Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 108 Kyushu Republic! The will of the eternal glowing star!

Kyushu Republic, a border star outpost.

A huge border outpost composed of thousands of fortresses and tens of thousands of battle stars, spanning hundreds of light years.

Completely block this external border crossing.

The starport is open to the outside world and is one light-day away from the outpost and five light-days in diameter.

There was a sudden wave in the central high-dimensional waterway.

The soldiers on duty looked intently, but murmured in their hearts, "How far is it to use the high-dimensional waterway to come back?"

At least 10,000 to 20,000 star sea distance units, right?

Remember that the distance unit of a star sea is 100 billion light years.

Following a burst of red gold and incandescent light, more than three hundred luxurious star warships suddenly sailed out.

One of the soldiers on duty glanced at him, his expression paused.

Samsung Silver Merit?

T7 fleet?

Merit medals are divided into four levels: bronze, silver, gold and glory, with nine stars for each level.

Even the lowest bronze medal requires a huge contribution, at least to wipe out a large void insect swarm alone.

Can a mere T7 fleet actually receive a Silver Medal? ?

"All of them! Salute!" The squad leader's voice suddenly came.


Many soldiers saluted the sudden appearance of the fleet and watched it sail out of the star port.

This fleet is the Eternal Fleet that spent a year in the Lansbut Nebula.

In addition to hunting everywhere with the military star fleet, Qingyang conducted thirty or forty dimensional world explorations in a year.

However, no meta-human civilization has been discovered in these dozens of times, and no world beyond the combat power of the Eternal Fleet has been encountered.

They are basically all kinds of dimensional worlds with a diameter of less than five thousand light years.

Although small, the rewards are equally generous. Qingyang more than doubled the size of the Eternal Fleet in just one year.

There are currently a total of 320 Chichen battleships and 40 Yaori-type aircraft carriers!

Taiyi and Breaking Formation have also made great improvements!

Both the Yuansha main cannon and the Miwu main cannon had their star levels maxed out. Although the 80,000 attack energy level did not meet the alliance's star-destroying standards, it was enough to defeat some medium-sized planets with a diameter of 40,000 to 50,000 kilometers.

Qingyang has always wondered why the Alliance believes that destroying small stars with one shot counts as destroying stars.

The rest of the star weapons have been improved more or less.

Led by Taiyi and Pozhen, 362 warships quickly sailed into the Jiayu border fortress.

[This is the Kyushu Republic, the Great Wall of Xinghai, and the border outpost]

[Please note, dear meritorious fleet, the league is approaching and the border area has suspended entry applications. Please enter the Republic of Kyushu at the Shenchuan City Trade Port Group]

[Monitoring Jiuzhou soul pulse reaction, manual communication is being transferred]

[Hello Commander Qingyang, welcome to the Kyushu Republic. Has your Kyushu soul vein been certified? 】

Hearing the gentle female voice in the communication, Qingyang immediately smiled and said: "Not yet, this is my first time in Kyushu."

Yes, this should be the first time in this life.

[Please also go to the marked area for certification. If possible, please verify your will a second time and join the Eternal Star Sect as much as possible]

Everlasting Star Sect?

Qingyang was startled for a moment, then smiled.

Not surprisingly, he should understand what kind of sect this is.

The border outpost let him go all the way, and Qingyang soon arrived in front of an illusory light curtain that looked like a wall in the universe.

As long as you pass this light curtain, you are the territory of the Kyushu Republic!

As a super-state, the Kyushu Republic’s territory is not entirely within the macrocosm.

Instead, based on the big universe, an extremely huge star network data world is overwritten into reality and used as a territory.

Except for ports open to the outside world and major border star outposts, no other place can enter the Kyushu Republic.

Qingyang took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement and nostalgia in his heart.

Then the Eternal Fleet docked in front of a huge building outside the light curtain.

Different from military buildings, this building is like an ancient jade attic, full of elegance and an indescribable sanctity.

Qingyang and others appeared on the platform in front of the building. The female officer who had been waiting for a long time smiled and said: "Commander, please follow me to the certification."


The rest of the people stayed outside consciously. Only Qingyang followed the female officer into this huge classical building.

The female officer chatted with Qingyang on the way: "Commander Qingyang, you should have known for a long time that you have the soul of Kyushu, right?"

"Yes, but there has never been a chance." Qingyang felt very sorry for this.

"I wonder who your parents are."

"Qingyun said, Yu Wenxue, but I don't think you have heard of it, sir." Qingyang responded with a smile.

But the female officer who was leading the way froze slightly and then laughed.

"We have arrived at the certification area. Get ready to stand on the Temple of Heaven in the middle."

In the center of the huge and majestic hall ahead, there is a light golden crystal Temple of Heaven, with countless complicated patterns flashing on it.

A five-pointed star shining with dazzling red light in the middle exudes dazzling light!

"You only need to undergo Yonghui Sect certification, and if the will of Yonghui God Star approves, then Commander Qingyang will naturally obtain the citizenship of the Kyushu Republic." The female officer said solemnly.

Qingyang nodded and walked up to the Temple of Heaven filled with sacred atmosphere with a serious expression.

The Temple of Heaven and the Red Star suddenly brightened up, and the originally looming sacred lines gradually became clear and began to spread towards the entire hall.

The female officer, who had an incomprehensible expression, opened her mouth slightly, as if she had seen something incredible.

Qingyang's consciousness was completely hazy at this moment.

In a daze, Qingyang's mental vision suddenly broadened.

This is an unknown vast and vast pale gold realm, with boundless golden mist billowing.

Suddenly, billions of golden mist rolled around.

The divine voice echoes, and the power of God permeates the air.

The five-pointed red gold star that occupies an unknown number of light-years slowly emerged from the golden mist, and unspeakable lines emerged layer by layer.

That is the power of the supreme will of countless stalwart human beings who have the will of the gods since the surface era of the Alliance, and which continues to this day!

Qingyang stared blankly at the divine star in front of him.

Immediately, a much smaller miniature god star line was outlined on his forehead, exuding a mysterious aura.

[Star of Truth Tip: Collaborators receive special and great blessings]

[The God of Eternal Glory]

[The eternal and glorious red star shines on its people forever, no matter the past, present or future]

[Memetic distortion immunity, mental bewitchment resistance +? ? ? 】

[Sacred Red Star: No matter what level of high-dimensional life, including divine life and extraordinary life, it cannot cause any mental interference or soul pollution.

(Immune to any personal control skills and mental attack skills on you!)]

[The spirit and will of the collaborators will last forever with the eternal and glorious red stars]

[Please note that your mental threshold has changed - mental threshold (meaning the divine star)]

[Threshold base strength unconditionally +100% (other functions are not developed)]

Qingyang slowly opened his eyes, and the complex divine star lines on his forehead gradually disappeared.

His eyes were filled with emotion.

The ancestors of that period probably never imagined that the Red Star could one day become the will to illuminate the world, right?

The female officer next to her was still a little dull.

She recognized the lines on Qingyang's forehead that distinguished him from normal Kyushu citizens.

Origin of Everlasting Star Inscription

Only families inherited from the surface period of Kyushu have a slight chance of having this kind of soul vein.

The Qing family seems to have been established only in the second era, right?

Then this is.

The female officer immediately stopped her horrifying thoughts.

Then his expression quickly returned to calm, and he handed over a wooden box: "Congratulations to Commander Qingyang for successful certification. This is your Divine Star Medal and Kyushu Star Ring. The Star Ring can enter the Star Network world of Kyushu at will."

Qingyang took it curiously.

Looking at the golden ring and red star medal in his hand, Qingyang was suddenly stunned, and then showed a faint smile.

There are three lines of subtle dark gold fonts engraved on the surface of the medal, which are ancient Kyushu characters that Qingyang is very familiar with.

[Be fearless and move forward bravely! ]

[The glorious and immortal belief in Datong will never be extinguished]

[The eternal and glorious will of the divine star will always be with you]

I will open a separate chapter for the data

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