Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 117 Skywalker mechs, killing enemies with luck (4/4)

Chapter 117 Skywalker mechs, killing enemies with luck (44)

The Starnet screen expands.

Qingyang was startled. This was the first time he saw a human girl whose appearance and temperament were not inferior to Chang Xi's in all aspects.

The long, wavy, pale golden hair exudes a hazy luster, and the same color is full of peace.

The most important thing is its holiness that can be clearly felt through the StarNet screen!

Holy and bright.

However, Gao Xiao had been influenced by Chang Xi's beauty at close range for a long time, and Qing Ji quickly came back to his senses.

"Miss Kristyna.

What is it that requires a six-ring gold medal fleet to request alliance with the Eternal Fleet? "

At the same time, he threw a probe towards Kristina.

【Chris Tina】

[Cathedral of Saint Sophia (Church)—Holy Lady (Class 021)]

[Description: After the changes in the fifth era, Hagia Sophia has become its own line, belonging to a force inherited from the first era.

It owns three top conglomerates in the alliance: the Eden Foundation, the Saint Sophia Foundation, and the Paradise Foundation.

The divinity of the Catholic faith, which had disappeared in the long history, came in the third era, trying to completely spread his faith in the alliance.

Eventually, he was suppressed by the Archbishop (Commander) of St. Sophia at the time. Because Catholicism was deliberately forgotten by all humans, it eventually completely dissipated, and most of its assets and heritage became the current church]

Qingyang raised his eyebrows.

"Commander Qingyang is humble, the Eternal Truth Fleet is powerful enough to be worthy of the name of Kyushu.

The joint target is a ruins that the alliance has put on the field. The defense force of the ruins cannot be competed by the Saint Sophia fleet alone, so they want to find a fleet that is not too different to explore together. "

Chris Tina said truthfully, her tone always calm.

Different from Chang Xi's gentle kindness.

When Qingyang heard this, he was overjoyed and praised Gu Xing again!

Seeing that Qingyang did not answer, Kristina still smiled: "The relics that the alliance put on the field are very powerful, including star weapons and even some special treasures.

The first fleet to enter the ruins will get the score of conquering the ruins. I only need one sculpture inside, and the rest is yours. "

"Sculpture?" Qingyang was confused.

"That ruins was a former Catholic church built in the Second Age. According to the Catholic style, there must be sculptures from the First Age inside to suppress the power of faith.

Now the sculpture has no practical use, it is just an antique that has a lot to do with me. "Chris Tina laughed.

Qingyang did not doubt Kristina's words. After all, no matter what, the other party would never do anything harmful to the Alliance people.

However, this kind of attitude that does not care about Xingwu and the treasures inside can only be said to be the genius of a big force!


Chris Tina nodded slightly: "Please also ask Commander Qingyang to follow the Saint Sophia fleet to the area where the ruins are located."


Kristina turned around and looked at the core crew members who were standing neatly and orderly, wearing pure white uniforms.

"lets go."


Dozens of people responded at the same time, and the eight people at the front were wearing medals in the style of Starry Sky Adjutants.

The two fleets jumped into the dark space one after another and quickly jumped in one direction.

Live channel.

"Ah ah ah! Goddess Chang Xi and Saint Tina are in the same frame and hit hard!"

"Commander Qingyang!! I'm so envious."


Apparently Kristyna also has many fans.

Hanxing Federation, somewhere in the galaxy was completely transformed into a huge holy classical place.

Hundreds of feather-like starry sky continents gather together to form a world's wings that are tens of millions of kilometers long.

Divine radiance illuminates the starry sky.

Among the nebula-like planets at the junction of the wings.

An old Westerner who was playing chess in a dreamy garden stared at Qingyang in the live broadcast.

He raised his eyebrows.

The face looks so familiar

That’s it, I don’t think about it anymore, I probably saw it in some information.

Then the old man looked at his chess opponent: "There are countless geniuses in every generation in Kyushu."

"That's not certain. After all, the background is there. Your granddaughter and Qingyang seem to be a good match." The man smiled.

The old man paused: "Huh? Do you know this Qingyang?"

"Of course I do."


"my son!"


Qingyang followed Kristina at high speed for several hours.

Finally, it stopped in an empty, dark starry sky.

Qingyang felt a special kind of spatial fluctuation for the first time, and immediately looked in that direction.

On the communication screen, Kris Tina, who was about to speak, couldn't help but be surprised.

Even if her mental threshold is perfect +9, if she wants to lock the hidden space rift, she will need the assistance of star weapons.

Qingyang could actually detect it directly?

Seeing this, Chris Tina didn't bother to explain, and said directly: "As long as you get close to the five-light sky around the space rift, the guard mechanism of this ruin will be triggered.

This guard mechanism cannot be solved by the Saint Sophia fleet alone. "

"What is the energy level of your strongest main gun? Actual kills." Qingyang suddenly asked.


Chris Tina said calmly, without any intention to hide anything.

"Since all the benefits are given to me, I won't bother Commander Tina to do it myself. Our ship can handle the matter entirely."

Qingyang smiled and said that the Eternal Truth Fleet sailed forward directly.

Kristina frowned slightly, and the crew members behind her also frowned.

The average quality of the Eternal Truth fleet is not much different from theirs, with only more than 300 ships in number.

Even the Saint Sophia fleet cannot compete, let alone the Eternal Truth Fleet.

Are you sure this behavior isn't egotistical?

Qingyang didn't care what others thought, the fleet had already sailed into the five-light sky range of the space rift.

[Please note that the energy source is unknown, this is an error.]

[Activating guard mechanism - Skywalker mechs]

In an instant, a huge silver light covered the surrounding five-light sky.

Then one was about 30,000 meters high.

A body that seemed to be composed of countless crystal feathers appeared in front of the space crack.

Three pairs of wings-like aircraft were shining with silvery white light. In the middle of the wing-like aircraft, there was a simple structure composed of five huge coffin-shaped crystals.

From a distance, it looks like an angel has descended into reality.

Qingyang sneered: "Gu Xing, give the second command authority to you and just order the entire ship to bombard."

"Ah? Yes!"

Gu Xing reacted immediately: "Fleet, focus the fire!"

Hundreds of Chichen battleships and Yaori aircraft carriers immediately launched a dense and majestic torrent of attacks, sweeping towards the Skywalker mechs.

[Trigger Corruption Power Light Spear Strike]

[Trigger Corruption Power Light Spear Strike]


There is a one in a thousand chance that just one strike will trigger seven light spear strikes of the power of corruption!

The purple light spear, which had a hundred thousand energy level and was blessed by the power of high-dimensional corruption, suddenly stood out from the torrent of attacks!

Be the first to hit the Skywalker mechs!

The terrifying power that is enough to destroy stars swept tens of millions of kilometers around, and the purple energy storm containing high-dimensional damage instantly covered the Skywalker mechs.

Qingyang once experimented that as long as every ten days, the ancient star's luck wave function can take effect in this regard.

I don’t know how many civilizations in the Ransboot Nebula have suffered from this.

The Skywalker mechs are just another victim of Gu Xinghei's men.

No matter how powerful the Skywalker mechs were, they were still creations from several epochs ago.

Now facing several hundred thousand level blows, he only lasted a few seconds before being defeated.


Kristina's pink lips were slightly opened, and she stared in astonishment at the Skywalker mechs that were gradually disintegrating in the purple energy storm.

Could this be the intensity that the top genius of Kyushu Kingdom should have?

Does T7 have attack methods at the level of T6 Star Destroyer? !

"Commander Qingyang, you are truly incredible."

Kristina finally spoke in praise.

"You're welcome, it's just luck."

"You are so humble." Chris Tina admired.

Qingyang could only laugh twice. To be honest, no one believed it.

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