Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 193 The Naturally Chosen One of Deep Cloud Civilization

[The Linka Mosque faction has been cleared]

[The original Linkama Star Cluster was renamed - Qingxue Star Cluster, and the names of the other galaxy star clusters remained unchanged]

[Within the radius of 150,000 light-years from the black hole in the center of the Qingxue Star Cluster, no force units are allowed to exist. Please evacuate as quickly as possible]

[In addition, the central black hole of the eight major galaxy star regions such as the North, Northeast, and Northwest has a radius of 50,000 light-years, and no power units are also allowed to exist]

[For other systems, please go to the former Bishop of Linkamo to discuss after ten particle expansion and contraction periods]

【Want everyone to know】

Tens of thousands of interstellar civilizations were silent, silently watching the clear communication in front of them.

To this day, they can't help but believe that the Linkama Star Cluster has completely changed owners in a short period of time, and the once strongest civilization has been shattered into pieces.

"Prepare a diplomatic mission. That's it. I'll go in person." Many civilized leaders quickly made a decision.

Several of them never communicate with the outside world. The lost civilization that was once suspected of being a seventh-level civilization and now only has a pseudo-seventh level also decided to pay a visit.

Although relying on some means, the former Linkamo sect would not easily provoke them.

But now it seems that this new civilization is obviously countless times more dangerous than Linkamo. If you are not careful, the civilization will be destroyed.

Faced with the strange situation, the Qingxue Star Cluster was peaceful, and no interstellar civilization dared to stir up trouble during this period.

At the same time, the equipment in the original first theater was collectively passing through the hyperspace high-speed channel and quickly heading towards the black hole in the center of the Qingxue Star Cluster.

Although it is easy to break up star fragments and other celestial bodies, the resources they provide are negligible compared to the super black holes at the core of star clusters.

A high-quality ecological star field like the Evergreen Star Territory would be best if it could not destroy nature.

As for the Qingxue Star Cluster, the mass level of its central black hole far exceeds that of the Evergreen Starfield black hole, at least ten thousand times more!

Not afraid of ecological damage caused by black hole decompression equipment.

The black holes in the other eight star fields are also hundreds or even a thousand times more massive than the black holes in the Evergreen Star Field!

It was enough to turn Lilith's mechanical army into a mature, peak-level seventh-level omnic civilization.

This will be true both in terms of scale and quality!

Mechanical battleships, mechanical motherships, mechanical battle stars, fortresses and even battle stars equipped with large high-dimensional weapons!

They will all appear in the Mechanical Legion in large numbers, opening up a path for the Eternal Fleet to explore.

In addition, expansion of various engineering equipment and planetary ecological transformation will also be carried out simultaneously.

Judging from the situation of Shen Yun Civilization, there are obviously many pan-human civilizations in different universes, at least dozens or hundreds of them.

Qingyang has roughly completed the plan, and then put down another star ring to connect to the Evergreen Star Territory.

The two star rings are one-way, which greatly enhances transportation convenience and traffic limit.

In addition to the two Tiangong giants and the data resource processing giant and other cutting-edge equipment, other military-industrial giants have been moved to the central star area of ​​the Qingxue Star Cluster.

Even more industrial giants and military equipment are still being manufactured and are ready to be put into production at any time.

"Leave the planning of the many civilizations in the Qingxue Star Cluster to the professional team. If there are any civilizations involved in human trafficking in Shenyun, notify Lilith to clean them up."

Qingyang warned the extraordinary person who was responsible for going out to negotiate.

A few minutes later, watching a dreadnought ship leave, Qingyang turned around.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Gu Xue with sparkling eyes and a very bright expression. Qingyang smiled.

"How about a gift?"

Gu Xue did not speak, but nodded happily.

Looking at Gu Xue who was so happy that he couldn't speak, Qingyang smiled and reached out to touch his little head.

Then he called up the panel, opened the star map mark, and studied the surrounding environment of the ninth-level scientific research ruins.

Once used as a scientific research base in the key defense area of ​​the ninth-level civilization, the risk factor is really not small for the Eternal Fleet.

Before going, Qingyang needs to be fully prepared!

At least until the new batch of star battleships are completed.

So Qingyang, who had nothing to do, controlled the Eternal and returned to the Evergreen Star Territory again.

In addition, it also carries a data terminal that has been converted.

The data terminal used in the Qingxue Star Cluster's protocol is more than a thousand times more powerful than that of the Evergreen Star Cluster.

Completely comparable to the overall computing power of an eighth-level omnic civilization, it has been able to exert most of Lilith's original data power as a high-dimensional data life to a considerable extent.

I think the mechanical army will make a qualitative leap soon.

After dealing with Lilith's hardware environment, the Eternal did not wait long and quickly sailed towards the XJ domain of Shen Yun Civilization.

It was an area specially designated in the central star region. In addition to more than a hundred large life planets, the original stars were replaced by residential giant structures with equally superior environmental ecology.

Coupled with the waterways, starry sky cities, and residential rings all over the planets and in the starry sky, not to mention the trillions of people.

Even if it is doubled ten times, it can still be easily accommodated.

Of course, the spiritual will of some people in Shenyun Civilization is not up to standard, so Lilith still needs to optimize and screen from generation to generation.

However, the proportion of such people is not high, and cleaning and optimization is not difficult.

Blue crystal star.

The new capital star of Shen Yun Civilization has a diameter of about 30,000 kilometers and is an excellent life planet according to the alliance.

Spiritual energy is everywhere, the breath of life is permeated, and the earth's core and other plates are naturally transformed by strange and beneficial energy.

Billions of people are located here, and dreamy cities covering one-tenth of the planet's surface stand proudly. The huge cities are just separated by the dusk line of the planet.

Deep cloud federal government.

Hundreds of younger civilized managers were intensely discussing the development direction of the federation.

The original government that was adapted to the supply and resistance of slaves has long since been disbanded, and is now completely in charge of a new generation of Shenyun humans who are full of free and pioneering spirit.

Of course, there was Qingyang's instruction.

After all, the original government had been slaves for tens of thousands of years, and countless people's wills and thoughts had been distorted, thus betraying humanity and harming the interests of their own federation.

The level of corruption is comparable to that of the Hope World Star Torch Empire!

"Since the great superior human civilization rescued us and even defeated the Kajiao Empire, we naturally have to move forward in the footsteps of the superior civilization!"

Immediately, someone expressed admiration, and such thoughts resonated with many people.

Then someone helplessly retorted: "So many types of spiritual energy, technology, data, machinery, and faith develop together? Be realistic."

"In that case, what about psychic technology?"


Outside the parliament hall, Qingyang looked through the wall and watched the discussion among the top leaders of the new Shen Yun human race, revealing a smile.

Then he quietly disappeared and reappeared on the edge of a street somewhere in the city.

There are countless people coming and going around, going to their respective work areas or going home.

Of course, there are still many people who are engaged in leisure activities to relax their brains that are a little raw due to absorbing knowledge and information.

Joining the alliance, the fixed process must involve a huge amount of learning and education, which no one can avoid.

Qingyang nodded: "It seems that the humans in Shenyun have adapted well in the past few months."

He is indeed a human being with strong sensory adaptability.

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

"Don't you see? There is such a huge sky-blue river in the sky."

A river in the sky?

Suddenly, the sound in his ear attracted Qingyang's attention.

Without waiting for a response, prompts from the Local Star Network and the Star of Truth sounded one after another.

[Attention, those who detect the destiny of civilization and destiny]

[Confirmation completed, Macroscopic Realm·Chosen One (Born)]

Born to be the chosen one?

Qingyang's expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and he was also the natural choice of the macrocosm?

According to extensive intelligence analysis of the Endless Quest template, the number of rewarded chosen ones is completely different from that of the natural chosen ones.

The former has limitations. Apart from normal spiritual cultivation and information perception, there is no luck blessing.

The Chosen Ones who are born in the macro-heaven realm are different. They have extremely powerful luck blessings, and even this luck will greatly feed back their own civilized ethnic groups!

Theoretically speaking, the benefits obtained from the macroscopic world will also be stronger.

As for more differences, there is a lack of data and cannot be analyzed, but it is definitely more than this.

It is not difficult for civilizations that usually have natural macro-chosen people to reach level eight civilization!

In other words, if development proceeds normally, even if the Eternal Fleet does not come to this universe.

Will the Deep Cloud Civilization rise rapidly as a result, and eventually overthrow the dominance of the Linkamo Sect?

"Interesting, can the Local Star Network awaken its talent? No matter what talent it is!"

[Local Star Network only supports the loading of extraordinary talents]

[Specific talents need to be loaded under the coverage of the main server star network]

It seems that this is not possible for the time being, but there are definitely many benefits to recruiting him into the fleet.

Maybe he will be the next ‘Ancient Star’ 2.0!

Thinking of this, Qingyang couldn't help but smile kindly.

Stepping towards the two young men.

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