Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 196 Relics with rules for attack defense

No wonder they are so proactive and put rewards that originally need to be discussed by various departments into the meeting.

Shaking their heads helplessly, the other members did not refuse.

"No problem, but is it a good thing to give Commander Qingyang the source data integration core module in advance?" a member of the Soviet Empire asked.

The member of the Kyushu Council smiled and said: "If Qingyang dares to use the data after seeing it, and there is no negative impact, wouldn't it be more proof of his potential?"

"No objection."



Confirm that the technical data has been successfully transferred.

Qingyang returned his attention to the extraction of physical objects from the Palace of Truth.

The physical objects in the Hall of Truth are either present on the spot, or they are too special and are retained and included in the Hall of Truth.

Both are very valuable, of course the second is better.

A ball of liquefied spiritual energy appeared, Qingyang washed his hands seriously: "Start extracting."

【Extracting now.】

[Congratulations on getting——Tower of Glory]

[Description: It was once one of the core components of the strategic system of a powerful civilization in the universe. Due to the extinction of the universe, civilizations were destroyed together, and in the end only a few creations with certain independent narratives were left.]

[Suggestion: Transform its star into a weapon. The Star of Truth requires 15,000 truth points to help transform it]


They are all good goods. It seems that the Star of Truth has done really well in the macroscopic world.

Qingyang did not hesitate: "Confirm the transformation."

Although it costs a full fifteen thousand truth points, this is a creation that can be used as a core component of the strategic system!

The value of the star weapon after its transformation can be known with your toes, far exceeding fifteen thousand dreadnought battleships!

High-end fleets with hundreds of thousands of dreadnoughts may not necessarily possess this kind of star weapon.

[Estimated to take one day]

[Please note to collaborators, Star of Truth received two regular polymers and one high-dimensional energy source from observing the macroscopic world this time]

High-dimensional energy sources can be converted into attack and defense modules with superimposed characteristics]

Additive features?

A batch of additional high-dimensional features are added to the original 100% annihilation feature?

Gee, that’s really perverted.

Qingyang did not hesitate to use the commander's talent and local star network to start the conversion of modules and high-dimensional templates. He roughly felt the progress, which would take about seven or eight days.

Outside the scope of the main server star network, although the commander's talent can be used, the efficiency of active transformation abilities will be greatly affected.

Qingyang had no choice but to close the panel, and then his figure appeared directly in the Xingmi space.

The star battleships that have been manufactured are on standby, and the data resources have been basically consumed.

Qingyang felt very comfortable looking at the thousands of new warships in front of him.

Every expansion of his fleet made him feel satisfied.

What's more, this is the first time the Eternal Fleet has increased in size in a different universe, and it is also a large increase in quantity.

Resources, processing, and manufacturing are all completed by the Eternal Fleet itself!

More than 2,000 Radiant Dreadnoughts, 1,000 Star-Swarm aircraft carriers, and one Star Nest Mothership have been added. The Star Destroyers are sufficient for the time being and will not be added.

Counting the previous Star Battleship.

There are a total of 14,000 main star battleships, four motherships and one battle star.

Flagships and special battleships are not included in the main force array.

"Let's set out to explore the ruins tomorrow." Qingyang smiled.

Compared to war and killing, Qingyang looked forward to exploring the ruins more.

[Please note that you have received a bounty request within this universe]


Can I still receive commissions from different universes?

【Reward Request】

[Description: A large-scale war for hegemony is ongoing in a large star cluster area. The civilization where the client is located is one of the contenders for hegemony.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for its civilization and requires outside help]

[Involving civilizations: Level 7 advanced civilization × 3, Level 7 elementary~medium civilization × 5, Level 6 civilization × 433]

[Detailed coordinates:]


The client must be a meta-human civilization. Unexpectedly, meta-humans are actually contenders for hegemony this time?

It must be one of the three seventh-level advanced civilizations, which is really rare.

Surprisingly, it is not on the verge of extinction or about to perish, but a seventh-level human civilization with a power that spans hundreds of millions of light-years.

You must know that the size of advanced civilizations is too large. As long as the gap between them is not too large, even if there is a national war, the civilization will not be destroyed.

Even if the battle for hegemony fails, at most it will cost some money and core resources, and the territory may be affected, but there will never be civil enslavement and mass destruction.

Qingyang thought about it: "The battle for hegemony of the seventh-level civilization will take at least tens of thousands of years to end. It shouldn't be a big problem to visit the ruins first.

Truth, what do you think? "

[It is expected that the situation of the target star cluster will not change within thirty years]

Tsk..., God help me.

Qingyang immediately sent to the control room: "In two hours, we will set sail for the scientific research ruins!"

The crew members who were everywhere immediately accepted the order and returned to the Eternal.

At the same time, the deserted gate of the universe.

A certain oval crystal ship with a length of 5,000 kilometers, many equipment resources and two young men are boarding the ship.

"This is your first time leaving the universe, Brother Zhao, are you nervous?"

The curly-haired young man looked a little excited, looking at the young man next to him with long hair that reached his waist and looked a little old-fashioned.

"I'm really looking forward to Captain Qingyang. He has done a lot of things in recent years, hahahaha." The long-haired young man said with a smile.

[Please note: About to depart]

[Target coordinate anchor point·Eternal Fleet local star network range]

Upon hearing this, the two stopped communicating at the same time.

There is a quiet and empty space somewhere, without any stars.

The Eternity, shining with bright stars, appeared in a wave of waves and slowly floated in the starry sky.

Qingyang stood up from the chair and looked around.

After confirming that the description was the same as the information given by the protocol civilization, the parameters of the space jump equipment were adjusted to a specific numerical range.

The mental threshold moves slightly.

The surrounding space changed instantly, and a faint blue-white light flowed around.

That is an extremely tough space barrier!

Through the exploration module of the local star network, the star map quickly draws a detailed three-dimensional map.

Qingyang's eyes were immediately attracted to the spherical building in the center of the star map miniature.

It is a giant structure with a diameter of 200 million kilometers, which is comparable to some medium and large stars!

It is surrounded by 108 million-kilometer-level auxiliary equipment. Through scanning, it is known that it should be computing, data processing and simulation equipment.

It has no other effect.

The powerful spiritual power radiated through the Eternity and quickly came into contact with the main body of the huge scientific research structure.

"There is no defensive reaction." Qingyang was surprised and became more and more alert.

It is impossible for a ninth-level scientific research giant that is so complete and has not suffered any external damage to be without a defense mode.

Thinking of this, Qingyang nodded slightly to the Lilith clone.

Immediately, tens of thousands of mechanical warships in Xingmi space broke away and quickly sailed towards the scientific research giant several light days away.

Qingyang and others stared seriously at the miniature picture displayed on the star map.

As the mechanical warship approached the giant structure, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared around the giant scientific research structure. ‘

Immediately, nine pyramids with a diameter of one million kilometers emerged from scratch.

The next moment, a violent arc of high-dimensional energy swept across, vaporizing tens of thousands of mechanical battleships at the same time.

From beginning to end, only one of the pyramid defense structures launched the attack.

"Half a million kills index, 100% disintegration properties, and a little bit more attack aura?"

Qingyang was shocked and confused.

[Confirmed·With 1.5% decomposition rule attack]

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