Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 30 - No longer an illegal resident

After arriving at the starport on Kino Star, Jiujiu and Wei Lanshan followed Suo Feihua to the ground on Kino Star.

Shuofeihua decided to stop at Kino Star to take charge of their safety before Wei Lanshan and the others boarded the transit star shuttle to other galaxies, and also to provide them with cover.

Jiujiu said goodbye to everyone in the Feihua Group. Feng Shanshan hugged Jiujiu and refused to let go. She was one of the girls who wanted to take Jiujiu home.

"Jiujiu, kiss my sister twice, and then I'll let you go, okay?" Feng Shanshan said in a pitiful tone.

With his eyes wide open for a long time, he looked at the beautiful young lady in front of him who was addicted to acting. Who would have thought that this girl with a weak face could actually be the murder weapon in the world that designed weapons and ranked first in the Feihua Group in terms of cruelty!

She was also very reluctant to let go of this group of people. After looking at the sky for a long time, she decided to reluctantly give up. She slapped Feng Shanshan on the left and right cheeks.

Feng Shanshan felt like he was soaked in honey at this moment. It was so, so sweet. He got his wish!

Seeing this, the other members of the Feihua Group stepped forward one by one, bent down and leaned forward. They had known for a long time that this would happen, but they had no choice. Who made her just take the lead...

However, the twins Xi Kasimo and Xi Mo were not treated favorably. They were confused and even more distressed after hearing Jiujiu's explanation, because Jiujiu said: "Brother Si Ka and Brother Ximo are, boys..."

I was speechless for a long time. She can kiss a girl on the cheek, but not a boy. She is already 30 mentally, so she must not have too much close contact if her gender is different!

Until Jiujiu and Wei Lanshan got off the starship, neither Xika nor Seymour came back to their senses. They were treated differently by Jiujiu. Why!

Just because of their gender? It’s too late to change your personality, cry to death!

Suo Feiyue stayed behind to look after the starship, watching these two disappointed grown men helplessly finish!

However, the feel of a child's soft lips on your face can truly heal a person's heart.

After bidding farewell to his career as a group favorite, Jiujiu followed Wei Lanshan and left everyone in the Feihua Group. I don’t know if we will meet again in the sea of ​​​​stars in the future, but Jiujiu will remember these people, their kindness and tenderness along the way.

The members of the Feihua Group gave her a chip, which recorded every moment of their relationship. Their terminals had backups, and they were using their own ways to remember this brief encounter in their hearts.

After arriving on the surface of Kino Star, Shuofeihua booked a hotel in her name.

The entire process was provided by robots, and there was no record of Wei Lanshan visiting Kino Star.

One day after arriving at Kino Star, Wei Lanshan and the others met a mother and daughter who lived in poverty and came from the Mingyang Galaxy.

The mother and daughter lived next door to the hotel, and the woman planned to work part-time in the hotel where Wei Lanshan and the others lived to pay for the Star Shuttle tickets.

Her daughter was seriously ill. She was skinny, her eyes were dull, her face was sallow, and her brain was probably permanently damaged. She looked a little silly, and she didn't look like she had much life left.

Unless she went to Yuan Rixing for instrumented surgery, her daughter would not be saved, and Wei Lanshan had no choice.

Wei Lanshan couldn't stand it anymore and directly asked her question: "Why didn't your child be sent to the research institute when her illness first started? You can apply for relief in this situation, and her illness has just started. The cure rate is very high.”

"I no longer have the desire to live. Her father abandoned us before she was born. She fell ill again after she was born. I later wanted to send her to a research institute, but it was too late." The woman. There were mournful sobs.

Wei Lanshan looked at this woman. Her face was filled with despair and sullenness, and she didn't look like a mother at all.

Seeing this woman who was willing to die for a man and even ignored her children, both Suo Feihua and Wei Lanshan were angry at her for not being strong.

In the league, no matter what industry you are engaged in, you will have a very generous salary, and it is absolutely no problem to support yourself and a young child.

Moreover, five-year-old children can already be sent to school, where they can not only receive a good education, but also receive care.

This girl is so unlucky to meet such an irresponsible mother and will face death at about the same age as Jiujiu.

Furthermore, this woman and her husband had a three-month holographic simulation before the marriage began. Didn’t she find out that this man was unreliable? Or would she still want to get married if she found out?

Wei Lanshan guessed it was the latter, and now she wanted to threaten the man with her daughter. Under the laws of the Union, this woman's behavior had violated the law.

She knew it herself, so she didn't send her daughter to the research institute.

Once sent to the institute, after analyzing the girl's physical condition, the cause of the girl's illness and why it became serious, the institute will come up with specific data.

The data forms a report, and the alliance's medical system will upload relevant information to the court in its jurisdiction.

The judge will immediately send someone to arrest her, she will be sentenced to imprisonment, and her daughter will be forcibly sent away.

She knew that her own negligence had caused her daughter's illness to worsen, and she wanted to use her daughter's illness to control the man.

It was her fault, but she didn't want to go to jail, so she had to come to Kino Star, hoping to find black market channels to go to the Yuanri Galaxy to perform surgery on her daughter.

But she didn't expect that her daughter's condition would suddenly become more serious, and her intelligence would begin to decline. She couldn't raise so many star coins to buy a flight ticket to Yuanri Star for the time being, so she thought she had to give up.

Wei Lanshan didn't pay much attention to the mother and daughter. She planned to take Jiujiu to the amusement park to let her relax.

Although the person he was following had not appeared for more than a month, and there was no doubt about the strength of Shuofeihua, it was better to be careful and live longer.

Shuo Feihua and Wei Lanshan took Jiujiu to the largest amusement park in Kinye Star. There were many super large games in it, and Jiujiu had a lot of fun.

These rides were similar to her favorite amusement park in her previous life. They were so exciting that her heart could stop!

When Jiujiu was running at the fastest speed and the machine was running at its highest altitude, she loudly shouted out the sadness in her heart. After that, she felt that she felt much better.

This world is so beautiful, even if she goes alone, it is no big deal. In this life, she wants to have her own place in this sea of ​​stars.

After staying at Kino Star for 20 days, Wei Lanshan took Jiujiu to the black market to buy a legal ID for Jiujiu.

Kinohoshi is a tourist star. There are many legal IDs here. After some children die, their parents want to make a fortune and sell the children's IDs to the black market.

After buying it on the black market, they will continue to operate these IDs and forge various medical records, school records, community care visit records, etc.

Deceive the central brain of the alliance into thinking that the owners of these IDs are still alive, and then sell them to those who need them at a high price.

Wei Lanshan chose the ID of a girl of the same age as Jiujiu, Hong Xixiu from the Mingzhen Galaxy. The black market recorded that this ID had just died a few days ago, and all the information was available.

To Wei Lanshan's surprise, Hong Xixiu had not recorded genetic information, and his birth year was the same as Jiujiu's. But for some reason, the date of birth has not been recorded. The parents of this child are really irresponsible. But this saves Wei Lanshan a lot of procedures.

After checking the detailed information of this ID, Wei Lanshan sighed deeply in her heart.

Wei Lanshan spent a sum of money to compile the story of why Hong Xixiu came to Muye Star, how she came to Muye Star, where she planned to go, why the mother who brought her here abandoned her, and what accident happened that left her alone Detention Kino Hoshi and others.

The medical information and health information were all re-done, and the previously missing information was completed without any flaws. Then she asked the black market to help her upload it to the brain of the alliance center.

The name of our heroine has finally been decided, which is not easy!

From now on, I will always use the name Hong Xixiu.

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