Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 144 Galactic Behemoth: What’s going on?

Following the high-dimensional waterway, Tai-1 flew very quickly towards the Alliance high-dimensional base where the giant nebula was visible.

In order to ensure extremely high rapid response efficiency to the star sea, the alliance has placed a high-dimensional base in many areas of all super star clusters and large nebulae.

When there is no war, the high-dimensional channels outside the high-dimensional base are open.

As long as it is not in a state of hostile war with the alliance or alliance allies, any civilization can use these high-dimensional waterway networks that connect the entire star sea.

Even the armies of various civilizations are allowed to use it at will.

This is also one of the reasons why there are more civilizations at all levels in the Star Sea area, with stronger quality and a more stable environment. It is too easy to start a war across super long distances.

Invisibly, it has a certain deterrent effect.

The prosperous and complete high-dimensional waterway network allows civilizations to no longer use war as the main means to obtain resources, and the proportion of trade exchanges is no less than that of war.

After all, civilizations above level seven in the star sea can assimilate the dimensional world and obtain rewards and resources from the universe. The resources are endless.

However, they do not have the authority to choose whether to integrate the dimensional world into the macrocosm. As long as the assimilation is completed, the macrocosm will randomly integrate most of the worlds into the star sea.

In addition, a small part is randomly integrated into other extremely distant large nebulae or civilization cluster areas.

Xue Jian Nebula, an alpine base closest to the mission site.

Tai 1 suddenly jumped out of the high-dimensional waterway and headed straight for its destination in the distance.

There was no pause.

The surrounding area covers thousands of light-years, and because of the alliance's high base, it gradually gathers and takes shape, becoming an extremely prosperous gathering area for thousands of races.

Countless warships traveling between several huge high-dimensional waterways formed a galaxy that shone with dazzling light.

Countless trading planets and fortresses are also traveling around.

Various ethnic groups of all kinds exchange and trade here, and explorers from different races chat happily with each other.

Suddenly, many powerful private individuals in the gathering area captured Taiyi's signal.

"The star fleet genius of the Alliance? It's really rare."

"Yeah, by the way, the starry sky fleet system is really too perverted, far more powerful than the systems owned by those overlord civilizations."

"It should be that the Star Network of the Alliance is powerful. Rather than saying that the Star Fleet is the strategic system of the Alliance, it is better to say that the Star Network is

From what I see, the Starry Sky Fleet is just an intuitive representation of Starnet’s combat effectiveness. "

"No, no, no, before the construction of the Star Network, in the early and middle stages of the Fourth Era, the Alliance was already the overlord of the Star Sea.

At that time, the Alliance had a mixture of seven or eight systems including starships, psykers, and data corps.

Any one of them can kill a large number of civilized coalition forces alone.

It can only be said that the biggest bug of the alliance is their technical strength. The core of other civilizations' strategic systems are certain rules of the macrocosm. Only the alliance's star network is divorced from the macrocosm. "


Many advanced civilization explorers with extensive knowledge began to argue.

Because of their high degree of evolution, these advanced civilizations are comfortable to look at even if they do not conform to human aesthetics, and most of their ideas and concepts are gradually becoming consistent.

Basically, they have established diplomatic relations with the Alliance. As a powerful explorer in it, they naturally know a lot of inside information.

Lanlu civilization, the three-eyed subhuman race.

A civilization born with strong spiritual power, under the protection of the alliance, successfully survived the last cosmic retrospection, and is now the seventh-level peak civilization of the Xuejian Nebula.

On the outskirts of a certain primitive star lake, thousands of huge shuttle-shaped warships were parked quietly.

Each ship has the alliance's Star Destroyer standard, and its attack strength reaches 10w. It can easily destroy a small star, and its attack strength is comparable to that of an ordinary or mid-range T6 Star Destroyer.

If we do not count the star weapons, commander talents and other blessings, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time and a certain amount of battle losses for the Eternal Fleet to deal with this fleet.

They are the main battleships of Lanlu Civilization, used to fight against civilizations and races of the same level.

"How is it?" the commanding officer asked.

"It is certain that the Galactic beast has entered this star lake!"

The Lanlu adjutant with vertical eyes on his forehead immediately responded with mental communication.

The commanding officer nodded: "Inform the other eleven fleets to block the dark space signal of this star lake and wait for the genius of civilization to come."


Lanlu Civilization, which had learned in advance that Qingyang was coming, could not interfere in the war trial of the alliance's geniuses, but there was still no problem with a simple show of goodwill.

For example, driving the trial to a specific location and warning of other dangers outside of the trial.

As the fleet was gathered, a powerful surveillance network completely covered the Star Lake area, which was thousands of light years in diameter.

Every trace inside is under the surveillance of Lanlu's fleet, including the Galactic beast!

Qingyang, who received the news and quickly headed to the target Star Lake, was memorizing the information about the Galactic beast.

【The Beast of Galdis】

[Reproduction area: dark space]

[Character: No high intelligence, cunning character, usually actively attacks fleets and life forms traveling through the dark space basin to seize the energy source]

[Actual combat power: Level 9 high-level star beast (prime age)]

Level nine advanced?

Qingyang frowned. Normally speaking, the defensive field of a ninth-level high-level behemoth should have an index level of 400,000 and an attack power of about 300,000. The Eternal Fleet would be more than enough to deal with it.

Shouldn’t the trial tasks be similar?

Even if the Yaqiu civilization gathered 80% of its legions from the beginning, the Eternal Fleet would not be able to act recklessly.

It's a pity that they have to be delivered in batches.

Obviously, it has never fought against civilizations of the same level.

[Detailed living habits and expertise]

[The common hunting methods used by Galactic beasts.]

[Detailed explanation of weakness encyclopedia.]

After familiarizing himself with the data of the Galactis beast, Qingyang finally knew why it was his target this time.

[Powerful space teleportation ability - thirty light second radius teleportation range, T6 mothership's built-in suppression is invalid]

[Extremely high space alert organ—Purple Hidden Star Weapon Invalidation]

[Cunning combat behavior pattern - very few deadly battles are mainly sneak attacks]

It is true that the Eternal Truth Fleet is very restrained, but the war trial task assignor of the Alliance seems to have received incomplete information?

At least they didn't count one of the core crew members, or she was not included in the crew list in the first place, but existed as a fleet mascot or pet.

Concubine Xiang!

With the upgrade of the fleet, the assimilation of two worlds hundreds of thousands of light years in size, plus the previous encounters with their respective high-dimensional environments.

Xiang Fei is now no weaker than the Galactic beast, and even some of her attacks have gradually become high-dimensional attack characteristics.

It was enough to entangle the Galactic beast in a head-on conflict, and then the Star Destroyer and aircraft carrier completed the final kill.


As the darling of Gao Dimension, Concubine Xiang can also teleport!

Finally, he took a look at the Galactic beast, which was more than two hundred kilometers in size, like a six-armed mantis, and had a lower body like a worm.

Qingyang closed the panel and closed his eyes to rest.

To keep up with the teleporting behemoth Galdis, the fleet must make many instantaneous jumps.

Qingyang needs to ensure that his mental threshold and mental strength are sufficient.

Qingyang has already planned the battle process. The Chichen battleship will be used to entangle and attract the enemy's attention. Star destroyers and aircraft carriers will be the main force, and special battleships will assist in the battle.

Concubine Xiang tried her best to drag the Galactic beast and keep it in a small area as much as possible.

The Star Carrier's digitized mechanical fleet quickly consumed the Galactic beast's defensive field.

According to the data, Galdis' defensive field is immune to attacks worth up to 10,000.

Four hundred thousand warships with 60,000 kills and a concentrated fire attack were enough to threaten the Galactic beast.

The journey didn't last long, and Tai 1 quickly arrived at its target Star Lake.

Expressing greetings to the fleet of Lanlu Civilization, Taiyi released the Eternal Fleet and jumped directly into the gorgeous star lake ahead.

The two huge motherships activated their auxiliary equipment and brought the Eternal Fleet into hiding.

The ability of Wang Zilan and related entries can be activated quickly.

Under multiple amplifications, even the behemoth of Galactis will still be unable to detect the approach of the Eternal Fleet unless it is within hundreds of millions of kilometers.

At this distance, it may be possible to conduct a long-range concentrated fire strike, consuming 10% of the target's defense.

Qingyang's thoughts moved slightly as he looked at the Galactic beast getting closer and closer in the star map.


Got the signal mechanical rule contaminant in Galadis' body? !

Qingyang suddenly stood up and looked seriously at the special mark displayed on the local star network, which completely coincided with the Galactic beast.

"It seems that we can't let this giant beast go even if we try to lose money."

Qingyang's eyes sparkled slightly.

Thirty minutes passed, and the Eternal Fleet was only 780 million kilometers away from its target. Qingyang looked at Concubine Xiang.

"Please, Concubine Xiang!"

The small red bird on the shoulder raised its head, and then turned into a 30,000-meter eight-winged red golden bird and appeared outside Taiyi.

The surging light spread, and then high-dimensional power seeped into the surrounding space.

Without hesitation, Concubine Xiang flapped her wings, and her body suddenly spanned hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the terrifying torrent of red gold flames roared towards the giant beast of Kaldis!

At the same time, Concubine Xiang's huge claws surrounded the dangerous red gold aura and grabbed the head of the giant beast of Caldis.

Facing the sudden multiple attacks, the giant beast of Galdis couldn't help being frightened, and quickly activated the power of space teleportation to escape towards the surroundings.

The Gallades beast successfully dodged Xiang Fei's attack, but just when it broke away from teleportation, Xiang Fei's high-dimensional power that had previously penetrated into the space barrier was suddenly activated.

The strong spatial impact caused Galdis to freeze for a short time.

At this moment, the Eternal Fleet's one hundred and fifty Star Destroyers, two hundred aircraft carriers, and the mothership's core cannon, which had already been charging, suddenly launched an attack!

The terrifying sea of ​​light spears surged into the distance and was entangled by high-dimensional power. Galdis, who was unable to teleport within two or three seconds, was hit face to face by the vast torrent of attacks!

A storm of unparalleled abilities that can easily swallow up a galaxy rises!

At the last moment, Gallades desperately activated his spatial teleportation ability and escaped from the core explosion zone at the moment when he lost half of his defense value.

"The fleet is dispersed! Li Qing, Wang Zilan, Valen and Mia, each lead a fleet with me to besiege the Galactis beast!"

Upon seeing this, Qingyang immediately ordered, and the three fleets immediately entered an instantaneous jump state under Qingyang's terrifying mental threshold!

The T6 mental threshold is far stronger than the same level.

Qingyang can instantly jump anywhere within sixty light seconds. Although operating three formations at the same time, the load of jumping in different directions is greater.

But persisting for a while is not a problem.

Qingyang's idea is to use all his strength directly, preferably within one day to take down this Galactic beast.

Twenty days?

If we go by the cunningness of the giant beast of Galdis, if we cannot kill it in the first two or three days, we may not even see its shadow in the back.

Three fleets appeared in different directions of the Kaldis behemoth and launched another attack. At the same time, Concubine Xiang once again injected high-dimensional power into the surrounding space.

However, this time the Galactic behemoth was well prepared and did not teleport too far. It only moved less than 200,000 kilometers, avoiding the core attack range.

Because the teleportation distance is short and the space energy brought up is small, there will naturally be less interference from Xiang Fei's high-dimensional power.

This time, he just froze for a second before getting out of the abnormal state, and then launched an attack on the Eternal Fleet!

Hundreds of energy balls mixed with space-cutting characteristics hit hundreds of battleships of the Eternal Fleet at almost the speed of teleportation!

The joint shield trembled slightly.


Qingyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he controlled the instantaneous jump with more concentration, and charged towards the behemoth Galdis that was accumulating power.

Xiang Fei was the first to arrive, and the plasma vortex was hot enough to vaporize the planet, covering a large area of ​​​​the starry sky in an instant.

Kaldis was startled, and dozens of space blades were thrown at Xiang Fei at random, and then teleported away.

Qingyang, who was highly focused, noticed the location where Galdis would appear as soon as it teleported.

The three fleets moved over first, and before the Galactic beast appeared, a hail of Star Destroyer spears hit that area.

The behemoth Galdis that just appeared was hit in the front, and the strength of the defensive field dropped again.

The behemoth Kaldis was angry, and as the lines on its forehead flashed, silver-white thunderbolts like lightning suddenly filled the air, directly covering dozens of Blazing Star battleships.

Qingyang immediately jumped away and moved it away.

The shield was not broken, but at least 30% of the hull inside was reduced to nothingness.

Shield breaking kill?

The power of space does belong to the category of high-dimensional energy

The halo of light around the two hundred aircraft carriers rose one after another, and the two million star-dome guards rushed straight towards the Kaladis behemoth.

The Eternal Fleet did not act rashly.

The Galactic beast just glanced at the Star Guards whose energy level was weak enough to be ignored, and continued to be vigilant about every move of the Eternal Fleet.

He ignored the Star Guard's plans.

Not to mention this energy level, in Gallades's impression, even a creation with ten times higher energy level would not be able to cause any damage to its defensive field.

Seeing this, Qingyang in the control room couldn't help but smile.

In the eyes of civilizations and enemies who are familiar with the alliance, the shield-breakers of aircraft carriers are even more terrifying than the main fleet, completely overpowering high-end war artifacts.

But in the eyes of unfamiliar enemies, the shield breaker is not outstanding at all.

However, the vigilant Kaladis behemoth did not let the Star Guards approach at will, and fired tens of thousands of smaller-sized strangulation balls.

Directly kill three to four hundred thousand Star Guards.

Seeing this, Galdis relaxed his vigilance even more, even though the remaining million Star Guards launched strange transparent attacks one after another.

The Galactic beast is still only wary of the Eternal Fleet in the distance.



The Galactic beast was slightly startled.

What's the fuss?

Four thousand words hurt my head so much

There is only one update left, and the leader’s update is complete! !

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