Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 167: Determine military merit and directly fill up the staff? !

The aperture ripples, and the rift in the subspace becomes an illusion visible to the naked eye until it disappears!

In the originally chaotic and terrifying subspace of the Great World of Hope, countless illusory threads and light ribbons emerged, gradually peeling off a deeper layer of space from the subspace.

That is the dark space basin polluted by countless dark rules in the world's regular space!

It is also the main reason for the harsh and dangerous subspace environment. When dark space is completely stripped away, high-dimensional engineering ships will enter it to sort out the violent and chaotic dark space energy.

Although it is unclear what method the Four Dark Gods used to directly separate the dark space of the Hope World from the only dark space basin and force it to merge with the subspace.

However, as long as this blockade is unlocked and the dark space of the Hope World and the boundless dark space basin are connected again, I believe that these violent and polluting energies will soon be diluted.

During this period, high-dimensional engineering hubs and high-dimensional engineering ships also need to keep dark space and subspace as far away from the regular space wall of the Hope World as possible, and build an artificial high-dimensional data firewall.

Completely eliminate direct interference by divinities and higher-dimensional beings on the will of all living beings.

Weaken the power of the four dark gods.

During the project period, the dark space channels will be blocked by the Alliance and cannot be used. Many civilizations that want to travel faster than light can only pass through subspace.

Or the Alliance's star gate and star ring channel technology. Both technologies involve space principles. It will take some time for the Alliance to analyze the space structure and space rules of the Hope World.

The most important thing is the high-dimensional watershed. The dimensional world with regular space starts at least tens of billions of light-years in diameter. Regular space is the area where the rules of the world are located.

Basic and high-dimensional watersheds are at the same level and have strong barrier restrictions.

Therefore, it is hoped that the big world will tend towards the dark rule system. The alliance speculates that it may be because it is too close to the projection barrier of the highest dark dimension.

The six highest dimensions are projected on the barrier area of ​​the high-dimensional watershed and can be seen anywhere in the high-dimensional watershed.

And the size and image will never change due to different angles, but it is still close in a conceptual sense.

Seeing that the regular space, sub-space, and dark space were completely separated, the void insect swarm that was originally attacking frantically no longer entangled, and simply left a fifth of the insect swarm fleet as cannon fodder and quickly evacuated.

At the same time, the giant brainworm, which was on the edge of hoping for the rules of the big world, raised its head slightly.

The thinking speed is comparable to the central optical brain of an entire ninth-level technological civilization, and it can judge gains and losses extremely quickly.

They came to this world originally for the regular space and chaotic subspace that are very close to the real dimension, wanting to devour and absorb the high-dimensional energy and regular polymers in it.

However, progress was hampered by a group of psychic extinguishers. In the end, it was a pseudo-level ten civilization experiment that had perished, which led to the emergence of the will of the three dark gods in the first place.

It took hundreds of millions of years to swallow up a little bit of the rule polymer, and now it has even been attracted to the Star Sea Human Alliance.

What do those group of psychic extinguishers called among the natives?

Star God?

Forget it, it has nothing to do with it anymore. The lone giant insect swarm has no good harvest when facing the Alliance Legion. Let's find another higher-dimensional world.

The world with a diameter of tens of billions of light years is a low-dimensional world, the world with a diameter of a hundred billion light-years is a medium-dimensional world, and the diameter of a trillion light-years is a world of high dimensions.

Of course, this is only a determination of the outer diameter. For example, the outer diameter of the large world is expected to be only about 100 billion light-years, but in fact the inner diameter is nearly 200 billion light-years.

As the mountain-like brain worm exuded majestic spiritual power, an illusory creation huge enough to swallow large stars was seen moving rapidly below it.

Immediately, a crack in the void with a diameter of several light years appeared, and the mysterious creation slowly drove into it carrying a giant brain worm.

Endless biological battleships and incubation bases followed closely behind, like a mighty cosmic river pouring into the cracks.

Only a few cannon fodder biological fleets were left, randomly launching suicide attacks on surrounding civilizations.

In Stan Base World, there are a large number of giant structures in the star sea. They are constantly producing powerful conventional battleships and battle stars, which are put into major battlefields in the world of hope.

"The swarm has left?"

In the central command area of ​​Stan World, the officer who was issuing adjustment instructions sensed weak void fluctuations, and his powerful mental power immediately broke through the void.

‘See’ coming into the void, the boundless sea of ​​shadows of insect swarms, carrying billions of void energy groups, gradually moving towards the distance.

The officer next to him said: "Normally, the brain worms of the giant swarm are not stupid or rigid. They will not fight with us without benefit. After all, we cannot be the losers."

If it were the overlord insect swarm, it might even cause us some trouble.

The overlord insect swarm has the means to hunt and kill divinities. Normally, high-level divinities would not dare to be aggressive when faced with them alone.

Many officers were relaxed at this moment, the core battlefield was progressing smoothly, no accidents occurred in the high-level battlefield, and the void insect swarm left early.

Next, as long as we follow the steps and gradually open up the war restrictions and the restrictions on Star Fleet's entry into the World of Hope, it will not be difficult to completely capture the World of Hope.

The first batch of combat operations went very well.

The core, high-level, and real battlefields all drag their respective enemies in place, preventing them from affecting other battlefields.

In particular, the civilization that believed in the Four Gods in the Great World received the attention of the combat group immediately.

The original battlefield area.

Looking at the suddenly quiet and empty battlefield, Qingyang didn't come back to his senses for a while. He didn't react until he noticed that the subspace navigation sign, which had not been lit for a long time, was on.

"The subspace seems to have returned to normal." Qingyang said immediately.

When the basic war has reached this point, the war in the real dimension is basically over. The core layers of powerful civilizations that pose direct threats have been dispersed, and the main legions have been wiped out.

There are two or three big cats and kittens left, which will be dealt with by the Star Fleet that enters later.

Stu Tai and the Space Marines looked at each other, and they naturally knew what this meant.

The chaotic subspace that has plagued the Star Torch Empire for countless years is just gone?

Is the Emperor returning soon?

Qingyang opened the panel and saw the word "Settlement" appeared on the Star Network, as well as the battle report.

Except for the Necron Dynasty and the Ork Spore Civilization, all the civilizations that pose direct threats have been successfully suppressed. It will take about a few weeks for the remaining two civilizations.

They are so tenacious.

[Calling battle achievements]

【Kill the enemy】

【Increase friendly troops.】

[Increased kills]

【Task efficiency.】

[Please choose for final settlement: star points, technology settlement/resource package, star weapon settlement]

There are many opportunities to earn star points, and technology has its own star of truth.

Qingyang made a quick decision: "Settlement of resource packs and Xingwu!"

[It has been detected that the commander has the right to receive a 10% discount from Xingqi Group, in order to ensure the value and rights of the commander’s military exploits]

[Star Network will temporarily transfer the commander’s permissions at a 10% discount and use the original merit value to exchange for resource packages from Star Qi Group]

[It is expected to be 900% more than the original resource pack, Xingwu is the same as above]


"It's so considerate." Qingyang praised.

[Fairness in the general direction is conducive to the unity of civilization]

Unexpectedly, Xingwang actually replied.

Qingyang touched his chin: "Indeed, the bonus for the ordinary crew members of the Eternal Fleet will be rewarded with alliance coins according to their positions, with a minimum of one million alliance coins."

The purchasing power of alliance coins is very strong in the alliance. One million can even buy a conventional large merchant ship in good condition, the kind capable of dark space navigation.

But if you want to buy a star battleship, I’m afraid you’ll have to buy an ordinary-grade T8 cruiser at most.

After all, the latter has unlimited potential - for a commander.

[Rewards confirmed: 4,000 Blazing Battleships, 1,000 Star-Destroyer Resource Packs, 1,000 Star-Swarm Carriers (entire ship), Brave Type Armed Core (Gold Grade Star Weapons) × 1]

Because I don’t have the aircraft carrier blueprints, why don’t I just give him the entire ship?

Small profit.

And this ten times reward. Although it can be seen that the original value of the reward is normal, there are only a few hundred star battleships.

But after ten times it, it was still too impactful.

Qingyang didn't stay too long. After confirming that he could move freely, he immediately sent data to the central star field of the Star Torch Empire.

As soon as he appeared, Qingyang was shocked by hundreds of huge multi-space ring worlds.

It's just that from the outside, the diameter is only about 20 million kilometers. In fact, the inner space can be calculated in terms of light years.

Tens of thousands of huge and gorgeous cities stand in it, and countless dreamy and beautiful plants and beautiful scenery sway in the city and in the suburbs.

Hundreds of cute and spiritually purifying cosmic animals are roaming the forest.

Countless citizens of the empire have just finished their studies and are heading home or to work.

Although the citizens of the empire have a strong will, their spirit is not strong and they cannot absorb too much knowledge. They can only instill a series of knowledge in batches every day.

A great country should have too much common sense and knowledge, and it also needs to learn the general knowledge of the alliance. The empire also needs to receive scientific and technological assistance and transformation from the alliance.

It contains a lot of technical information on level eight civilizations.

Therefore, the Star Torch Empire will have to stay here for thousands of years to complete the overall transformation and replacement of the technology tree.

Of course, there is also the will and spirit of the group and the will of civilization, which are integrated into the will of the star network of the alliance.

Through Ji Shang's previous words, Qingyang already knew that the core of the Star Network is to use source data, technology and the alliance's civilization destiny, civilization will and civilization rules to build it.

The will of the Star Network is the will of the alliance with complete consciousness!

The current regime of the Star Torch Empire is in a blank stage. The alliance has specially selected a group of Star Torch humans with noble will and spirit to prepare to build a new Star Torch government.

Among them are several humans who have reached high-dimensional life levels. According to tests, they are more or less directly related to the emperor, and they call themselves the sons of the emperor.

In order to awaken them from various bad states, the alliance specially used a batch of spiritual sources.

In the end, they chose the imperial system based on the large amount of information provided by the alliance.

In fact, starting from the sixth level of civilization, the existence of civilians is dispensable.

Many advanced civilizations only have a few million individuals, each of which is a scientist, artist, historian, data storage center, and combat unit.

The alliance only establishes such things as systems for the overall glory and conceptual beliefs of the human race. Otherwise, the will of the whole people can be linked to achieve a state of group thinking.

But in this way, the positive disorder and miraculousness of human beings are lost.

The border of the central star field.

Alliance military base.

"Start making the Blade Killer, and extract the aircraft carrier and star weapon." Qingyang said excitedly.

what is this? Fully edited directly? !

Thank you directly to Brother Feng Xiao for this wave. The identity of Zhang Yizhe is too powerful.

But looking at those top geniuses who are frantically accumulating the number and quality of T6 fleets, a full complement of 10,000 ships should only be the starting point.

I don’t know at what level of accumulation is appropriate for promotion.

[Your communication application is here - Feng Xiao]

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