Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 184 If you don’t accept it, declare war!

In a certain area of ​​the Linkamo star cluster, violent explosions and debris were floating in the starry sky.

There are burning wreckage of warships everywhere, hundreds of thousands of biological corpses floating around, and from time to time there are roars of severely damaged warships.

A large amount of energy sparks were vented, and it was obvious that he was unable to fight.

The largest of them, a disc battleship with a diameter of two thousand kilometers, was even more dilapidated. At least one-tenth of the hull was shattered, and countless melted and twisted alloys were intertwined.

Dense energy sparks splashed around the broken energy circuits.

Except for a battleship with a dreamy and gorgeous appearance, it is currently suspended above the huge disc battleship, continuously dropping war machines downwards.

"Break in! Kill all non-metahuman and non-phantom life forms!" Gu Xing ordered.

Dozens of Extraordinaries immediately rushed into the huge disc battleship below with hundreds of soldiers each.

Qingyang closed his eyes and carefully covered the huge battlefield battleship inch by inch, searching for the target.

Not long ago, the Eternity came to this star cluster with a diameter of more than 100 million light-years.

Not long after arriving, the monitoring terminal detected the metahuman soul signal, so Qingyang immediately controlled the Eternal to come here.

After almost understanding the functions of this Kajiao Empire fleet, Qingyang launched an attack without hesitation.

"Huh?" Qingyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then the figure disappeared in an instant. This was the first time he encountered a metahuman from another universe, and it was very worthy of his personal search.

In the area where the lighting flickered, high-temperature sparks flew everywhere, and the originally smooth alloy structure was distorted and damaged.

Tens of thousands of creatures were trembling in the damaged battleship, and densely packed Kajiao soldiers were walking through the relatively intact corridor rooms, wary of unusual movements from different directions.

In the corner, three phantoms jointly held up a thousand-meter barrier, blocking the falling and explosion of a large number of debris.

Forcibly protecting hundreds of lives in the spiritual barrier, including elite civilized creatures and slaves who came together.

Phantoms are naturally psychic beings, so their will and spirit are extremely sharp, and they can easily capture the emotional fluctuations of other creatures.

Coupled with the influence of natural high-quality light psychic energy, the phantom community has always belonged to the good camp, and its reputation and strength are extremely good among the Linkama Star Cluster.

It is quite popular and respected by most citizens of a middle and low-level civilization.

The metahuman boy held his head and looked at the surrounding barriers in confusion, and then fell on the three phantoms.

He could sense that it was the energy of the same breath that healed him just now.


The Kajiao tribe under the psychic barrier first expressed their gratitude to the three phantoms, then picked up their rifles and looked fiercely at the dozens of slaves inside the barrier.

According to the rules of the Kajiao tribe, if the competition ground cannot be preserved and the slaves cannot be transported away, then they will be killed in the name of protecting property.

The three phantoms noticed this scene, and the brilliant color of their bodies fluctuated slightly, but in the end they did not speak to stop them.

It is the eidolon's default rule not to interfere with the rules and policies of other civilizations.

Even though this rule is different from how they behave!

At the moment when the Kajiao soldiers raised their guns and were about to shoot the slaves, dozens of arcs penetrated the layers of alloy structures, smashing through the psychic barrier and wiping out many Kajiao clansmen.

The Kajiao clan member who was hit was directly beaten into ashes!

Not only the Kajiao tribe, but all living creatures except the eidolon tribe and the metahuman boy were wiped out, including those slaves.


Debris flew everywhere and explosions rose.

The soft light poured in from the sudden gap, dispelling the gloom and shining on the boy.

Immediately, Qingyang, who was dressed in black with gold patterns and exuded a strong high-dimensional human aura, floated out from the gap along with the light.

Qingyang casually defeated the psychic barrier held up by the three phantoms, and Qingyang came to the boy.

Looking into the eyes of the boy who was less than ten years old, there was a look of fear mixed with perseverance. Qingyang smiled with satisfaction and then reached out to the boy.

"Hello, compatriots, it's time to go home."

As for the other three phantoms, Qingyang didn't even look at them from beginning to end.

If the behavior and will and thinking patterns of phantoms were not close to those of humans, they would not have been able to escape the wave of psychic attacks just now!

The boy raised his head blankly, staring at the figure in front of him with an extremely kind and majestic atmosphere, giving people a figure that he wanted to worship.

The subconscious closeness and awe made him hold Qingyang's hand.

the other side.

The competition area was also covered by the sudden attack. No. 73 looked at the figure surrounded by white flames in shock, and his thoughts were inexplicable.

Hundreds of thousands of contestants, thousands of elite soldiers and hundreds of war machines were all eliminated by one person in just five minutes?

No. 73 was shocked when he noticed that this mysterious warrior who was almost exactly the same as his race was looking over. However, the closeness and awe he felt did not make him wary or resist.

Instead, he hesitated for a moment and asked dryly: "I wonder who you are."

"Same race."

The Beyonder under Gu Xing's command replied, then grabbed No. 73's arm and teleported away immediately.

Eternity preparation area.


No. 73 was teleported here with a dazed expression on his face. Before he could recover, a familiar voice made him immediately turn his head.

Seeing his son, No. 73 was immediately overjoyed: "Xiaoyun!"

Looking at the surprised father and son, the crew members around them did not disturb them and continued to be busy with their work.

In the control room, Qingyang returns.

Looking at the huge dilapidated battleship in the picture and confirming that the three phantoms jumped away on the spaceship, Qingyang waited no longer.

"Destroy it!"

In an instant, several high-dimensional characteristic arrays with power exceeding 300,000 emerged.

The terrifying brilliance gathered, and the next moment, the fierce brilliance directly purified the entire huge competition battleship!

At the same time, the fighting conflicts that broke out here were observed by a large number of surrounding civilizations.

Qingyang didn't have any hidden plans. After destroying the competing ship, he directly sent a clear message to the entire Linkama Star Cluster!

[This is to inform you that the advance fleet of the Star Sea Human Alliance has declared war on the Kajiao Empire without any reason]

[Next, the Kajiao Empire will suffer a devastating blow from our fleet. Anyone who is on the same front as the Kajiao Empire will be regarded as a comrade]

【They will all be liquidated together】

In the control room, Qingyang turned to look at Chang Xi: "Have you found the area of ​​human civilization in Shenyun?"

Chang Xi immediately confirmed: "We found it. It is currently a third-level intermediate civilization, and its territory is within the sphere of influence of the Kajiao Empire. It has been one of the slave breeding civilizations of the Kajiao Empire for a long time.

Basically every few hundred years, the Kajiao Empire would harvest the elite population of the breeding civilization for high-end slave trade.

The current situation is not good. Although the peak technology is at the third-level intermediate level, many basic technologies and mid-level technologies have gaps, and the territory is only the size of a normal third-level elementary civilization. "

Hearing this, Qingyang and many core crew members had even more murderous intent in their eyes.

[Didi, communication request—Linkamo Sect]

Qingyang's heart moved.

The Linkamo Sect is the only seventh-level civilization in this star cluster. It is a seventh-level elementary civilization on the side of psychic technology.

The combat power is similar to that of a seventh-level medium civilization.


[Civilized battleships outside the star cluster, please pay attention to your words and deeds. This is the Linkamo star cluster, and the Kajiao civilization is an important subordinate of ours]

Qingyang hung up the communication directly and looked at Chang Xi silently.

Chang Xi understood it, and soon a clear message spread throughout the star cluster again.

[Now, Star Sea Human Alliance·Advance Fleet—Eternal Truth]

[Officially declare war on the Linkama Sect and all its forces without reason]

[Of course, if necessary, this fleet will declare war on all civilizations in the Linkama Star Cluster]

[Protecting the basic rights and interests of pan-human beings]

Qingyang sat on the command chair, holding the unicorn staff with both hands, and spoke calmly.

"Inform Lilith that the show is about to begin."

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