Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 1000 - News from the mother planet

Xixiu and Qing Zhixun went through everyone and finally found the most critical information.

They discovered that the memories of these people were stored in the machine Qin Jian was developing.

As long as they conquer Qin Jian, they will have a chance to get copies of everyone's memories.

However, Data Qin Jian has a very keen insight.

He seemed to have discovered something was wrong between him and Xi Xiu, but he never said anything.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu were worried that he would destroy his data after discovering the fundamental problem.

This simulated scene of Zhi Nao is restored one to one, and the character data in it is provided by Qin Jian. It is difficult to say whether this guy has any hidden trigger mechanism.

Although Intelligent Brain backed up the data and put the scene up after analyzing Qin Jian's data, it was not familiar with the language used by the home planet.

Qin Jian was able to take advantage of this.

Xixiu went through Qin Jian's resume from beginning to end. This was the most complete information given to her by Zhinao. She searched for it one by one, hoping to find a breakthrough.

Qin Jian is a young genius.

However, his name was not Qin Jian originally.

Instead, his name is Li Huajing.

Li Huajing has grown up all the way, but he has not hurt Zhongyong and has always remained sober and outstanding.

At the age of fourteen, he was already a talent in intelligence research trained by the country.

With the consent of his family, he and a group of boys and girls were sent to study at the Scientific Research Alliance in Country K established after the war.

However, after he went abroad for further study, a series of strange things happened.

In the end, he died in a foreign country.

He was only eighteen years old at the time.

None of the young men and women who went with him survived, including teenagers from other countries. They all died inexplicably.

Forensic doctors found that these teenagers were all brain-dead.

They had no serious illness of their own that could kill them overnight.

However, their smart brains really stopped working overnight.

The medical examiner determined that he was brain dead.

Moreover, there is no way to save it.

Even if they are in a vegetative state, there is still a glimmer of hope. If they are brain dead, there is nothing they can do with their current technology.

But is he really dead?

Nobody knows.

After receiving the news of the deaths of these young men and women, the motherland brought their bodies back to the country and gave them to their parents for burial.

While the country was saddened by the loss of its future pillars, it also started a new training plan.

Those outstanding children are no longer known, but are cultivated in secret.

Because of the post-war global convention, smart children are the common wealth of the world.

All countries must send these children to scientific research alliances to be uniformly trained by the best teachers.

However, several deaths occur every year in the Research Alliance.

After that, these smart young men and women became the secrets of the motherland.

The boy named Li Huajing had his name changed and became Qin Jian, and entered the laboratory.

This is where most of the scientific researchers here come from.

The reason why Xixiu was able to obtain this data was because Qin Jian later opened the file that locked all of their information.

His brain death was deliberately caused by someone, firstly for experimentation, and secondly to change the situation.

It’s obvious who is behind this lab.

Fortunately, the original experiment was successful, so Li Huajing's brain was successfully transplanted into Qin Jian's body.

He has lived silently for so many years as Qin Jian.

Squeezed to the last bit.

Xixiu has been thinking about how to capture Qin Jian.

Judging from what Qin Jian did in the alliance, he longed for immortality in order to return to his home star. Therefore, the home star contained the people or things he cared about most.

Qing Zhixun also agreed with Xixiu's idea. Otherwise, why would he insist on coming back after he had already obtained what was almost a chance of eternal life?

Even if there is no star map, even if he is lost among the stars many times, he will go back.

When death approached, he also placed his hope on Zhinao.

It can be said that by exchanging data, he is praying to Zhinao to fulfill this dream for him.

Qing Zhixun's grasp of human nature has never been accurate: "The question is, how do we find his persistence?"

Xixiu held her chin and thought for a long time: "I remember that even if he copied it many times, he would get married every time. There was always a similarity between the person he married and the person he married."

Having said this, Xixiu opened the photos of all the people in the laboratory. She was sure that these people contained the answers she was looking for.

After some searching, she found a female scientist who looked weak, slender and had beautiful eyes.

The name is Yu Lian.

Her temperament is exactly the same as Qin Jian's wives.

After finding Yu Lian's information, Xixiu felt that Qin Jian would really like such a woman, clean and without any flaws.

In Qin Jian's complicated heart, Yu Lian is like his beacon.

After Xixiu got Yu Lian's information, she found an opportunity to get close to Yu Lian.

Yu Lian's research direction is also biomedicine, but it is different from Qin Jian's direction.

Qin Jian is doing research in private, while she is the leader of the laboratory who has been entrusted with important tasks.

Xixiu and Yu Lian were chatting passionately. After all, she had much scientific and theoretical knowledge that surpassed Yu Lian.

Wei Lanshan gave her a bad lesson in biomedicine, and Qin Hongjun's madness taught everyone in the alliance a vivid biology lesson.

After Yu Lian heard Xi Xiu's idea, she couldn't wait to make the prototype immediately.

Yu Lian's quiet voice said cheerfully: "Oh my God, it's such a pity that you don't study this field. Can I borrow these ideas?"

After seeing Xixiu nodding, Yu Lian started taking notes on the paper.

When Qin Jian knocked on the door and came in, he saw Yu Lian's eyes shining, extremely beautiful.

Seeing that it was Qin Jian, Yu Lian excitedly showed him the notes she had made.

She kept saying, "She is the real genius. She has so many ideas. Why didn't I think about it in this direction?"

Seeing his sweetheart so happy, Qin Jian felt that this suspicious female researcher was more pleasing to the eye.

After several contacts, Qin Jian stopped greeting Xixiu with a bossy face in order to make Yu Lian happy.

Seeing Qin Jian's subtle changes, Xixiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting acquainted with Qin Jian, Xixiu told Yu Lian her doubts.

Yu Lian also knew that the current environment was very strange, but she had no way to leave.

Moreover, she herself is doing biological research and is very familiar with the organs of living things.

Vaguely, she also knew something was wrong with herself.

I always feel that this body is not my own, I just occupy it.

She actually wanted to find her own body, even if it was a mutilated body, it was still original.

While chatting with Qin Jian, Yu Lian accidentally told Qin Jian her idea.

Yu Lian: "Qin Jian, do you think I can still get my body back?"

What Yu Lian said was very sad, which made Qin Jian very sad.

He opened his mouth to comfort Yu Lian: "Maybe you can give it a try, as long as there is a way to get out of here."

They didn't know that their bodies had been buried by their families a long time ago. At this moment, they forgot how they entered other people's bodies.

After learning Yu Lian's thoughts, Qin Jian began to plan to leave this cage.

Just to let my sweetheart see the outside world and find my own body.

Late at night when no one was walking around, Qin Jian sent a terminal message to Yu Lian, informing her of the place and time to meet.

Qin Jian knew that with his strength, they would probably be carried back before they could even get out of the village.

Therefore, Qin Jian took the initiative to find Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

These two weird data can definitely lead them out of the experimental base, and in that case, Yu Lian can be free.

With the help of Xixiu and Qing Zhixun, they left the laboratory smoothly.

Qin Jian turned on the monitoring of the laboratory and used his own system to evade the pursuers.

It took the four of them a long time to get out safely. After Yu Lian left the experimental base, she was so attracted by the scene outside that she could not move forward.

What you see is a desert sky with nothing green at all.

Strangely, the other side where they landed was the sea.

The salty smell spread into the noses of the four people, making them very uncomfortable.

Xixiu and Qing Zhixun looked at the land and looked at each other, seeing doubts in each other's eyes.

The mother planet should not have such an extreme geographical environment. They thought that they were very knowledgeable back then, but they had never seen such a strange place on the mother planet.

From an environmental point of view, that war indeed brought devastating disaster to the mother planet.

The planet is riddled with holes.

Xixiu watched this scene silently, and her heart ached.

This scene is from Qin Jian's perspective. He has seen the dilapidated side of the mother planet.

That's why they agreed to the voyage.

Embark on the long road of search.

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