Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 160 Going to the Undead Dynasty?

Looking at the intricate and huge dark city built with nameless materials and machines in front of them, dozens of people did not take any direct action.

Instead, take out a small device and start collecting data.

They are the powerful Extraordinary team of the Alliance, the official special forces. Their members are all pseudo-high-dimensional beings, and the two deputy team members have reached the level of one or two-star high-dimensional beings.

As for the captain, there is no doubt that he is a strong person among high-dimensional life levels.

"The remaining tribes of the eighth-level civilization have relatively high psychic abilities, but they dare not use high-dimensional weapons of mass destruction in a battle in their capital."

At least until they fall into despair and determine that this dark city will inevitably perish, the Dark Eldar will not use weapons that can threaten higher-dimensional life.

Because that would destroy this place together.

"A demi-human type, fallen into darkness, with rampant desires." One of the deputy team members said coldly.

"Rage is disordered, dependent on darkness, and has a fragmented will."

The other deputy team member said equally calmly.

The captain turned off the detection equipment, and an illusory structure emerged around him, and then suddenly materialized into a suit of armor covering his whole body.

"In short, a chicken and a dog are vulnerable to attack!"

Infinitely deep cyan thunder emerged, covering tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

Even though the defense system of the Dark City took effect immediately, it still failed to stop this terrifying attack. Millions of buildings that resembled black spiers collapsed.

Countless flying spacecraft machines were shattered.

Thunder spreads, seas of fire burn, and debris and wreckage are everywhere.

The other team members did not hesitate and launched a devastating attack on this huge dark city protected by various high-dimensional technologies.

Under the alliance's high-dimensional armor amplification, the destructive power of each extraordinary person is no less than that of ordinary one-star high-dimensional beings, with strong lethality and incredible abilities.

In an instant, a large area of ​​the Dark City was defeated, and even the barriers in the core area of ​​​​the webway space began to shake.

The strange and dim light of subspace was faintly revealed between the revealed cracks.

Immediately, batches of Dark Eldar fleets and powerful lords appeared, gathering the psychic power derived from darkness and technology, and brazenly attacked dozens of special extraordinary people.

The major lords of the Dark Eldar clan, who were immediately aware of the strength of the Special Extraordinary's psychic powers, immediately ordered batches of fleets to flee out of the Webway.

That's their family background.

"Dozens of God-chosen champion-level humans and three subspace great demon-level humans have been rare since the Corpse Emperor sat on the throne." A large number of powerful Eldar psykers gathered.

One of the Eldar Lords stood on a huge battleship and said coldly.

"Desire gives us pain, but it also gives us power!!"

Several powerful Dark Eldar psykers seemed to be praying to something, and terrifying whirlpools of flesh and blood emerged from their bodies.

Belts of light circulated around them, with lust, violence, and countless nihilistic emotions flowing on them, and then these psykers were temporarily upgraded to high-dimensional levels.

"Dedicate all your soul to desire, and gain strength from chaotic desire!"

The Dark Eldar psykers shouted.

Looking at the dark elves around them who faced danger and gave their souls completely to the God of Desire without hesitation, the captain stopped indiscriminately bombing the city.

Looking at the Dark Eldar psykers glowing with black and red high-dimensional power, even though their combined strength clearly surpassed that of the team, the captain still looked dull.

The next moment, an even larger illusory shadow appeared behind dozens of alliance special forces.

Immediately, a thirty-meter-high humanoid mecha with different shapes surrounded the team. The crystal-like mecha material was flowing with circuits of extremely pure high-dimensional power.

There are no mechanical joints or complicated parts. Just like a humanoid mecha wearing ancient armor, the amplification wings turned into high-dimensional power shine brightly.

The driver's own power is connected to the high-dimensional core of different natures of the mecha, and the high-dimensional pressure far exceeds his own, and it bursts out from the mecha!

"The soul sacrifice is good, but unfortunately, times have changed." The captain's voice sounded slightly playful through the mecha.

Which alliance of extraordinary people only uses their own brute force and fists to fight?

Even with high-dimensional life levels, the alliance still has a lot of technology that can produce significant amplification effects.

The light blade flashing with green light extended on the captain's mecha: "Then let's see how strong the power you asked for is."

The alliance's strategic system belongs to the Star Fleet simply because it is broad enough, the threshold is low enough, the lower limit is high enough, and the upper limit is also high enough!

And this by no means means that the upper limit of other combat systems in the alliance is weak.

Series such as the Bright Watch Museum, Library of True Knowledge, and High-Dimensional Mecha are just too high in threshold and too demanding.

If it takes shape, it will be no weaker than the top star fleet.

The mechas of these special extraordinary team before them are the mechas they have integrated and cultivated since childhood, and they have endless mechas.

Wanhua mecha system!

It is a special tactical system that only circulates among the four super nations.

It turned out to be a strategic system belonging to a certain civilization that declared war on the Alliance in the late Fourth Age.

After many years of transformation and optimization, the alliance finally formed a rare high-end force tactics system.

It is usually used for actions such as beheading individual soldiers. Because it requires special mechanical extraordinary talents, it can only be used among sharp knife warriors cultivated by superpowers.

The Dark Eldar strongmen were stunned for a moment, looking at the Titan-like creations with great horror.

Psychic Titan?

What kind of psychic Titan can greatly enhance the strength of the Great Demon? !

But they couldn't think too much at the moment. Dozens of attacks that could penetrate the Dark City surged directly towards them.

The Dark Eldar are one of the biggest sources of nutrients for the God of Desire. As long as this group of Dark Eldar are destroyed, the God of Desire will be weakened to a certain extent.

Contributes to the progress of the core battlefield.

Faced with this group of depraved sub-human Dark Eldar, the Alliance did not hold back at all this time.

In terms of subhuman civilization, which has more abuse and degradation than the Evil God Society, is there any need to keep it?

The entire city of darkness was crumbling under the high-intensity fighting between the two sides. The millions of elite Eldar warships surrounding it were actually unable to provide any help to this battlefield.

After all, this is the center of the Webway, the Dark City.

Too much intense firepower may cause the entire network tunnel to rupture.

"It will take at least a month to kill them." He glanced at the group of upgraded dark elves suppressed by the team.

The captain is not in a hurry. The war between higher-dimensional beings can be concluded quickly in one month.

The most conservative estimate of the war between the subspace T5 combined fleet and the high-dimensional life group will take decades to achieve staged results.

But we are not in a hurry, the dark elves will be in a hurry.

After all, they were not the only ones who came to this ghost place this time, there was also a powerful person who formed an army by himself.

Although he didn't know his number and country, his professional captain knew it clearly.

A trainee director of the Brightwatch Museum.

While two waves of people were fighting in the webway on the edge of the Dark City, they were on the other side of the Dark City.

A figure wearing a light gold faceless mask quietly emerged, his hazy shirt floated, and light particles spread.

Except for the fact that there are no digital divine patterns on the forehead of the mask, it is the same as the four high-dimensional watchers.

Looking around, the trainee curator looked at the city filled with dark spiritual energy, and his brows hidden under the mask frowned.

Then he stretched out his hands and saw a huge building emerging behind him, with an illusory shape.

It's just that this magnificent building can be vaguely seen, and its style is similar to the gate of the Alliance's large museum.

"Use the evidence of history to witness all things, and drive things from history to disturb the present!"

In an instant, the huge door suddenly opened, and a series of strange and terrifying high-dimensional beings were seen emerging from the door, with chains containing countless divine patterns connecting their bodies!

They are all high-dimensional life forms that have threatened the alliance, and there are seventeen of them!

There are living things, equipment, and a civilized will among them!

The will of civilization surged, and then a huge illusory warship appeared, bursting out with powerful firepower and firing unscrupulously at the dark city in front of it!

The battleship of this civilization that was destroyed by the Alliance in history was briefly brought to reality by this curator!

The curator himself is not idle either.

The light that represents holiness, sealing, history, purification and the higher-dimensional power of one's own origin pervades the curator's body, and then spreads suddenly.

Wherever this light swept gently, all the creations in the City of Darkness disintegrated silently.

"This City of Darkness is also a good collection, and it can be shown to children." The trainee curator said to himself.

The Brightwatch Museum also has a substantial presence within the Alliance and is not a confidential building.

Rather, they are physical open museums located in downtown areas or the capital!

For example, if the City of Darkness is manifested into a physical museum, it will be a huge urban model, and a small amount of the atmosphere and operating procedures will be retained.

The most famous one is probably the Kyushu Ancient Palace Museum, one of the four main museums.

At the same time, its previous curators are also among the top individual powers in the league.

Countless Dark Eldar were purified and wiped out, and the powerful Dark Eldar were held back by the team.

The entire Dark City is now like fish on the chopping board.

Looking at the large number of Dark Eldar ships escaping along the webway, the trainee curator frowned slightly.

"Requesting to issue a pursuit order. All the soul auras of the Dark Eldar have been recorded."

[Star Network has received it and is issuing wanted orders to the fleet focused on this aspect]

After a few minutes.

Qingyang, who was waiting for news in the control room of the Eternal, was looking through the Star Torch Empire's classics in boredom.

No private operations are allowed during the Alliance's first offensive.

It is necessary to wait for the core battlefield to stabilize and the core locations of various hostile forces to be struck and eradicated before entering a period of free movement.

At that time, except for the official legion, other star fleets can move at will, and restrictions on the star fleet will be completely relaxed in the future.

Even the T8 fleet can apply to enter this world. After all, there are many third- and fourth-level civilizations in Hope World.

It is expected to take about two months.

What Qingyang has to do now is to be on call at any time. If nothing unexpected happens, the next combat order will arrive soon.

[Commander Qingyang, please accept the new mission]

[Hunting: Dark Eldar Fleet]

[Description: The alliance dispatched troops to attack the alien space world of the Dark Eldar. A large number of Dark Eldar fleets fled. You need to hunt down one of them]

[The soul anchor point has been locked, and the target appearance area is updated every thirty minutes]

"Come to life so soon?!"

Qingyang sat up and continued to move his gaze downward.

[Recently appeared area: Level 8 omnic civilization—Necrons, border territory of the Seventh Dynasty]

【Detailed location:】

"Undead. I wonder if Chang Xi can restrain these troublesome things."

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