Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 106 Optimizing the Eternal Fleet, such a fast star network (2/3)

Chapter 106 Optimizing the Eternal Fleet, such a fast star network (23)

The quartermaster silently wiped the drink that had sprayed onto his clothes.

But this can’t be blamed on Qingyang.

The value of the gift list for the four commanders in front of him made him stunned, and he even had the illusion that the quartermaster in front of him was a fraudster.

After all, strictly in terms of pure value.

These private gifts were even more exaggerated than the compensation rewards given by the Alliance Army.

Qingyang stared at the quartermaster in disbelief.

Seeing the seriousness on his face, he finally clicked to confirm the acceptance, which was still a little unreal in his heart.

[Sunday star aircraft carrier (T7) × 5, Sun type drawing × 1 (hardcover version, 100), Huiyue Group exclusive card (personally awarded by the chairman, 50% off any product)]

[Xingwu - Overloaded Core of the Magical Warship Group (Gold)]

[Special mecha - Seraph type 3, template drawing (please do not share it outside)]

[Xingwu—Yiwu main gun (purple), purple star crystal × 5]

A top-grade starry aircraft carrier, and it also comes with a hardcover blueprint!

Star battleships made with hardcover blueprints are basically not much different from the master blueprints in terms of consumables and combat power, except that they cannot enjoy some of the bonuses of the master blueprints.

The other two Star Martial Arts, one is of purple quality and the other is of gold quality, even comes with five star crystals, making it a set.

Even the mecha template blueprints that seem to have the lowest value are not simple.

Qingyang calmed down and began to think about how to arrange the configuration of the eternal fleet.

Unification of each type of star battleship is a necessary process, and now is the best opportunity.

Now that the Chichen battleship is already T7, the Huiyue battleship can be sold. Simply replace all the fifty arbitrary battleship quotas given by the Alliance to the Huiyue type.

All one hundred and one Huiyue-type ships are packaged and sold to be used for Chichen battleship manufacturing resources. At least one hundred and twenty Chichen battleships can be manufactured!

Whatever you think is a good deal.

Other warships, including the Sky Whale aircraft carrier, need to be sold.

Currently, the resources are very sufficient, and Qingyang no longer plans to equip the fleet with cruisers. After all, the Chichen battleship is a very superior battleship in terms of speed, defense, and firepower.

Naturally, cruisers are not needed for fast attack.

As for the starry sky aircraft carrier, there are now top-grade ships such as the Sun-type aircraft carrier.

Basically, after this adjustment, the structure of the Eternal Fleet will be very simple and clear.

The main force is the Chichen battleship, supported by the Yaori-type aircraft carrier beyond visual range and carrier-based aircraft. The special battleship Breaking the Formation and the flagship Taiyi are the finale.

Plus a 15% bonus to all attributes with the gold medal fleet title.

At that time, the combat effectiveness of the fleet will definitely be much stronger than that of various types of star warships mixed together now!

Seeing that Qingyang had come to his senses, the quartermaster said again: "After calculating the alliance's rewards based on the Luo Star Empire, it was decided to reward him with a soul fruit."

He said and handed over a metal box with a side length of fifteen centimeters.

"Soul fruit?"

How high is the value of the soul fruit, which is the only physical reward?

You must know that this is the reward for discovering meta-human civilization, and the alliance will definitely not treat itself badly.

Qingyang immediately opened the Star of Truth exploration panel.

[Soul Fruit: T7 level]

[Threshold is perfect +10 when consumed, mental threshold +2]

[Recommendation: The best effect is achieved when the threshold is +8]


The always proud Alliance never disappoints in this regard.

With a smile on his face, Qingyang directly digitized the soul fruit and stored it in the personal space of the Star Network. Then he looked at the quartermaster: "Is everything going to be okay?"

"It's okay. You can take the other Planet Shield Commander Qing with you, but the use of such additional conventional items, including those disposable weapons, is prohibited in the youth league." Before leaving, the quartermaster reminded him.

Qingyang touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "I'm not allowed to use it. I heard that there are omnic enemy units on the youth league map this time. I wonder if I can use the control to assist in the battle?"

After all, Chang Xi and Guang Nao Xingwu are also important members of the Eternal Fleet!

After roughly finishing some trivial matters, Qingyang began to optimize the Eternal Truth Fleet.

Give the crew a few days off.

Qingyang asked the Alliance Army for a dock space to move the fleet there.

Looking at the hundreds of huge star warships of various types in front of him, Qingyang couldn't help but feel emotional. Some of these warships have been accompanying him from the beginning until now.

But if the old doesn’t go, the new won’t come.

Qingyang simply and neatly connected all the battleships of the current Eternal Fleet, except the Breaking Formation and Taiyi, to the Star Network.

The price is naturally based on the original market price.

There is no shortage of market for high-end ships.

After confirming that there was no problem, Qingyang immediately withdrew the digitization threshold covering these battleships.

The T7 fleet entry on the panel also turned gray.

In a few days, the completely transformed Eternal Truth Fleet will take shape again.

At this moment, five huge red-gold prismatic battleships appeared at the dock. Before Qingyang could react, a series of items appeared on the dock platform one after another through the star network.

Except for the yet-to-be-determined Alliance Army resource rewards, all other rewards have arrived!

Qingyang immediately took out the drawings of the Sun-type aircraft carrier and glanced at them, and then sent the list of resources he needed to the Alliance Army.

Then he looked at Xing Wu with burning eyes.

"Golden Star Martial Arts, good stuff!"

[Mowu Overload Core (sporadic)]

[Quality: Gold]

[Active effect: 500,000 star points are consumed and at the cost of 2% hull loss per minute, the entire fleet enters extreme overload mode.

Gun power +1000%, gun buffer time -90%, rate of fire/range +1000%

Maximum speed +500%, shield defense effectiveness +500%]

The side effects are huge.

When this mode is turned on, the durability of all ships in the fleet will be reduced rapidly. If the durability of the fleet is reduced to single digits by accident, the situation will be extremely dangerous.

After all, some special attacks can more or less penetrate the shield and affect the ship's hull.

But the effect is really powerful!

It can be used as a trump card for escaping or breaking out in dangerous moments.

And because of the Eighth Agreement, he does not need to spend money on repairing star battleships after the war. In a way, it is very suitable for the Eternal Fleet.

Qingyang decisively added him to his trump card list.

The attributes of the main gun of Yanwu are not much different from those of Yuansha's main gun. They are more inclined to attack quickly, so Qingyang chose to install it into the Breaking Formation.

As for the red star weapon awarded by the alliance, I can only say that it is very interesting.

Yes, interesting!

[Fraud Gift Box (sporadic)]

[Quality: red]

[Basic effect: Strong concealment effect, can simulate the signal display of enemy warships, and transform the appearance of the warship to a certain extent]

[Additional effect: Spend star points to build the illusion of a starship battleship owned by the fleet, which has the same energy level as the original ship and dissipates after being attacked]

[Attachment: Currently it can confuse most detection technologies of level seven civilizations]

As soon as Qingyang saw these effects, a lot of sexy actions came to his mind, and his expression was visibly excited.

This kind of star weapon is simply a must-have for Lao Liu!

Qingyang happily put all the last star crystal rewards into the warehouse, and then carefully took out the T8 Chichen battleship master blueprint.

[Whether to start optimization]

The prompt tone of Star Network sounded simultaneously.


[Optimization completed]


I haven't finished speaking yet!

Qingyang's head is full of questions. How long did it take for Star Network to optimize this drawing?

Was there a second?

"Star of Truth, can you do it better than StarNet?"

Qingyang asked silently in his heart.

[Each has its own strengths in terms of functions]

Huh? Did you really answer?

[Star Battleships have all been sold]

【Get star points:】

Qingyang, who was just about to continue to pester the Star of Truth, immediately retracted his attention and quickly bought all the star battleship resource packages that he had already selected.

The new fleet of eternal truth is right in front of you!

[The league plot is about to begin, iron men]

It was so uncomfortable to use my mobile phone to code words on the train. Thank you for the reward. I will thank you in a few chapters and I can see it~

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