Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 164: Battle between nations, the wonderful use of Kappa’s Spear

Facing Qingyang's call, Gu Xue stepped forward obediently.

Then he saw Qingyang reaching out to him: "Take my hand and use the law of the world directly."

Gu Xue was stunned for a moment, then smiled, as if she couldn't wait to hold Qingyang's hand.

Immediately, the law of the universe was activated!

Qingyang's powerful mental threshold immediately felt that when Gu Xue activated his ability, he was rapidly extracting the link between his mental power and the power of his own data.

Without hesitation, Qingyang directly twisted the link and connected it to his own mental threshold.

At the same time, the link that consumed Gu Xue's digitized spiritual energy was also replaced by Qing Yang with star points.

Gu Xue's pretty face turned slightly red.

At this moment, she vaguely felt Qingyang's emotions and general thoughts at this moment. Although it was nothing, this feeling still made Gu Xue a little shy.

After all, she can roughly feel it, not to mention Qingyang, who is the leader

Qingyang certainly felt the girl's thoughts, but he didn't say anything.

Instead, his pupils shone slightly, and he began to increase the supply of mental power and source data to the core of Gu Xue's ability.

In an instant, the Law of the Universe, which was originally only released around the Eternal Fleet, quickly connected with all friendly starry fleets, making the already majestic battle group even more powerful!

The actual kills were significantly higher again!

The surrounding commanders were immediately envious. There were so many top talents in the Eternal Truth Fleet.

This powerful effect is at least worthy of the Zijin Adjutant! !

Among the T6 fleets that also enjoy a large number of active bonuses, the Eternal Fleet's performance is the most eye-catching, and its firepower intensity and density are also the most fierce!

The Law of the Universe increases the all-round attribute strength of the starry sky fleet by 20%, plus a large number of passive skills that are only effective for the eternal fleet.

The light spear strikes of the Eternal Fleet were like machine cannons, and they began to bombard the surrounding Chaos ships at an extremely fast frequency.

Even often, just after the last attack, the light spear has not completely separated from the muzzle, and the next attack has already gathered and is waiting to be launched.

Not to mention the performance index level that has been improved by nearly twenty times, and even the high-dimensional killing characteristics that cannot be expressed by energy level index!

The intense attack made the warships of the Chaos Legion look like dregs, and any light spear could penetrate dozens of them. The surroundings were densely packed with melt-bombing cabins and space-bombing fighter jets, flying around like swarms of bees.

Trying to jump to these gorgeous and huge starry sky battleships.

Unexpectedly, even if they broke through the shield's space shielding technology, they would not be able to break through the armor layer of the battleship.

The melt chamber, which was strong enough to penetrate the neutron armor, hit the digital armor of the starry sky battle armor, causing a layer of ripples, and then exploded!

Although the armor layer of the star battleship seems to be very fragile when faced with light spears of the same level, the actual defense strength is very strong.

Even the armor of the mid-range T6 star battleship, whether it is impact defense, physical defense or energy defense, is exponentially better than a shield of 40,000 to 50,000!

If you want, you can even shrink the shield close to the armor layer to achieve the shield-armor fusion effect and put an end to this kind of space melting tactic.

As for why not just jump into the battleship, as the star battleship level increases, the versatility of digitization is also increasing.

Different from the T8 ship that was initially digitized, the entire interior of the T6 ship is in the digitization category.

Therefore, it is impossible for non-digitized units to forcefully enter the star battleship. The basic space structure has been digitized and is different from the space outside the ship. How can it be possible to complete the process of space jump.

As the Law of the Universe was activated, the firepower intensity and density of the 101st Combat Group became more and more fierce.

No matter how numerous Chaos warships attack and block, they cannot break through the fire network composed of the 101 battle group.

High-dimensional characteristics are rampant, and even the Chaos Legion with the blessing of the evil god feels a fatal threat.

If killed by these light spears and attacks.

The soul returns to chaos?

No, he will definitely die completely!

Of course, even so, the Chaos Legion is still a subordinate of God after all, and each battleship with a more chaotic and twisted appearance joins the melee.

The 101 combat group's murderous progress was immediately blocked. Although the Star Fleet still had the absolute advantage, the advancement speed was seriously hindered!

There are also huge fallen battle stars and chaos fortresses appearing from time to time.

The powerful high-dimensional fortress cannons and battle star weapons have even caused certain pressure and threats to many T6 fleets.

But the 101st combat group also has battle stars! Star Wars!

The chief fleet commander looked at the field and saw a large number of fortress battle stars that had greatly prevented the Star Fleet from continuing to advance.

With a slight movement of thought, two extremely huge and bright battle stars with a diameter of 20,000 kilometers appeared in the formation. Their terrifying energy levels made the surrounding commanders look at them with side eyes.

Although the scale seems to be inferior to that of the Alliance's battle stars, its energy level is far superior to that of the Alliance's battle stars and fortresses!

T5 Star Battleship - Star Battle Star!

100% basic high-dimensional energy quantification, several high-dimensional killing characteristics, basic million-level killing and defense! !

Even as a silver medal T5 fleet, it only has two high-end star battle stars!

As the friendly forces blocking the battle star's path toward the enemy dispersed, dozens of terrifying and massive star spears shot straight through!

Starting at the million index level, the star spear with 100% high-dimensional damage penetrated tens of millions of enemy warships in an instant, and then the star spear's brilliance suddenly swept towards the area where the battle stars of the Chaos Fortress gathered, sweeping past

Dazzling energy flames rose, far exceeding the size and brightness of ordinary stars.

At least one third of the Dark Fortress was reduced to ashes under this wave of attacks, and even affected many surrounding Chaos fleets.

The chief fleet commander noticed the huge fortress located in the center of the enemy force and part of the ship body was in the subspace, and immediately said.

"Send state-hopping troops to the Chaos Legion's flagship fortress and kill all enemy units they can see!"

The individual units of each fleet, which had been prepared for a long time, were quickly transported through the star network to the area where the target flagship fortress was located.

Gu Xing took Stu Tai and hundreds of Beyonders and disappeared into the war preparation area at the same time, accompanied by dozens of optimized space warriors!

The surrounding space circulated, and everyone appeared in a dim corridor full of iron-blooded style.

Hundreds of Beyonders immediately raised their rifle cannons and aimed at the surrounding corners where enemies might appear.

The infantry cannons equipped by the alliance need to be activated by their own supernatural powers. They can be fired with only a small amount of psychic energy, which is comparable to the psychic crystal bullets that can be charged for three seconds at full power.

It is used to clean up a large number of ordinary enemies and remote facilities of decent quality, which can only withstand peak tenth level psychic energy at most.

As for stronger psykers' long-range weapons, they naturally need to use various types of floating cannons and the long-range weapons that come with the armor.

However, no matter what rank, the real core amplification device is always the armor itself, which greatly improves all attributes of the wearer in all directions. In addition, there are three weapons equipped with loop amplification technology.

Both ranged and melee are available.

In addition to a giant blade and a battle axe, Stu Tai's last circuit weapon is equipped with a hand cannon, which can only activate the explosive hand cannon eighty times, and has certain high-dimensional killing characteristics.

When you run out, you need to go back to the supply station to refill.

Not only Stu Tai, but basically all the space warriors, in addition to melee weapons, have chosen long-range explosive weapons that can kill one thousand enemies and damage two hundred.

As for Gu Xing's long blade, a spear, and a pair of gloves, a set of high-dimensional yin and yang energy circuits were burned into them.

Everyone turned on the filter device on their visors, filtering out the sounds of confusion and corruption coming from the surroundings.

Gu Xing looked around, frowning slightly.

This flagship fortress is larger than the average star, so finding valuable targets is not easy.

[Information incoming]

It turned out that Qingyang had sent over the coordinates of the area where the enemy's senior leaders and command levels were located.

Gu Xing immediately smiled. His commander's omniscient ability was really useful, especially for this kind of hunting mission.

Although there is no explicit competition, many fleets definitely want to be the one that kills the most enemy high-level officials.

After confirming the nearest batch of coordinates, Gu Xing waved his hand, and then hundreds of three-meter-high and wide light curtains appeared in Stu Tai's confused eyes.

The passage that connects the space storage equipment of the ancient star battle armor.

With the sound of neat and light mechanical operation, 50,000 elite mechanical soldiers walked out in order, and heavy firepower machinery could also be seen among them!

Without exception, the strength of these mechanical warriors has reached level six, and many machines even have level seven strength!

Weaker than the members of the Beyonder team wearing armor, but still pretty good.

"Advance! Kill all visible enemies along the way, no need to hold back!" Gu Xing ordered.

Immediately, hundreds of people, carrying a group of mechanical soldiers, rushed into the target area, destroying any moving mechanical equipment or buildings along the way.

Suddenly, not long after everyone destroyed a facility, a group of Chaos Space Marines suddenly appeared in front.

The tall and dark paint looks like a spiritual amplification device with horns.

There are thousands of them!

"Champion. God's Choice!" Looking at the dark warrior standing at the forefront, a murderous intent and anger flashed in Stu Tai's eyes.

If he had a high probability of being defeated before, now.

As the amplification circuits on the armor lit up layer by layer, Stutai's aura was finally not much weaker than when the Emperor dropped a trace of blessing.

After moving the light alliance armor, Stu Tai opened his hands slightly, and a huge battle ax appeared in his hand.

Thunder entangled, and the wisps of high-dimensional annihilation power shocked the opposite Chaos warriors.

"Brother Gu, how about you let me deal with this traitor?" Stutai stared at the divine choice with cold eyes.

Gu Xing naturally didn't care: "It doesn't matter, just leave the remaining one to us."

As soon as he finished speaking, many mechanical warriors first fired a wave of dark energy rays, and then blasted out particle missiles one after another.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Beyonders rushed out and rushed directly into the formation of Chaos Warriors where the people who had been bombed were turned upside down.

Except for the hundreds of captain-level Chaos warriors who could withstand the bombardment of mechanical soldiers, other Chaos warriors suffered heavy casualties.

Gu Xing threw out a long knife and rushed decisively towards the captain and soldier who looked like a rabbit and a sheep in front of him. The black and white air currents raged within a hundred meters.

Each seemingly peaceful airflow can cut through the hard armor of the Chaos Warrior with just one click.

Only those captains could barely resist by relying on Chaos Spiritual Energy, but they were still powerless to resist the heavy blows from the weapons held by Gu Xing.

The real power of Chaos is the demons, not these corrupted creatures.

Of course, except for a few powerful creatures, they are no weaker than those high-level demons.

The massacre went smoothly, and Stuta's suppression of the Chaos Chosen Space Marines on the other side was equally effective. The powerful shield of the Alliance armor gave Stuta no worries.

dodge? No need to dodge until the shield drops by half!

So soon the God's Chosen Chaos Warrior began to fall into a disadvantage, and finally lost his head in a slash from Stutai that ignored the attack.

The soul and will were absorbed by the circuits on the weapons, leaving no chance for the Chaos Warriors to resurrect.

"You adapt very quickly!" Gu Xing said with a smile.

"keep going!"

At this moment, Qingyang, who was holding Gu Xue's little hand in the control room and looking through the information, suddenly remembered something and became energetic.

If it is a one-time conventional weapon, it cannot be activated in the enemy's flagship fortress due to chaos suppression.

What about Kappa's Spear, which has 100% high-dimensional damage?

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