Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 190 Total War·This is Efficiency

Qingyang noticed the distance from the star map mark to this place and was slightly surprised.

Four hundred and fifty star sea distance.

Navigating through the starry space is not far, but this does allow Qingyang to have some guesses about the size of the alien universe, which is about one or two thousand star seas in diameter.

This distance only refers to the star cluster areas where resources are dense and where civilization can be born, not the dark, empty and dead areas where stars are sparse.

Therefore, the actual diameter is at least about five to six thousand star sea distances.

Of course, this is just speculation. Only calculating the upper limit of combat power in different universes is the prerequisite for a tenth-level civilization.

If there are more Level 10 civilizations or there are stronger civilizations, the diameter of the alien universe will expand several times based on this guess!

You must know that this is the diameter, and the increase in range volume will only make it more terrifying.

The sea of ​​more than ten thousand stars is already quite large in diameter.

You must know that the diameter of the star sea area in the universe is only more than 50,000 star sea distances.

Of course, this is just a comparison range. After all, the Star Sea region is extremely rich in resources, and the power of spiritual energy, high-dimensional barriers and rules is extremely clear. There are rare resources and advanced cosmic ecological environments everywhere.

There is no deserted vacancy.

Currently, there are only forty-seven alien universes discovered and initially surveyed by the Alliance, most of which are only a few hundred star seas apart.

The smallest among them is only eighty star seas away, which is not as huge as some super star clusters in the universe.

However, the rule system and the universe law framework are all available.

The largest one is probably only about three times the size of the Star Sea area, and its resources are not even one thousandth of the Star Sea area.

In fact, there was a larger alien universe before, but now it has been transformed into countless dimensional worlds, surrounded by the high-dimensional watershed of the universe, waiting to be digested.

There is no way, this universe has been unified and merged by a chosen civilization. It thinks that it is invincible and is too arrogant. When they meet, they don't say anything and directly start a full-scale war with the alliance.

Eventually it was crushed directly.

However, this civilization does have something to be proud of. According to historical data, the four major super countries all sent certain military regions and combat groups to participate in the battle.

More than one-tenth of the hundreds of powerful nations in the Star Sea Human Alliance participated in the battle.

And it was not until the middle and late stages of the Fourth Age that that civilization was wiped out.

The Kyushu Republic even deployed five of its seventy-two military regions to participate in that war.

Looking at the entire universe, there are no more than ten civilizations that can force an army of this size from the Alliance.

Not counting those empires of time, whose entire civilizations have been sleeping in the long river of time, there are actually only three or four civilizations with such strength in the universe.

"There should be two to three Level 10 civilizations in this universe, the Destruction Agreement pseudo-overlord level civilization?" Qingyang guessed.

Then he continued to look down. In addition to the coordinates, this information also recorded the size of the ruins and the approximate distribution of dangers. There was no other detailed information.

I guess I was too lazy to investigate the Destruction Agreement carefully.

Immediately recording all the information in his mind, Qingyang turned around and looked at the combat star map, which was a kilometer in diameter and suspended in the center of the control room.

The densely packed light points represent galaxies and civilizational territories, and dozens of colors outline different routes and relationship networks.

This virtual three-dimensional star map even labels various environments, civilization information, and army sizes in detail, without any omissions, even for a civilization that has just entered the electric age.

The local star network cooperates with the Star Harmony monitoring network, and everything about the Linkama Star Cluster is displayed in Qingyang's eyes.

Qingyang frowned as he looked at the golden mark representing the Linkamo Sect's power network.

The most annoying thing about faith-based civilizations is their territory. Their actual territory is more than a hundred times smaller than normal civilizations at the same level.

Their belief network and sect member civilizations span the entire star cluster.

Through its own high-end technology, the industry and population of its member forces, and the belief in psychic powers, its war potential is second only to omnics and group will civilizations.

Seeing this, Li Qing said: "Currently, 28.5% of the Cathedral area of ​​the Linkamo Sect has been eradicated, and it is expected to cause considerable interference to Linkamo.

At least in these areas, their fleets cannot enjoy spiritual blessings, and one of the vacant areas is close to the Linkamo Cathedral area. "

Qingyang nodded slightly. The cathedral of faith civilization is not easy to build. The more advanced the faith civilization, the more so.

Therefore he was not concerned about the rebuilding of the cathedral that had been destroyed.

"Yes, Lilith, we will focus on attacking these areas next. Thousands of officers in the fleet will be responsible for assisting you in deploying troops."

These officers are elite officers supported by the Unified Plan, and are excellent in both strategic and tactical command.

After all, in terms of strategic and tactical command, computing power and data processing capabilities do not account for all, but also require extremely active initiative.

"Okay Commander." Lilith responded immediately.

Qingyang glanced at Linkamo's cathedral in different directions and continued to give orders.

"Shanhai Battle Stars don't take action yet, just defend the first battle area. In addition, the Eternal Fleet is divided into four formations.

Among them, the Eternity, Formation Breaker, Calm down, 2,000 dreadnought battleships, 500 aircraft carriers and 1,500 Star Destroyers were the first formation to handle the support called by Linkamo.

The other three formations evenly divided the other star battleships and cooperated with the mechanical army to pull out the important defensive area of ​​​​the Linkamo Sect.

The specific details of the battle are decided by oneself, I just want the results! "


Li Qing, Valen and Mia, Wang Zilan and Zhuge Ling left one after another according to the order.

Gu Xue will follow Qingyang.

The Lincamo fleet will not pose a threat to the Eternal Fleet, but the support they invite may not be certain.

In the first combat zone, which was fully prepared for war, more inactive mechanical warships broke away from the warehouse giant structure and floated in the vast starry sky.

Thousands of mechanical battle stars, hundreds of starry sky fortresses, and a large number of battleships and other auxiliary battleships are divided into more than ten legions.

Each branch has tens of millions of mechanical battleships and hundreds of units such as Battle Star Fortress!

The mighty and majestic formation!

The shining silver mechanical legions stand everywhere in the first theater, waiting for combat orders.

The light falls on the hull and combat units, like a huge silver starry sky lake, shining dazzlingly.

The Eternal was getting ready to go. Qingyang sat on the commander's chair with his back straight, his hands holding the unicorn staff, his eyes showing a cold light.

Too much time was wasted on the Linkamo Sect, and only the most efficient means can be used to make up for the lost time.

Destroy all planets and celestial bodies in sight, and erase all material and energy condensations in the battlefield area that are not belonging to the Eternal Fleet and have a diameter of more than one foot!

No need to hold hands, no need to occupy, just destroy!

As for whether the agreement will cover it?

To the macrocosm, the planets and lives in the realm of seventh-level civilization are nothing more than dregs that can be created at will.

For the Destruction Protocol.

It's nothing more than a string of insignificant data symbols.

Of course, Qingyang is not a thug or a war criminal. The target of his attack is only the forces related to the Linkamo sect, and Qingyang will not interfere with other civilizations.

Before the attack, based on the alliance's combat rules, Qingyang will explain clearly in a clear message.

Qingyang put on gloves with flashing high-dimensional circuits, and the eyes of the unicorn in his hands were looming.

Gu Xue no longer acted coquettishly with Qingyang. The illusory white and pink armor appeared out of thin air and covered it, and a dangerous atmosphere filled the air.

Gu Xing had already arrived at the war preparation area of ​​​​Tiaobang, standing neatly with hundreds of powerful extraordinary people. Next to him was Stu Tai, who had followed Qingyang to leave the World of Hope.

Tens of thousands of guardsmen with extraordinary auras also guarded the key entrances in each ship, and millions of combat machines walked through the countless aisles of the Eternal.

Tian Ling and Xiang Fei stayed quietly in the control room, waiting for instructions at any time.

The entire Eternity fell into silence at this moment.

[The data terminal has been closed, and the Destruction Protocol has officially left the Linkama Star Cluster]

Tens of minutes later, the cold mechanical sound of the local star network suddenly sounded, and Qingyang suddenly opened his eyes.

"Start the attack and leave no trace behind!"

boom! !

Based on the research on the Heaven Realm, stronger super-light channels directly transmitted more than a dozen mechanical legions.

Several eternal formations passed through the starry space and jumped away in an instant!

It pounced directly on the important node areas of the Linkama Sect's power network, and at the same time, a clear message familiar to many civilizations was widely spread.

[The Eternal Fleet now announces that it will officially launch a full-scale war against the Linkamo Department]

[I hope that irrelevant civilizations will stay away from the battlefield area]

There are no unnecessary words or reasons for all-out war, just a few simple sentences, which can be said to be a complete outbreak of war sweeping the entire star cluster!

This is the first time these civilizations of the Linkama Star Cluster have faced such a horrific war.

If you are not careful, a light spear millions of light years away may accidentally damage a planet or even a galaxy!

When living creatures sit at home, misfortune comes from the stars.

Faced with such an announcement, many civilizations panicked and closed their territories, and layers of planetary shields were activated urgently.

Countless giant structures that were observed beyond visual range looked towards the territory of Linkamo.

Unsurprisingly, the war should break out within Linkamo's sphere of influence. The mobility of those mysterious mechanical legions is obviously far superior to that of the Linkamo sect.

Of course, there are also third-level and fourth-level civilizations brainwashed by the Lincamo sect, clamoring for the Soul Return God Realm to mobilize military force and rush to the battlefield area without hesitation.

As for the fifth- and sixth-level civilizations, they basically only have a relationship of interest or vassalage with the Linkamo civilization, and there are not many brainwashing people.

Even so, they couldn't get away and had to bite the bullet.

So as soon as Qingyang issued the announcement, countless military production orders from the Linkamo Sect reached all major sixth-level civilizations.

The Lincamo Sect's own industrial parish has also begun production at full speed, preparing to fight a protracted war.

"A protracted war?" Qingyang smiled disdainfully.

At what level do you want to fight a protracted war with me?

"Chang Xi, go straight to the bishop area of ​​the Linkamo Sect. Don't pay attention to the enemy troops along the way."

"Understood, do you need to clear the planets passing by along the way?" Chang Xi smiled softly.

There is no difference between a broken planet and a complete planet for the resource decomposition ship.

Qingyang said directly: "Just leave it to Lilith. The most important thing is the enemy's senior leaders and ruling class."


Diocese of Linkamo.

"Commander Rice, the Eternal Fleet has launched a full-scale war!"

In a majestic hall with an alternative style, more than a dozen bishops and archbishops looked at a crystalline creature enclosed in a huge crystal ball.

That was the person in charge of the seventh-level peak civilization support who came to support this time.

The orb device on the outside of Les glowed slightly.

"Don't worry, I will defeat their special fleet!"

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