Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 122 Brother Qingyang’s communication, changes in Stan’s world!

Kyushu Republic, Shenchuan City International High-Dimensional Waterway.

Relying on Yinxun's merits, the high-dimensional channel of the Ancient Star Domain of the Sky Star Empire was determined to be the exit, and the Eternal Truth Fleet sailed directly into the channel unimpeded.

In the high-dimensional waterway, Qingyang held a core crew meeting.

Quickly determine the rough plan for the next step so that everyone can have a clear understanding of the situation.

It is nothing more than relying on star points and truth points to enter and exit the dimensional world at high frequencies, and at the same time using high-dimensional waterways to reach border theaters.

To be precise, it is the boundless sea of ​​stars outside the frontier war zone.

In the Star Sea area, in addition to a large number of non-hostile civilizations and ethnic groups, there are also rumors that there are sub-human affiliated civilizations placed there by the alliance.

There are basically beast girls, cat girls, humanoid silicon-based creatures and even energy creatures.

There are also many allies and affiliated civilizations that are not humanoid in appearance, but are quite handsome and interesting.

Of course, Qingyang's main goal is the countless ruins, civilization sites and wonderful areas in the Star Sea.

Chang Xi then made a series of work arrangements for the nearly 100,000-strong crew.

Conventional weapons maintenance, training of 20,000 average third-level genetic warriors and weapon logistics maintenance, conventional scientific research and technology arrangements, etc.

Except for the 20,000 genetic warriors who are needed in individual cases, the others are all for preparation.

Starting from when the starry sky fleet reaches T6, in addition to the core starry sky battleships, it is also equipped with a large number of semi-digital conventional fleet groups.

As the level of the Starry Sky Fleet increases, the Starry Sky Fleet is not so much a fleet.

It is better to say that it is a complete war group with a complete system that can cope with almost all war conditions.

As far as Qingyang knows, the prototype of conventional war hubs such as the Apocalypse type is a certain type of T3 star battleship.

Who would dare to believe that thing was a battleship?

Therefore, the role of the T8T7 crew may not be obvious. For the larger star fleet, the role of the crew cannot be replaced.

Extraordinaries, researchers, and commanders, combined with digitalization, form an efficient logistics, war, scientific research, and production system.

After basically determining the short-term direction, Qingyang ended the meeting.

"Li Qing, Wang Zilan, how familiar are you with Taiyi?" Qingyang asked with a smile.

The two people immediately praised: "It is very beautiful, both in layout and style, it is comparable to a luxury manor!"

Qingyang smiled: "Just get used to it."

According to the size of Tai 1 at the moment, all the materials taking up space were sent into the mountain.

Many areas are vacant on a large scale, so Qingyang has set up many garden ecological areas.

The middle ecological layer of Taiyi No. 1 includes woods, small lakes, rivers, and beaches. You can also see many flowers and plants in other places.

Coupled with the spacious aisles and the internal layout of the ship, the crew will not feel any discomfort.

"Brother Qingyang, have you thought about how to tell my parents?" Gu Xue suddenly approached and asked nervously.

Li Qing and Wang Zilan looked at each other, decisively made room for them and walked towards the entertainment area.

Seeing this, Qingyang knew that the two must have misunderstood something, but he was too lazy to explain.

"Don't worry, Alliance Qianlong, Jiuzhou Soul Vein, plus my dad's status, although I don't know it very well, but I think it's very high, it won't be a problem.

Just treat it as going home to visit relatives, and send Varun and Mia home to visit relatives halfway.

It just so happens that I have a place in the Star Empire. It turns out that it is not difficult to get Varun’s parents to settle in the Star Empire. "Qingyang said confidently.

The two people who were busy at the side suddenly raised their heads, their eyes full of emotion.

The two of them usually don't have a high presence among the core crew, but he didn't expect Qingyang to think of their parents in such a small way.

Qingyang had a flash of inspiration: "Oh, right! It just so happens that the relatives of the crew members who have performed well can come and settle in my place in the Sky Star Empire.

Chang Xi, record it and add it next time you update the year-end bonus column. "

It is impossible to live in that area, so it is better to use it to improve the motivation of the crew. The opportunity to settle in a high-power country is extremely precious to people under a powerful country.

A powerful country blessed with the luck of the alliance has a very high chance of producing talented children.

The soul and will will also be subtly improved.

"Okay, Commander."

Gu Xue received a positive answer and left with satisfaction.

[Didi, communication application]

Qingyang was startled and immediately became serious when he saw the person coming.

Dad’s son from his previous life, his own brother?

Qingyang quickly walked into the living area, took a deep breath, and connected the communication.

The screen unfolded, and a young man with broken hair was looking at him with a smile on his face.

The area he was in seemed to be a command area, with countless command platforms suspended in the space beyond his sight.

"Brother Qingyang?" The young man with broken hair smiled.

Qingyang was speechless for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Brother Feng Xiao?"

The two were silent for a moment, and then laughed at the same time.

"Don't be nervous. First of all, I am your brother, soul connection, and secondly, the commander." Feng Xiao seemed extremely happy.

"This time I mainly wanted to see what my brilliant younger brother looks like. I didn't expect him to be shy hahahahaha."

Qingyang suddenly touched his head in embarrassment.

According to Qingyundao, Feng Xiao has been active since the beginning of the Fourth Age, and was reincarnated more than ten times during the process to improve the fleet's heritage.

Eight million star-sea years have passed since my last reincarnation, and I'm afraid I'm still a toddler in their eyes?

"The boss's brother, let me take a look." Suddenly, a young man who looked quite active squeezed into the panel.

"Hello, brother. I'm the first crew member of the boss, Wang Hao. You can call me Brother Hao." Wang Hao's eyes lit up when he saw Qingyang.

Feng Xiao said helplessly: "You guy, you really should send you to reincarnate again."

"Don't be so ruthless, I also want to see my brother."

Wang Hao's face immediately became serious: "In addition, we have reached the target civilization group, which is a super star cluster scale."

Qingyang, who was thinking about how to reply, was stunned. Is Feng Xiao conducting a pioneering war?

"8% of the civilizations are heretics who believe in God, and there are many civilizations that believe in miscellaneous gods. How to deal with them."

Wang Hao added.

Feng Xiao glanced at Qingyang and showed a kind smile.

"According to the alliance convention, declare war on all civilizations in this world."


Wang Hao left, and Feng Xiao continued: "Why don't we find some topics? For example, Dad's black history?"

Qingyang, who was still thinking about why Feng Xiao attacked the Catholic civilization, was immediately cheered up: "Okay!"

Twenty minutes later, Qingyang walked out of the residential area in a good mood.

Gu Xing, who was playing cards with Tian Ling, asked curiously: "What's wrong? You seem to be in a good mood."

"I just had a video call with my family."

Qingyang glanced at Tian Ling, who looked normal, hesitated for a moment, and then came to Tian Ling and squatted.

"Tian Ling, are you okay recently?"

Tian Ling's cold little face softened slightly when she saw Qingyang: "Yes, Commander.

I'm just a little tired occasionally. When I fell asleep, I kept dreaming of a lot of gears and machines swallowing the galaxy. There was nothing else unusual."

Qingyang became more worried after hearing this.

Dreaming of mechanical gears seems to be abnormal, right?

Qingyang didn't say much, he got up and touched Tian Ling's little head: "Well, tell me if there is anything abnormal, you will always be an important member of Taiyi."

Tian Ling nodded slightly, looked at Qingyang's back as he left, and his expression returned to a cold state and looked at the cards in his hand again.

Gu Xing listened to all the conversations on the side and continued to play cards without any expression.

In the final analysis, the problem lies in that mechanical divinity. As long as it is within the range of the star network, it is difficult for Tian Ling to get into trouble.

Time passed like a flushed toilet, and the leisurely journey soon ended.

[Next stop - Tianxing Empire·Gu Zun Star Region]

Gu Xue, who had already prepared, calmed down her uneasy mood and looked at Qingyang, who was wearing a black Zhongshan suit and holding a Qilin staff, and felt relieved.

The Four Saints' Rings glowed faintly, and the tiny silver-white force field rings around her body slowly rotated, coupled with her orthodox clothing of Jiuzhou.

It vaguely gave people a sense of the aura of a superior.

Seeing the top leaders of a powerful family, and a vassal state of Jiuzhou, it was naturally not possible to be casual.

As the Eternal Fleet left the high-dimensional channel.

The prosperous core area of ​​the Gu Zun Star Region came into Qingyang's eyes.

It was huge in scale, with huge structures everywhere, but compared with what Jiuzhou had seen, it could only be said to be not bad.

Suzhou Wujiang District alone was several times larger and more shocking than that.

Qingyang, Gu Xing's brother and sister, Li Qing and Wang Zilan, the five of them took the star shuttle together to the core Gu family ancestral star.

Among them, Li Qing and Wang Zilan both came from big families in the Kyushu Republic, and they brought them to show off, after all, Qingyang didn't know what his background was.

You can't just say, "My father is Qing Yundao, my brother is Feng Xiao" as soon as you meet them, right?

Although it may be very useful

As the star shuttle shuttled all the way, the five people came to the Gu family's ancestral star after revealing their identities.

The huge nebula-shaped planet exuded a soft glow.

As soon as everyone got off the star shuttle, they saw a group of people waiting in front of the mansion in the distance.

Gu Xue immediately passed the crowd and excitedly rushed to one of the women.


Murong Daohua first touched his daughter's face, and the tall man next to him also smiled and watched this scene.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the man's expression gradually became serious: "My friend Qingyang, I have heard of your name for a long time. I am the current head of the Gu family, and also Xiaoxue's father, Gu Zhongxing."

"Hello, Uncle Zhongxing, it's an honor to meet you." Qingyang smiled, without any stage fright.

Even if the Star of Truth showed that the actual life level of the person in front of him had reached the four-star high dimension.

"Hello, Master Gu. I'm Miss Gu Xue's colleague, Li Qing. This is Wang Zilan." The two followed closely and said politely.

A smile flashed in Gu Zhongxing's eyes. He could see what Qingyang was thinking.

"Hahaha, since we are all Xiaoxue's friends, let's go in and talk first."

Gu Zhongxing laughed, and his eyes suddenly paused on a sneaky little bird behind Qingyang, and then moved away without a trace.

The look he gave Qingyang changed again.


The dimensional world where Stan civilization was discovered.

The starry sky that was originally dotted with stars was completely cleared, leaving only a lonely darkness.

However, in the core area of ​​the dimensional world, a military base with a diameter of several light years is taking shape rapidly.

Countless war stars, starry sky fortresses, force field war stars and even neutron war stars appeared one after another.

Thousands of neutron war stars with a core diameter of only ten kilometers wrapped the huge dimensional crack in the middle.

Suddenly, as the starry sky above dimmed, the apocalypse-type war hub officially entered the scene.

"Are you sure? The diameter of the dimensional world on the other side is 160 billion light years, and traces of human beings have been found?"

"Yes, and there are four gods. The will of that human civilization has been interfered with for generations!"

"If it weren't for the strong human civilization, the outstanding will, and the protection of a pseudo-divine great human being for hundreds of millions of years, I'm afraid it would have perished long ago."

"Oh? A native metahuman who has reached the pseudo-divine level?"

"Yes, according to world information analysis, the humans in that dimensional world respectfully call it——

Emperor! "

The warhammer here is modified by the second creation, not entirely based on the background, after all, the original expressiveness

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