."

Although his tone was ordinary, Weier was obviously very satisfied with his sister's willingness to communicate with him.

"Because it is said that he was born from the battle between the God of War and evil, and the God of War has existed since the deep sea era, so theoretically speaking, he is much younger."

"……All right."

Lite, who was obviously unfamiliar with mythological allusions, was silent for a while.

"So in that era, you only needed to believe in gods to gain power, right?"

The tone of this sentence was hesitant and longing, and it was obvious that this was what she was paying attention to.

"...According to the legend, yes."

Being able to understand why her sister asked this, Weier hesitated but confirmed her.

"It is said that in that era there were mortals who had extraordinary powers, but the only way to obtain them was to have faith in different gods."

“The more pious and determined you are, the more powerful the blessings you will receive.”

"That's much simpler."

There was an unconcealable sigh in Litte's voice.

"I kind of want to live in that era."

"Don't think it's so beautiful, that era was also cruel."

Weir obviously understands her sister's regrets quite well.

"And if I really go back to the age of mythology, I will be a complete heretic."

"Because any extraordinary power obtained without being given it was an absolute heresy at the time."

"Whether it was born with awakening or acquired through practice, I'm not even sure if there was any concept of practice at that time."

"According to what you say, are all gods inherently powerful?"

Although she had no confidence, Lite couldn't help but retort.

"Yes, both gods and demons are inherently powerful."

Weir nodded firmly.

"That's what it said in the classic book I read."

The next moment the man smiled and touched his sister's head.

"But don't get too hung up on this. In the final analysis, it's just a myth."

"And that legendary era has already passed for more than a thousand years."

"Over the past thousand years, humans have long proven that the boundary between humans and gods is not so strong and difficult to break."


After a long silence, Lite let out a breath, inexplicably feeling relieved.

"I've never heard you say this before... But if the gods are really so powerful as they are depicted, how did the age of myth end?"

"Children can't be so unwilling to study!"

Weir seemed quite pleased with her sister's reaction, and even hit her on the head as a joke.

"As long as you have a serious understanding of the origin of the Night Bearer, it will be clearly explained above."

"First of all, the age of myth was interrupted suddenly, due to an unprecedented catastrophe."

"It is said that when the disaster struck, the most eye-catching thing was that the sun and moon were gone, and only the stars in the sky were still there. This situation lasted for several weeks."

"Faced with such a disaster, not only the believers of the sun and moon, but also all the gods' favored ones, all found that they had 'lost' the gods' response."

"No matter how much they pray, they can't get any help."

"In the end, this disaster resulted in countless human casualties."

"Even the taboo areas you have seen today, many are left over from that disaster."

"And in the end, some of the abandoned believers chose to abandon the gods and rely on themselves to protect mankind through the darkness."

"And when the sun reappeared, some of them formed the earliest night-keepers."

"Despair leads to disenchantment. From then on, all piety falls apart, and the age of myth inevitably ends."

"Of course, there are occasionally people who say that they can still receive responses from gods. Unfortunately, since the invention of the steam engine, there seem to be fewer and fewer people."

"It's actually like this..."

After listening to her sister's description, Lite finally couldn't help mumbling to herself.

This is actually the case.

Fu Qian, who had overheard Weir's description, was also thoughtful.

Although I had probably known some of it before, some of the content Weier mentioned was obviously secret.

In the age of mythology, believers relied on their faith in gods to receive gifts of power.

The more pious, the stronger.

It may not matter to others, but it is one thing that easily comes to mind before paying.

Sinners and angels, I have encountered at least two special existences before, and the way they obtain power feels very similar to this, although of course it is much simpler in comparison.

There is no need to pray or anything like that, just make a vow through a special "gesture".

Most importantly, in his mission summary, this method was clearly identified as a trap on the road to becoming a god.

If that era of mythology was like this... I have to say that the scene was quite interesting.

Overall, today seems to be an unexpected harvest.

Appreciating art can really improve your posture!

I was quite satisfied before paying.

However, the most urgent task at the moment is to figure out the reason why the Night Guard is facing a powerful enemy.


The next moment, Fu Qian stood up and walked towards the two sisters Weier slowly.

The conversation between Weier and her sister stopped almost instantly. It was obvious that although the light was dim, a transcendent's perception was still very sharp.

At the same time, Fu Qian could also feel the demigod locking onto him instantly.

It's a pity that for him who has experienced big scenes, he is almost immune to the scrutiny of a demigod.

"Hello ladies!"

The next moment, under Weir's alert gaze, Fu Qian sat down aside and said hello with a smile.

Although his expression is hidden behind a mask, Fu Qian firmly believes that people should be the same on the outside.

"Sorry...do I know you?"

An old man wearing a mask suddenly came forward to strike up a conversation, which undoubtedly aroused Weir's vigilance.

"You probably don't know him...but your sister does."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Te aside, his smile not diminishing.

"Who are you?"

The latter was obviously taken aback and a little at a loss.

"My last name was Lu...before I found my true self."

Fu Qian answered while stroking his right hand.

"Who are you--"

At that moment, Litte seemed to realize something and could hardly control her voice.

"I am."

Nod before paying.

Before he stood up just now, his facial features under the mask had been adjusted to look like Mr. Lu Ming.

After all, a person must be consistent on the inside and outside.

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