Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 148 Good idea, but it’s a pity it’s useless

The quality and strength of the star fleet will be exceeded many times by the insect swarm.

Therefore, the Cerebrates have sufficient preparations and countermeasures for the invasion of the Alliance Star Fleet.

The insect swarm fleet covered in shadow received the order, and a large part of them began to gather towards an area.

At the same time, a large amount of resources were tilted over there, and huge biological buildings and corruption fields continued to spread on the surface of the planet in that area.

As the time goes.

Except for the three important buildings of the main nest, the large hatchery, and the Devourer hatchery, the scale of the biological buildings in that area is no longer much smaller than the main nest.

Coupled with the gathering of more than twenty insect fleets and some motherships, it looks like a formation in the main nest area.

Many insect fleets wandering hundreds or even thousands of light-years away were directing long-range over-the-horizon firepower to that area.

Obviously, the brainworm wanted to fake a 'main nest' to attract the appearance of the Eternal Fleet and complete the ambush.

Brain Worm was deeply helpless about this.

When facing most enemies, the Void Zerg do not need to use their brains to think of tactics. The biggest role of the brainworm is to act as the central processor of the Zerg swarm.

Responsible for handling operational strategies and some strategic adjustments.


The vast sea of ​​​​insects and the terrifying continuous war capabilities do not require many tactics at all!

Only when facing the Alliance Star Fleet, the Cerebrates will use various crude tactics learned from other opponents in an attempt to restrain the Star Fleet with various priorities.

The Eternal Fleet, the Tai One flagship.

Qingyang quickly discovered this scene on the star map, looking at the large-scale gathering of insect fleets and the biological complexes that spread to tens of thousands of planets.

His expression remained unchanged.

Seeing that Qingyang didn't give instructions or move rashly, everyone looked at Qingyang seriously.

Qingyang smiled faintly: "It's very smart. Even if the normal star fleet has a T6 gold medal, it would be difficult to detect anything wrong. After all, the scale is indeed the same as the main nest."

It was a good idea, but it didn't work for him.

"Star of Truth, determine the location of the brainworm and the main nest area."

[Consumption of 20 truth points, determining target coordinates]

[Brainworm (Flagship of the Swarm): xxxx]

[Note: The insect swarm flagship has a defense index of 300,000 and a kill index of 200,000. It is surrounded by two elite insect fleets, totaling more than 28,000 elite warship units]

[Main nest area: xxxxx]

[Note: The main nest area has three elite fleets and thirty regular insect fleets stationed there, totaling more than three million battleship units]

Qingyang confirmed the coordinates and then looked at Chang Xi: "How many disposable conventional weapons are there in the warehouse?"

"Two neutron collapse bombs and one dark matter rioter." Chang Xi replied.

Qingyang no longer hesitated: "Target brainworm, jump to coordinates and set off!"


Immediately, hundreds of star warships hidden in the dark space disappeared in an instant and sailed in another direction very quickly.

In the flagship of more than two hundred kilometers long, the kilometer-long brainworm like a slug swayed slightly, and its terrifying mental power spread all around for dozens of light-years.

Be alert to any possible dangers.

I don’t know why, but it always feels like there is an inexplicable danger coming!

After carefully reviewing his plan and confirming that there were no loopholes or obvious flaws, Brainworm dismissed his doubts and focused on controlling the frontline army to engage in firefights with the enemy's mechanical fleet.

Millions of powerful mechanical warships put a lot of pressure on the front line. Several more important incubation bases have even been destroyed, and a large number of Devourers died.

Different from other various biological battleships that are changeable, the resource collection unit of the Void Swarm only has one series: the Devourer. The difference lies in the size and level.

As a biological unit that can swallow matter and energy and convert it into basic particles, it is naturally different from other biological battleships when hatched.

A dedicated Devourer hatchery is required, and the resources required involve rare particles, rare energy, and a certain amount of void energy.

The Devourer's massive battle losses made the Cerebrate a little dissatisfied.



A harsh and subtle hum came from the spiritual field, immediately alerting the brainworm.

Without waiting for a specific reaction, hundreds of light spears came straight towards the flagship, including hundreds of terrifyingly powerful Star-Destroying Light Spears!

At the critical moment, thousands of beetle-like dark gold biological battleships flashed and blocked the attack.

As the dark purple shield rose, at least 60% of the attacks were completely blocked, with only a part falling on the flagship's defense field.

Violent energy tremors and storms swept across a large area, and a small mechanical ball was sent into the flagship shield amid the chaotic energy flow.

Along with the insect swarm flagship, they left the dark space and descended into the real dimension.

Noticing that thousands of elite biological ships were damaged, the brainworm was furious, but its subconscious mechanical emotions kept it from panicking at all.

Methodically dispatch two elite fleets and surrounding conventional fleets to support the flagship.

At the same time, a large number of flying bugs that were only a few meters long were thrown out. Tens of billions of flying bugs crashed around and traveled quickly through the surrounding starry sky in groups.

They have the ability to be similar to psychic waves and are used to detect the presence of unknown entities in unsighted spaces.

The mental detection wave composed of tens of billions of these little bugs is enough to cover dozens of light-years around!

But it is a pity that although Wang Zilan did not follow the main fleet, as long as she is still in the starry sky battleship belonging to the Eternal Fleet, the adjutant talent can still take effect!

Faced with the blessing of Zijin's talent, the insect swarm's spiritual detection wave found no trace of the Eternal Lord's fleet.

Qingyang activated the neutron collapse bomb, and at the same time directly turned on the anti-interference mode of the local star network, completely dispelling the shadow of the void within a hundred light years nearby!

Prevent the insect swarm flagship from using the shadow to activate any special life-saving means.

The terrifying solid deep blue light radiated, carrying an indescribable force field, forcibly distorting the already unstable space around it.

A large number of elite biological warships were struck by light spears and their defense fields were incomplete and were instantly shattered.

Even for a flagship with terrifying defensive capabilities, its defensive field began to crumble and became dim visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Lilith, who received the coordinates of the main nest area, immediately controlled millions of mechanical warships. With the assistance of four eternal squadrons, the group jumped to the main nest!

Among the flagships whose bodies were extensively damaged, and faced with a defensive field whose energy level dropped rapidly, the Cerebral Worm did not panic.

He calmly asked the rest of the swarm fleet to fully return to the main nest area, and at the same time issued instructions to the main nest area to hatch new brain worms, and then focused on what was in front of him.

There are only two ways for the void swarm to give birth to new brain worms. One is that the old brain worm gives the hatching command, and the other is that the old brain worm disconnects its mental network and starts hatching one hour later.

A single swarm does not have multiple Cerebrates because of an interesting programming mode of the Void Swarm.

Once the new brainworm is born, it will completely replace all the authority of the old brainworm in the group of insects, even if the old brainworm is still alive at that time.

The command key to interrupt the hatching of brain worms can only be obtained on the Insect Hive Network. This key is updated ten thousand times per second.

Therefore, only brainworms that are alive and not affected by unknown means can interrupt the hatching.

After all, as long as they are on the Insect Nest Network, it is almost impossible to control the Cerebrates.

Eventually, the damage of the neutron collapse bomb gradually weakened, and then disappeared completely.

There was only a thin layer of shield left on the swarm flagship. Without any hesitation, Qingyang immediately ordered a hundred Star Destroyers to attack.

The terrifying light spear easily tore apart the crumbling flagship shield and penetrated the ship's hull!

One of the light spears passed directly through the central control area, instantly annihilating the huge brainworm inside, leaving no trace.

Looking at the surrounding insect swarm warships that had lost the command of their mental network and were gradually going berserk, with great intentions of fighting each other, Qingyang did not attack them and quickly rushed towards the main nest area.

As long as the main nest area and several important incubation bases are destroyed, plus the death of the brainworms, it is basically equivalent to annihilating the insect swarm.

Cerebrates can be hatched only in the main nest, and the large hatchery, which is mainly used to produce biological battleships, and the Devourer hatchery are also there.

Without these biological buildings and brainworm mechanisms, it would take at least decades to build a main nest from scratch.

Just losing the Devourer, collecting the large amount of void energy needed to hatch the main nest is a problem, not to mention that without the mental control of the brainworm during this period, the Zerg units that cannot suppress their killing characteristics will kill each other.

The most important thing here is the Star Sea area. As long as it is a civilization, it will not let a swarm of void insects grow.

I am afraid that many civilizations are watching his battle with the small insect swarm.

In fact, Qingyang's guess was not wrong.

The shadow of the insect swarm covering thousands of light-years attracted the attention of the surrounding fifth- and sixth-level civilizations as soon as it appeared.

Even several seventh-level civilizations have set their sights here.

After all, once the mental strength of a brain worm reaches the intermediate level, it will naturally be able to receive technical information from the insect swarm that is comparable to level seven technical strength from the insect nest network.

In just a few decades, any seventh-level civilization can be defeated, and advanced civilizations have to be vigilant.

"He is indeed the genius of the alliance. Although he used some traps, he was able to defeat a small insect swarm in such a short time, which is eye-opening."

"If we encounter a small insect swarm normally, if we attack several level six civilizations together, it will probably take hundreds of years, right?"

"I've recorded the video, uploaded it to a public virtual network, and made a lot of money."


Several other seventh-level civilizations also admired the power of the starry sky fleet, and then began to investigate the reasons for the emergence of small insect swarms.

If there is a Void Crack nearby, they need to do it themselves.

Main nest area.

The ferocious and disgusting continent of huge void carpet, which is millions of kilometers long, has become dilapidated.

Countless huge biological buildings were bombarded to pieces. There were pits and ruins of flesh and blood everywhere that were exposed to energy flow. Countless insect swarm unit corpses hung high in the starry sky.

It was like a large dark cloud in the sea of ​​​​stars, blocking the nearby starlight.

Qingyang looked at the engineering ship recovering a 100-meter mechanical star shuttle in the ruins of the main nest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the war trial assessment, mechanical rule contaminants are what he cares about most.

After confirming that there was no problem, Qingyang turned to look at the crew members.

"There are still the last memetic polluters left. After the trial is over, the Great World of Hope will be our main battlefield."

"That's the real challenge."

There should only be two chapters updated today, the second chapter will be at seven o'clock

Ah, why do young girls also celebrate March 8th?

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