Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 19 The strategy of destroying the top leaders of four civilizations

More than a hundred battleships were bombarded into space debris in this area, and the Eternal Fleet finally entered the sight of the four civilized generals.

The huge meat ball squirmed, and the meat ball general was the first to look at the metal worm's flagship.

Only those guys can build battleships so fancy!

Unexpectedly, the Metal Bug's flagship also sent out a signal of confusion, and the other three civilizations that were paying attention to the Metal Bug were stunned.

"No matter, it's not our battleship anyway, attack directly!"

At the same time, four generals from various ethnic groups ordered an attack.

Hundreds of warships immediately left the main battlefield and rushed to the area where the Eternal Fleet was located!

Missile satellites were activated one after another in the orbit of nearby planets, and a large number of missiles bombarded the Eternal Fleet that was firing in all directions.

Qingyang glanced at it without paying any attention.

Even a large-yield nuclear bomb cannot break the joint shield at this time, unless its explosive power can be compressed into a ray.

Maybe it's still possible.

As for sub-light speed missiles such as antimatter and dark matter, it is impossible for a mere third-level civilization to possess them.


The slow missile was less than 500 kilometers away from the battleship. The defensive weapons of the five battleships were activated one after another, and hundreds of rays were transmitted.

The dense missiles were intercepted halfway, and none of them could break through the firepower network constructed by defensive weapons.

The Huiyue-type battleship was the first to break out of the explosion wave, and the standard main gun was charged instantly.

Aim straight ahead at the enemy warship approaching at high speed!

As long as it is not besieged, the Eternal Fleet is invincible on the battlefield despite the huge gap in combat power.


The dazzling torrent of energy was released, and finally condensed into a pillar of light that seemed to be an entity, spanning dozens of light seconds in a breath.

Hitting the fastest battleship head-on, the shield didn't even have time to react, and the entire battleship exploded.

Then the light beam actually moved sideways, and the twenty or thirty warships on the entire arc turned into interstellar fireworks.

The main guns of the four cruisers were activated one after another, and for a while almost no warships could approach the area where the Eternal Fleet was.

From time to time, enemy warships' cannon fire hit the Eternal Fleet, but apart from causing a ripple on the shield, it had no effect.

Even the enemy ship's attacks cannot catch up with the total recovery amount of the fleet's joint shield per second.

Qingyang noticed the movements of the battleships of the four civilizations on the battlefield, and his expression gradually became serious.

There is currently no problem with the Eternal Fleet, but if it is besieged by thousands of warships from the four civilizations, that may not be the case.

The third-level civilization has finally entered the interstellar ranks, and basic energy weapons and shield technology have appeared.

The shield's defense coefficient throws away the armor for who knows how many streets.

If it were a seven- to eight-hundred-meter unshielded warship like the second-level civilization, a strong interaction force detector could penetrate three thousand ships in a row.

"Prepare guerrillas and lock the enemy's command position as soon as possible!" Qingyang ordered.

It’s not that the four civilizations’ flagships have strong concealment skills, but that there are hundreds of flagship-type warships scattered in different areas of the battlefield.

What's more, the command may not be on the flagship, but maybe underground on a certain planet?

The five warships immediately accelerated away from the area and entered sub-light speed navigation in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at another combat area.

The moment the fleet appeared, dozens of nearby large and heavy steel battleships immediately slowly changed direction.

Directly aim the side of the ship at the Eternal Fleet in order to bombard it with the highest firepower.

A large number of red rays suddenly hit five battleships, especially the Huiyue-type battleship that bore the brunt.

The next moment, the nearby warship operators were a little desperate.

The shields of the five battleships only flickered slightly, completely blocking all the shelling.

Qingyang couldn't help but laugh: "The battleship needs to turn sideways to ensure maximum firepower. Does the third-level civilization have the ability to develop orbital naval guns?"

Belya recorded without raising his head: "The civilization of the dimensional world is obviously weaker than the civilization of the main universe at the same level. The types of resources are not as rich as those of the main universe, and many technologies cannot be perfected."

call out!

Huge naval guns continued to bombard, and a large number of beams of light covered the Eternal Fleet.

However, each ship simply moved a certain distance laterally and easily dodged many attacks.

The powerful naval guns and secondary guns fired back at the same time, and the explosion flames rose again.

At this time, the generals of the four civilizations had already speculated that these inexplicably powerful battleships in front of them were probably not the battleships of the four civilizations.

"Outside civilization or lost civilization?"

"Find a way to surround and kill them, maybe the opportunity to ascend will be on them!"

"Inform the superiors of this matter."

"Cease fire for now and mobilize the fleet to surround that area."

The originally fierce battleship melee gradually stopped and quickly surrounded the area where the Eternal Fleet was located.

"Oh, I've realized it." Qingyang's eyes flashed, and a plan appeared in his mind.

The Eternal Fleet immediately left the battlefield and sailed to other areas.

Every time they go to an area, the nearby warships of all races will be killed by them.

After going back and forth more than ten times, the four major civilizations finally stopped their useless encirclement.

Turn to assemble the fleet and keep an eye on the movements of the Eternal Fleet.

Faced with thousands of warships gathering in an area, the Eternal Fleet was unable to find an opportunity to attack.

If most of the attacks from nearly a thousand enemy ships hit at the same time, the joint shield will be severely damaged.

"Damn it! A mere five warships are so powerful, they are definitely an outside civilization!"

The huge meat ball waved its tentacles excitedly.

The octopus man became even more manic, "If we can get their technology, our civilization can soar."

"What should we do now? Even if we join forces, we obviously can't deal with those five damn warships."

"Wait, let's see what it says." The plant life said slowly.

Hui Yue Ship control room.

Everyone around looked at Qingyang, curious about what to do next.

According to Gu Xing's idea, he should actually attack the mother star of a civilization. Huiyue's main cannon can plow the entire ground.

Penetrating naval guns bombard underground facilities.

There is no problem in just destroying most of the top leaders of a civilization.

Of course, Qingyang is the commander, and Gu Xing will not disrupt Qingyang's thinking in this regard.

At present, it seems that Qingyang has his own plan.

For a moment, when the atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more depressing.

Qingyang silently started the language translation program and sent a clear communication to the fleets of the four major civilizations on the opposite side.

The general meaning is that the Eternal Fleet is a battleship squadron of an advanced civilization. This time it comes to find a production world where the civilization can produce original products for them.

In return, they will give rewards to productive civilizations to ensure that they can carry out the so-called ascension and continuation.

If they don't agree, then the Eternal Fleet alone can severely damage the four civilizations.

In order to ensure that the other party would consider it seriously, Qingyang also included an energy optimization technology.

It can increase the energy utilization rate of the four major civilizations by 25%, which can greatly alleviate resource pressure.

This is technology randomly written by the scientific research team within the fleet.

After all, it is only a third-level civilization, and any child in the alliance is at the level of an advanced researcher.

Of course, it is impossible for Qingyang to really support these four civilizations. Not only will the results be slow, but it will also be detrimental to the first dimensional world rating.

But it’s not all nonsense, at least there are indeed many production world alliances.

The four civilizations did not respond immediately after the message was sent.

The top leaders of the four major civilizations fell into chaos, and even held a civilization meeting that had not been seen in a long time.

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