Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 17 Preparation before entering the dimensional world for the first time (Part 2)

Without rushing into the star network, Qingyang opened the data of the hard blade cruiser and began to verify it.

[T8 Cruiser] [Model: Hard Blade]

[Length: 2300m] [Average height and width: 480m]

[Shield: Strong Shield Type 1 Shield - 1w, recovery speed: 120/s]

[Weapons: Particle Main Cannon—Standard Type ×1, Penetrating Type ×1

Particle secondary cannon - triple rapid-fire type × 6, penetrating type × 18

Particle naval gun - triple standard type × 30, double penetration type × 10

Close range defense weapon system——×1

High-speed energy-gathering matrix (+5% penetration damage)】

[Model blessing: shield, weapon level increased by 100%]

Yes, defense is necessary, and the attacks are all penetrating attacks, which are just within the bonus range of the entry!

Counting the blessings of the entry, the overall combat power of the Jianlian is no weaker than that of the long-range cruiser, and it is even more lethal to high-defense enemies.

Qingyang was extremely satisfied with this.

At present, the Eternal Truth Fleet has initially taken shape.

A Huiyue type battleship, two Hard Blade type cruisers, a Black Armor cruiser and a long drive cruiser.

In terms of combat power, even a T8 fleet with more than a dozen or twenty warships cannot threaten him!

After all, most of them are assault ships, and cruisers and battleships are also commonly mixed with a small amount of mid-range ships.

High-end ships are basically flagships.

After confirming that there was no problem, Qingyang's consciousness was immersed in the Star Network.

After going around in circles, I came to the recruitment hall again. Without any nonsense, I quickly recruited the crew members I needed this time.

Five thousand warriors wearing power armor, well-equipped, and possessing first-level genetic enhancement.

There are also many leaders of second-order genes and third-order genes among them.

Five hundred mechas with large-scale heavy firepower, although they are only at the third-level elementary level, can suppress large-scale units even better than the third-level advanced ones.

Then there are all kinds of weapons and equipment, nuclear bombs, unmanned combat aircraft groups, etc.

In addition, many logistics and scientific research personnel have been recruited, including highly talented young researchers with relevant abilities.

After all, although the Star of Truth gave him a battleship motherboard, it was only at T8 level.

Having a master copy, a treasure that records all the detailed data and details of a starship model, must of course be put to good use.

As long as you sign StarNet's confidentiality agreement, you won't be afraid of leaks.

After dealing with the crew's affairs, Qingyang returned to his personal space to inquire about news about the dimensional world.

[Star Sea Dimension World]

[Description: Different from the main universe, worlds vary in size and are extremely numerous (continuously born). The small ones are only the size of a galaxy, while the large ones are far more than a hundred billion light years away.

In most of these worlds, the rules and laws of the world are somewhat different from those of the main universe.

Therefore, most conventional weapons cannot take effect in it. Only armies supported by powerful civilizations' special technologies and starry sky fleets (digitized) can unleash full combat power in it. 】

[Target value: As long as the influence is greater in the dimensional world that has not been assimilated by the rules of the main universe, the assimilation progress of the main universe will be deepened.

The rewards given by the main universe and civilization rules will be richer (star points, star weapons, star ships and various resources)]

[Sources of influence: including but not limited to, killing, saving, religious invasion, cultural invasion]

[Enter method:

Star Key - Star Key is a special technology of the alliance. Entering the Star Key can allow regular troops to exert their full combat power.

Star Fleet (conventional method) - Spend 10,000 star points to randomly search for dimensional anchor points, and data transmission is entered

Starry Sky Fleet (regular method) - Once the fleet reaches T5, the alliance will issue a dimensional anchor point every month.

Star Fleet (Special Method) - Related Star Weapons or Talents]

[Appendix 1: The larger the size of the army, the higher the intensity of the world, and the higher the value of the required star keys]

[Attachment 2: The success rate of random search is 25%, and may not be successful]

[Appendix 3: Please ensure that you enter the dimensional world at most twice a month]

After browsing in detail, Qingyang's face was filled with surprise.

Is this such a good place?

"Then what if we search for a dimensional world that has been assimilated by the main universe?"

[After assimilation, it will be labeled as the main universe and the civilization (country) with the greatest contribution, and will not be included in the search range]

The StarNet private elf explained.

Qingyang suddenly realized, and then asked, "The combat units of the Star Fleet are not digitized. What should we do if we enter the dimensional world?"

[After entering the dimensional world, you will receive temporary blessings, and all Star Fleet related units will be digitized]

"So powerful? Do you have any suggestions for expanding your influence?" Seeing that the elf answered all questions, Qingyang asked with a smile.

[A person alone recommends conquest or rescue, and a group force recommends cultural invasion or supporting forces]

[Example (individual): killing famous figures in the world, terrorist attacks, etc.]

[Example (force): The steps are complicated. It is recommended to refer to the "General Guidelines for the Assimilation of Red Ideology" of the four super-states - Kyushu Republic]

Four super countries Kyushu

Qingyang stopped thinking about it and thought carefully about how he should enter.

There is a 1/4 chance that his star points are only 70,000 to 80,000.

I really can't afford this consumption.

Wait, I'm stuck!

"Star of Truth, is there any way?"

[1: The bounty commission is released for the life of the dimension world, and the Star of Truth will send the collaborators for free, ignoring the limit of twice a month]

[Two: 100 truth points, four anchor points will be listed immediately, you can choose one to enter (the degree of danger is not guaranteed)]

Is there really a way? !

As for the degree of danger, I have seven hundred truth points anyway, so I don’t believe that I am so unlucky.

At worst, stand next to the ancient star and extract the anchor point.

Exit StarNet.

Qingyang ordered the fleet to go to a channel transfer station to pick up the crew, then turned and entered the residential area.

"Search for anchor!"

[Consumption of 100 truth points, searching]

[No. 1 (Extremely Dangerous)]

[Description: About 50 billion light years in diameter, hundreds of thousands of civilizations exist within it]

[No. 2 (Extremely Dangerous)]

[Description: Approximately three billion light years in diameter, a spiritual world with powerful individuals, the most powerful being a high-dimensional life form]

【No. 3 (Danger)】

[Description: About 800 light years in diameter, with four civilizations (level three), in a state of war]

[No. 4 (Extremely Dangerous)]

[Description: Hundreds of billions of light years away, there are many types and numbers of civilizations, including four high-dimensional gods and one pseudo-high-dimensional god. The collaborators may know the situation in this world]

Qingyang, who was just about to choose No. 3, paused and showed doubts.

Why do I know the situation?

Four high-dimensional gods and one pseudo-high-dimensional god. What is a high-dimensional god?

Wait, why do you feel so familiar?

"Uh, Warhammer 40k?" Qingyang cautiously asked.

[Yes, it matches the impression of the collaborator]

Qingyang decisively refused, "Forget it, if I reach the T4 fleet, maybe I can still give it a try."

In Warhammer 40k, he does not look down upon the warships of all civilizations in the galaxy, except for some perverted groups.

But that's not a serious world of technology.

He can't defeat any of those Chaos Crazy Beasts, the swarms of insects outside the galaxy, the Necrons, etc.

There may be a starry sky fleet that can fight against the entire chaos, but it definitely has nothing to do with him now.

"I choose number three!"

[The anchor point has been issued, please send it within thirty days]

Putting away the crystal card in front of him, Qingyang exhaled.

This is the first time that I have left the hotbed of the Alliance and traveled to a place alone.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous.

The fleet quickly arrived at the target channel transfer station and received the crew and supplies.

Qingyang immediately crushed the anchor card in his hand!

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