Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 198 The mysterious intelligence that knows the existence of the alliance

The star shuttle quickly passed through the huge building passage with a diameter of forty or fifty kilometers.

The mechanical channel that exudes a faint and soft brilliance is still emitting faint energy fluctuations.

There were extremely subtle fluctuations in the rules, causing everyone to remain on alert to prevent any possible attacks.

The honeycomb-like curtain of dark golden light steadily covered the star shuttle.

Even around the nearly a thousand people in the ship, there was also a faint dark gold shield looming.

Every time like this, Qingyang would lament that the additional functions of the Eighth Protocol were so great, completely eliminating the core flaws of being a commander.

The Commander's Shield associated with the Fleet United Shield even shares all characteristics, whether it is the God's Wall or the high-dimensional defense characteristics.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Qingyang is both a fleet!

If Qingyang would be threatened as a single soldier, then staying in the Eternity wouldn't be much safer.

Touching the two shining Four Holy Rings, Qingyang gently tapped the Kirin staff on the ground, and then an illusory Kirin-like armor appeared out of thin air.

Qingyang's body was covered in an instant.

The extremely powerful high-dimensional dragon pattern circuits lit up layer by layer, and the unicorn staff in his hand turned into a long and narrow black hole element war blade.

Miao knife style.

Qingyang glanced at the armor data panel and Qilin Knife with satisfaction. This was his first time using this armor.

This is the customized self-protection equipment for individual soldiers that Qingyang spent a lot of money to find from Xingqi Group before coming to another universe.

I don't know exactly how strong it is, but it can at least compete with Tian Ling in standard mecha mode.


Suddenly, the surrounding passages trembled slightly.

Qingyang, who was inspecting his armor and war blade, suddenly raised his head and looked solemnly at the small star map that came with the star shuttle.

Among them, Stu Tai, who has the most combat experience, has activated the high-dimensional attack hand cannon on his waist, and his eyes turned cold under his mask.

I have been on countless exploration and inspection missions, and when this happens, either the enemy stabs me or the heretic ambush me.

Sure enough, as the slight space ripples spread, dozens of huge irregular machines appeared and blocked the front of the star shuttle.

[Energy technology research base ahead, stop those who come]

Hearing this, he quickly determined the energy level of the body in front of him, and Qingyang smiled: "Thank you for informing me."

Before she finished speaking, Tian Ling disappeared directly into the star shuttle.

Then a slightly slender dark green mecha appeared, with an illusory ring surrounding it and dozens of floating weapons flexibly surrounding it.

Wanhua mecha, standard mode!

Before dozens of guard mechas equivalent to level 9 strength continued to warn, the Shattered God Machine disappeared in an instant.

When it reappeared, it was already in the central area with dozens of security aircraft!

The illusory ring spread, and the mecha that was about to counterattack suddenly became sluggish, and even the outer armor showed bronze rust.

The extremely simple high-dimensional erosion characteristics transformed into a beam of light that suddenly penetrated the nearest group of mechas.

Then a mecha war blade condensed by the power of fragmentation chopped up a mecha that was barely close to him without any obstruction.

Soon, the star shuttle continued to move forward.

Beria explained: “Scientific research giants generally have very few internal defenses and do not have very strong defensive measures.

In other words, the strongest defense was originally the warriors of this civilization, but now this defense has obviously disappeared. "

Qingyang nodded and controlled the star shuttle to enter the huge scientific research area ahead.

As soon as you enter, a prompt will sound.

[Please note that high-dimensional energy source × 3 has been detected]

【Disintegration, annihilation, solidity】

Qingyang's expression was filled with surprise. Was this the first time he encountered a block?

As the star map unfolded, the locations of the three high-dimensional energy sources were quickly marked, and the star shuttle quickly shuttled among them.

Qingyang and others did not dismantle the equipment and database.

Qingyang's main idea is to let Chang Xi or Lilith control the core control center of this ruins giant structure. By then, all research blocks will be his!

Therefore, instead of exploring one by one, it is better to go straight to the core and control the key areas.

The energy technology research block is just a drop in the road.

Qingyang successfully put away three energy sources that were either in special containers or some kind of reactor, and Qingyang didn't miss it at all.

Speeding up again.

According to the situation of the guard body blocking the road just now, it is obvious that there is a defense intelligence running in this ruins, and it cannot be ruled out that it is the central system.

Gu Xing frowned and said: "The main road can reach directly to the central area. If the defense intelligence is perfect, there will be many interceptors and there will probably be many traps."

Qingyang agreed: "Yes, don't enter any research area unless you are on the way. The scientific research team should pay attention to distinguish the utility and function of the equipment that appears."

Everyone took the order and worked hard.

Then, just as Gu Xing expected, there were many interception modes with high intensity, and there were countless means such as forced attacks, traps, and restriction of advancement.

The largest number of them are several batches of drone attack formations.

Qingyang didn't bother to bother, so he simply sent out 5,000 star-dome guardians with considerable strength to clear the way.

Concubine Xiang also transformed into her true form and wore a dark gold shield, flying freely in the aisles. High-dimensional super life forms are at home in this place.

Not to mention that they are elite high-dimensional beings with a hint of divine inheritance!

The terrifying flames of high-dimensional destruction burned blazingly. Not only the intercepting units blocking the road, but also the surrounding unmaintained passages were melted by this attack!

Exposing the more complex channel network or equipment behind.

During this period, Qingyang personally used it several times to get used to the equipment. Facing the enchanted war blade made of black hole material, most of the ninth-level civilization materials could not withstand it.

Finally, after getting rid of the unknown batch of security aircraft, Qingyang and others finally appeared in a large open space.

Thousands of floating island mechanical buildings are floating. In addition to some fixed passages, there is also an exquisite pyramid machine suspended in the center of the space that is thousands of kilometers long.

It's like the circuit of art flickers, and the surface is better than a mirror.

Countless particles flow past the surface, and if you look closely, they look like endless amounts of data.

There is no doubt that the pyramid equipment is the central processor of this monumental structure, where the central control system is located!

As for the thousands of floating island machines that are hundreds of kilometers around, they are most likely auxiliary servers.

The projections of Lilith and Chang Xi appeared at the same time, staring with interest at the exquisite pyramid in the center of the huge space.

“The data intensity is comparable to that of the data terminal in the Qingxue Star Cluster, and is even stronger in terms of analysis and calculation. It can be regarded as a standard scientific research computing core allocation.

If we can control it, I believe it will be of great use to our own scientific research giant. Chang Xi quickly explained.

Belya asked expectantly: "Where are the scientific research equipment?"

Chang Xi smiled apologetically: "Although they are a ninth-level civilization, their scientific research equipment is still not as good as ours. After all, the equipment you are using now is provided by the Guiyi Legion.

The technology and efficiency are much better than these devices, only data and some of these very large devices are of any use. "

"That's not bad." Belya expressed understanding.

Suddenly, the central control center suddenly lit up, and a mechanical sound without any emotion echoed.

[It is a great honor to meet you all, respected commander of the Star Sea Human Alliance]

Lilith's eyes suddenly widened as if she had discovered something.

"High-dimensional data life? Are you Luopkin?"

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