Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 172 Promoted to T5! ! (Cherish it, you won’t be promoted again for at least a hundred chapte

Qingyang is not promoting to the T5 fleet this time.

Not to mention that the star points are simply not enough, the simple absence of Chichen's follow-up Dreadnought master drawings and Killing Front drawings is enough for Qingyang to hold back.

In order to ensure that after being promoted to the T5 fleet, the Eternal Truth Fleet can still maintain a relatively strong quality.

Qingyang decided to explode a wave of Chichen battleships on a large scale!

That's right, not a single one of the 600 million star points will be spared to destroy the Chichen battleship, ensuring that after the four-in-one dreadnought, the total number of star fleets will meet the minimum T5 requirement of 10,000 ships.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the fifth protocol cannot be activated for a while.

After all, in terms of price alone, ten T6 battleships of the same grade can be comparable to one T6 Star Destroyer.

If we rely on amassing 10,000 Star Destroyers, God knows how long it will take.

In addition to being inferior to Star Destroyers in terms of core armament, Dreadnoughts are not weaker than Star Destroyers of the same level in some aspects. They are even more suitable for large-scale bombardment than Star Destroyers when they are larger in number.

After considering many aspects, Qingyang decided to postpone the increase of Star Destroyers, aircraft carriers and motherships, and try to increase the number of battleships to 20,000.

If there are extra star points, they can be used to add ship types such as Star Destroyers.

Opening the Xingqi Group's resource package sales page, Qingyang smiled as he looked at the still eye-catching 10% discount display.

"All 600 million star points will be used to purchase the resource package I designated!"

[Discounts are being calculated. A total of 6,000 resource packs]

[Adequate stock, on delivery]

As a large number of resource packages arrived, Qingyang also began its own large-scale manufacturing process.

A total of six thousand huge Chichen ships appeared simultaneously, and the majesty of the scene made Qingyang carefully appreciate it for a moment.

Based on the normal mental threshold of four times the same level, even if it is only Perfect +7 now, Qingyang can afford to digitize all battleships.

However, in order to ensure that the mental threshold is fully reserved, Qingyang does not intend to digitize these Chichen ships now.

After the six thousand Chichen ships were manufactured, Qingyang put them all into the Xingmi space to stand by.

"Including the original 6,000 ships, there are currently a total of 12,000 Chichen ships, and there are still 8,000 ships left. The mental threshold also needs to reach perfection +10 as soon as possible."

Qingyang had probably finished his plan and looked at the core crew members aside.

Noticing Qingyang's gaze, Gu Xing and others looked over one after another.

"Commander, please give instructions!"

Knowing that Qingyang planned to go to the deserted area next, they naturally knew their commander's plan.

Enhance the strength of the Eternal Fleet as quickly as possible!

Qingyang said solemnly: "From now on, we must assimilate the dimensional world once a month. When necessary, go to the Xinghai area and border large-scale war zones to earn military merits.

Let the Eternal Fleet reach the T5 Gold Medal Fleet as quickly as possible! "


With the Eternal Fleet of the Star Network, it is not difficult to quickly travel between the Star Sea and the Kyushu Republic.

"In addition, inform the crew of the upcoming trip to the Star Sea area. If you go to a deserted area, you will not be able to contact your family through the star network, and you will not be able to return in a short time.

The chance of encountering danger or even death will also increase. If they don't want to go to the Eternal Fleet, they will pay a fee and immediately approve their resignation!

If they want to continue to follow the fleet, the families of the crew members from countries below the powerful countries are arranged to enter the territory of the Star Empire.

The family members of sailors from powerful countries and above should receive at least 5 million alliance coins as consolation allowance every year.

Chichen Group pays in real time! "

Qingyang added: "This clause will always be valid until the Eternal Fleet is promoted to the T5 fleet."

Chang Xi nodded immediately: "Understood."

Qingyang finished arranging the general matters and opened the Star of Truth panel.

I have carefully read the three refreshed bounty tasks. Both tasks are looking for some special alien space environment, and the rules in it can be analyzed by the Star of Truth.

The last one requires some kind of space-time crystal fragment. Time crystal is considered a top-quality star weapon manufacturing material even in the alliance.

However, the difficulty of obtaining fragments is far simpler than that of complete crystals.

After deciding on the rough plan, Qingyang turned around and looked at the people waiting.

"Fleet, set off!"

Time passes quickly.

Perhaps a year is just a fleeting time for most people, and even for the T8 fleet, a year is just a short development time.

However, for Qingyang, who has full power and a plug-in, it is enough to change everything.

Kyushu Republic.

The capital is Tianfu.

In a huge shipyard, the Eternity quietly emerged.

There seems to be no change in intensity and appearance, but the aura of everyone has changed significantly.

Among them, the core crew members generally reached the eighth level, and Gu Xing, Gu Xue, Li Qing and Wang Zilan even reached the ninth level.

It can be regarded as barely reaching the level that the core crew members of the T6 fleet should have.

Normally, every T6 fleet has experienced a large number of dimensional time assimilation, and the average strength of the crew is around level nine.

It's just that the Eternal Fleet has grown too fast, resulting in a lack of crew experience.

It is not difficult to make up for it. After all, the probability of Tianjiao T6 fleet assimilating to the dimensional world is about 80%.

Qingyang closed his eyes, and his majestic mental power surged continuously.

In just one year, the Eternal Fleet relied on the Star Network to attack hostile civilizations, assimilate the dimensional world, and hunt elite star beasts almost all the time.

Either in the middle of firing or firing continuously.

Qingyang did not put aside the suggestion function of the Star of Truth for a year, but through a large number of inquiries everywhere he identified ruins that would be helpful to the fleet.

After excavation, they are resold to the alliance countries.

A total of six bounty tasks have been refreshed, and there is also one bounty request from a certain sub-human civilization in the Star Sea.

In short, Qingyang not only got what he wanted, but also got an extra surprise!

[Total number of star battleships:

Blazing type battleship×24000

Starfly aircraft carrier×2000

Striker Star Destroyer×3000

Star Nest Mothership×3

Special battleships: Taiyi, Formation Breaker, and Calm down]

To be honest, Qingyang originally only thought that the number of Chichen ships would barely exceed 20,000, but he did not expect that the auxiliary effect of the Star of Truth would be so strong.

The relics found basically have some residual technical data, and they were sold to those big countries in exchange for many resource packages.

A lot of star points and combat utility were saved to exchange for Star Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers.

Qingyang's eyes moved to another panel.

[T5 Chiyuan Dreadnought Drawing (Master Version)]

[T5 Striker Star Destroyer Drawings (Master Version)]

[T5 Mountain and Sea Star Battle Star Drawing (Master Version)]

[Level 7 Omnic Battleship Blueprints (Mechanical Battleship, Mechanical Battle Star, Mechanical Fortress, Various Giant Structures)]

Qingyang showed a smile. With these things, he would have the confidence to face most emergencies even in a different universe.

Of course, in addition to these, Qingyang also gained a lot of truth knowledge. Qingyang's current spiritual threshold has already exceeded Perfection +10.

Qingyang himself doesn't know exactly how far away from the full value he is.

These knowledge and useless star weapons rewarded by the alliance were basically replaced by star points by Qingyang through the star network.

In fact, Qingyang's biggest source of star points is these star weapons, the reward after 100% assimilation into the dimensional world.

In short, Qingyang’s star point inventory is now enough to support the promotion of the Eternal Fleet to the T5 fleet!

Not to mention the 10% discount from Xingqi Group.

[Truth Points: 13000]

[Star point savings: 380 units]

According to calculations, one unit is roughly equivalent to 100 million star points.

Most of them came from the auction of the gold-grade armed star weapon and several purple-grade star weapons.

It has to be said that the auction price of this kind of 'real estate' is very high.

Qingyang took a deep breath.

"Promote the spiritual threshold!"

[Confirmation completed, promotion requirements met]

[Promoted to T5 Perfect +5]

Qingyang's eyes flashed: "Star of Truth, receive the high-capacity truth knowledge that I have not received."

[Receiving: Level 7 Science and Technology Civilization, Basic Science - Mathematics (Basic Level 7 Science and Technology Tree)]

A complete mathematical system for seven-level scientific and technological civilization?

Qingyang was shocked. Can the T5 mental threshold be withheld? No wonder he was not allowed to receive the Star of Truth at that time.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to store data in digitized memory blocks.

The mathematical system given by the Star of Truth contains most of the basic mathematical systems of a normal seventh-level civilization from the surface period to the seventh-level stage.

The terrifying amount of knowledge made Qingyang's T5 level mental threshold feel a little raw.

The turbulent ocean, which represents the T5 spiritual threshold, is filled with boundless waves.

The number of stars representing data memory storage in the sky increased rapidly. Next to the five shining bright stars, two new bright stars were visible to the naked eye.

[Spiritual Threshold: T5 (Perfection +7)]

Qingyang quickly turned the information in his mind into high-dimensional data and stuffed it into the memory storage block. He didn't relax until his mental threshold was no longer abnormal.

"Mathematics really kills people."

The consciousness sweeps through the memory block and quickly deletes a batch of peripheral mathematical information, leaving only a batch of essential theoretical knowledge.

Qingyang finally returned to normal.

Looking at the more than 20,000 star warships on standby, Qingyang quickly digitized them.

Then based on the materials on the master drawings, a large number of resources for promotion were purchased. As for the mothership and aircraft carrier, Xingqi Group was directly promoted on their behalf.

[Are you sure that all four battleships will be combined into a fearless frame? 】

This does not mean that T5 must use dreadnoughts, battleships can also be used, but the strength is not satisfactory for Tianjiao.


[Confirmation completed, promotion in progress]

In an instant, soft light completely enveloped all the starry sky battleships, including the three special battleships.

Among them, the Chichen battleships turned into a stream of source data one after another, and the four ships continued to merge into a group.

In the end, an even larger light cluster of 6,000 ships was formed, and the surrounding material ocean and tens of billions of star points quickly evaporated and disappeared.

At the same time, the fleet's support for the crew members increased simultaneously, and the life breath and soul strength of Qingyang and the core crew members soared rapidly!

Qingyang ignored the rise in his life level and frowned.

"The last corrupt blessing of the Seventh Agreement has also disappeared. Is the strength judged to be unable to keep up?"

Now except for the eighth agreement, the additional effects of other agreements have disappeared and need to be accumulated again.

No doubt it will be another expense later.

Oh no, the extra rule polymer required by the Sixth Agreement has never been found, and I don't know how to go to a different universe through the Unification Plan.

Does the Unification Plan provide support in this regard?

If it doesn't work, go and ask the big brother. The big brother who is always in wars and deserted areas should have more of these things than the salted fish dad.

Hehe, what follows will be mainly about plot and storytelling. In addition, the gap between T5 and T4 is too big. It will be impossible to advance within at least a hundred chapters. Please watch and cherish it.

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