Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 119 Submit the paper in advance, the capital of Kyushu, ‘Star’

The old man reluctantly put down the chess piece in his hand and did not answer the question.

"Although it is not a malicious invasion by the gods, it is equivalent to provoking the majesty of the alliance. Naturally, the Holy Church will not watch. Give me a list."

Qingyundao did not continue to tease and directly sent the list to the old man in front of him.

As Kristina's grandfather, the old man in front of him did not inherit the Saint Sophia Fleet, which represents the facade of the church. It does not mean that his talent does not meet the requirements.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of the extremely high talent and arrogance of the person in front of him that he did not inherit the fleet from his ancestors.

Instead, they chose to build a new fleet on their own.

Obviously, the old man's achievements are worthy of his arrogance, and the fleet he built has become one of the top fleets in the alliance.

The reputation is far greater than that of the Saint Sophia Fleet at its peak!


Qingyundao sat down again and picked up a chess piece, his monocle glowing slightly.

Recently, the intensity of luck around Qingyang has exceeded the limit of luck that the ancient star can bring.


On the other side, Qingyang obediently listened to Chang Xi and Gu Xue's scolding.

His mind has sunk into consciousness, and he is checking the reward of this Star of Truth.

[Congratulations on getting the entry - Spiritual Master (Excellence)]

[Basic effect: Dataized star fleet load -25%, mental threshold materialized]

[Additional effect: Obtain the functions and characteristics of the next level of mental threshold in advance]

Reduce the pressure of digitalization by 25% and make it more substantial?

Qingyang was inexplicably surprised. As the fleet size and level increase, the 25% effect will become stronger and stronger!

The effect will be very significant if matched with your own mental threshold strength.

What's more, there is not only this load reduction method, but also a special star weapon without quality classification given by my father.

Adding the two to the same mental threshold strength, Qingyang Energy's digitized fleet is twice as large as the commanders of the same level!

But what are the functions and characteristics of obtaining the next level of mental threshold in advance?

[Star Network is loading]

[Special amplification detected, allowing Commander Qingyang to fully use T6 mental threshold functions and features]

【Loading in advance】

[Basic function-memory data

[Memory data block - greatly improves data memory, no need to occupy brain space, data can be stored in it, and can be consulted at will with mental power]

[Memory data insurance - if you know dangerous knowledge about memes, high dimensions, rules, etc., this function will block the perception of dangerous sources]

[Confirmation completed, template - Kyushu Republic, Origin Soul Vein]

[Turn on the feature—Kyushu Origin (288 tracks already)]

[Effect: Great cycle - the first attack fails to kill the enemy, the second attack +5% power, and finally increases to 200% kill, and continues the attack power until the target dies]

[Other effects require a higher mental threshold level to be activated]


too strong!

Whether it is practical memory data or this feature, it is very powerful.

But there are actually 288 ways to the origin of Kyushu?

Could it be that there are still 287 people born in the surface period?

I don’t know if I know anyone.

Qingyang was suddenly very curious about the other two hundred people.

Chang Xi and Gu Xue finally stopped preaching: "Don't be so reckless next time. It's fine within the alliance territory, but what about outside the alliance territory."

Qingyang nodded quickly. He also felt that he was a little impulsive this time.

Of course, what's more, it's because this league world is under the real-time supervision of Star Network that they are so bold.

Qingyang looked at Tina, who was smiling all the time: "Thank you, I wonder what your plans are next?"

Chris Tina was startled, and then responded: "Except for this joint effort to defeat the fallen machine, my achievements are not many. I have to continue to participate in various events."

"Commander Qingyang's points and performance, including defeating Skywalker and developing relics, are enough to enter the first sequence, right?"

Qingyang nodded, and with a wave of his hand, thirty-five anti-matter bombs emitting hundreds of thousands of energy levels appeared in the ruins hall.

"I made these using the existing resources in the league world. I originally planned to sneak attack important planets and brain worms in the civilization block.

Now that you have reached the first sequence stably, the anti-matter bomb is given to you, which can be regarded as a thank you gift for the extra gains from the ruins. "

Qingyang smiled and said: "Besides, I am planning to leave early."

Chris Tina was not surprised.

For the first time, you can only compete in the newcomer intensity area. Except for five types of blocks and very few ruins, there is nothing extra.

As long as they obtain two rare results and enough points to stabilize their first-series rank, the top genius commanders will not stay any longer.

"I hope to cooperate with Commander Qingyang again next time in the overall ranking event." Tina bowed slightly and smiled.

Qingyang nodded and sent the data into the Tai No. 1 control room.

"Xingwang, please submit the application in advance, oh no, leave!"

[Confirmed, Commander Qingyang handed in his papers and left in advance]


Will Star Network still make fun of you?

The next moment, the Eternal Truth Fleet disappeared directly into the ruins church.

Kristina looked at the place where the Eternal Fleet disappeared and fell into deep thought, then turned around: "Put the friends' gifts into the warehouse and get the results as planned."

"Yes! Commander!"

[Results Settlement: Clear an omnic block (newcomer intensity)

Defeat the Skywalker Troopers (18% status)

The top ten rookie ruin starters in the league

The record of the entire league of the Fifth Epoch—the first sequence of potential list is locked, and the top 100 speed runners]

[Points: 3201w]

[Confirmed: Potential list—first sequence contestant]

[Awarded title: Alliance Hidden Dragon]

[Reward: Spiritual threshold +1, 80% of the cost of upgrading the T6 fleet is borne by the alliance, 1 customized golden star weapon, 2 golden star crystals, and points converted into double star points]

Qingyang looked at the rewards with surprise, all of which were extremely useful to him.

Obviously, rewards of equal value are given according to different personal needs!

[Spiritual threshold +8]

Qingyang decisively took out the soul fruit and ate it in two bites.

[Spiritual threshold +10]

[Note that continuing to increase the spiritual threshold will not cause level changes, and the upper limit is 100 times the basic perfection]

Closing the panel, Qingyang was in a dilemma about customizing the star weapon.

Replace the previous star weapon or choose a new star weapon?

The Return to the Sky Wall is a red shield star weapon, which has not been fully upgraded. There can only be one shield star weapon in the fleet.

Qingyang finally decided: "Unite the shield star weapon!" As for the return to the sky wall, it can be exchanged for a star weapon of similar quality. There is no shortage of shield star weapons. Qingyang exhaled and controlled the fleet to leave the standby area for the contestants in SZ City. "Brother Qingyang, what's the next plan?" Gu Xue looked at Qingyang expectantly. Qingyang understood, and then pretended to be puzzled: "Plan? Go to the border war zone through the high-dimensional waterway, further out of the alliance, and see the starry sea scenery?" Gu Xue was furious when she saw this: "Brother Qingyang!!" "Hahahaha, just kidding, of course it's a trip to the Tianxing Empire and tie our adjutant Gu Xue on the boat." Qingyang laughed. [Ding, there is a message from you] Qingyang was stunned, and his mental power quickly scanned it. His expression showed a touch of surprise: "Before going to the Tianxing Empire, I need to see my father first." Brother Qingyang's father? Gu Xue immediately became energetic: "No problem! I agree!" Chang Xi smiled and touched Gu Xue's head. Leaving behind a few photos of the starry sky scenery of SZ City and Wujiang District, the Eternal Truth Fleet drove directly into the high-speed waterway.

[Ahead - Tianfu City]

On the Star Network live broadcast channel, many viewers were faced with a black screen live broadcast room that suddenly displayed the words "the contestant has completed the competition."

They were all stunned.

"What the hell? The competition is completed just like that?"

"It's only been a dozen days, right? According to Commander Qingyang's ability, there is hope for the first sequence of the potential list!"

"The first sequence list has been updated!!"

"Commander Qingyang! Currently, only Commander Qingyang is in the first sequence of the potential list!"

"Is this a record?"


The amazing news spread to the entire alliance at a very fast speed. In the fifth era, the first sequence speed pass list was refreshed again in the top 100!

The entire alliance was in a sensation.

However, compared to Qingyang, Chang Xi and Gu Xue are no less famous.

The former relies on his own powerful data power and help to Qingyang, while the latter relies on the shocking Law of the Universe.

That ethereal voice that cleanses the soul and even the will directly makes Gu Xue's fame in the entertainment sector soar at a very high speed!

As for Qingyang, he has a mysterious talent comparable to that of a six-ring epic commander, a top-grade exclusive battleship model, and a strong luck.

Countless honors are stacked on him, and his reputation is also huge among the young people in the alliance.

The phenomenal popularity of the alliance makes many stars in the Star Sea envious.

In terms of reputation and fame acquisition efficiency, no one can compare to the Starry Sky Commander!

In the Magic Sea Academy, many senior executives breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"At least among the first-time contestants, we have a first-sequence genius, so we don't have to worry about recruiting students next year."

"There is no need to worry too much about the overall ranking. The old-fashioned geniuses we have cultivated are no worse than those of other academies."

"Qingyang. There is a golden optical brain matrix star weapon in the academy warehouse? It can be regarded as a reward from the academy."

"Also, go to the Starry Sky Adjutant Department to help Qingyang choose two adjutants, and adopt a registration system."

Qingyang is not clear about the things on the Internet and the rewards of the Magic Sea Academy. At this moment, he is about to arrive in Tianfu City.

[Five point eight light years ahead, high-speed waterway exit]

Qingyang, who had been traveling for three hours, had his eyes light up and immediately controlled the fleet to jump out.

[Respected Meritorious Fleet, Commander Qingyang]

[Tianfu Welcomes You]

As the dazzling light gradually faded, the capital of the Kyushu Republic officially entered Qingyang's field of vision!


Everyone didn't know how to describe it except shocking.

The super-giant disc made of unknown technology has a diameter of five light years!

Light years!

The key is that this kind of disc has not just one, but hundreds of them.

With the largest five-light-year diameter disc-shaped continent in the middle as the center, the diameters of many discs gradually decrease, and finally hundreds of super-giant discs form a sphere.

The upper and lower distances of each layer of discs are about twenty light days, except for the vast great cities and dreamy ecological buildings on the discs.

There are also giant star systems and countless life planets suspended between the discs.

Millions of star gates connect all parts of this huge and dreamy "capital star".

Outside the capital planet, countless trade planets and ships come and go.

Forming rivers of light formed by countless ships, surrounding this extremely majestic "planet".

The Eternal Fleet anchored at a platform under the guidance of intelligence.

"You guys play first, I'm going to meet my father."

Qingyang quickly came to his senses, turned around and said to everyone.

Then disappeared directly into the control room.

My brain is going to burst. The turning chapter takes too much brain power. I will make up for it tomorrow (originally planned to make it up to 7,000 tomorrow).

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