Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 212 Abnormal Data Terminal·World Ark

Faced with such an announcement, the top leaders of the two seventh-level advanced civilizations suddenly felt bad.

The Divine Realm can carry out large-scale information transmission through the Star Cluster Realm. They know this very well.

What really makes the top leaders of the two major civilizations uneasy is that the frequency of the information flow that just sounded is different from that of the Black Dragon Emperor and the Lapp Divine Realm.

A completely unfamiliar divine realm!

But before they even think about it, Sestan and Mir were completely dumbfounded by the information on the main battlefield in the Central Star Territory, which was comparable in size to any mysterious legion of a seventh-level advanced civilization.

Suddenly bursting out from the hyperspace channel, the troops divided into four groups and attacked the occupied areas of the only four remaining civilizations at the same time!

You must know that as a complete civilization, it is impossible to send all troops to the battlefield without scruples. Your own territory and some major areas also need to be heavily guarded.

Currently, the army on the main battlefield only accounts for about 55% of the overall military strength, which is already a very high proportion in civilized wars.

Therefore, a legion equivalent to the military strength of a complete seventh-level advanced civilization appeared in the central star field, and several civilizations were completely panicked.

Even if the troops are divided into four groups, they can cause heavy damage to the army on the main battlefield!

"Close military industry restrictions! All industrial focus will be tilted towards battleships and military industry giants!"


Although they don't know the specific situation, they are not allowed to think too much now, and the huge civilized industrial system is starting to operate at full capacity.

The tragic all-out war in the Central Star Territory was also staged at this moment.

Tens of thousands of meters long mechanical battleships surged past, a fleet composed of millions of mechanical battleships, hundreds of mechanical battle stars, mechanical fortresses and enhanced mechanical battleships.

Without any hesitation or pause, they rushed straight to the civilized occupied areas in front that were judged as enemy forces.

The firepower covering the starry sky rose wildly, and the dazzling main gun light spears tens of thousands of light-years apart began to gather, and then launched an attack that penetrated the space frame.

Directly destroy the enemy's surveillance giants thousands of galaxies away.

At the same time, hundreds of mechanical fleets of the same size suddenly penetrated the interception network from all directions and began to bombard major planets and bases indiscriminately.

At this time, hundreds of millions of enemy warships broke away from the warp state. Intensive bombardments and rain of light spears hit the mechanical warships, but most of the attacks only caused a ripple of energy on the shield.

On the other hand, the mechanical fleet can create an explosion of brilliance covering dozens of light-years with just one focused fire strike!

In terms of average high-dimensional feature coverage, a mechanical battleship is comparable to the battleship of a pseudo-eighth-level civilization, and is at least about ten percentage points better than Sestan or Mir.

Only the elite fleets of two civilizations could barely cause some negligible losses to the mechanical fleet.

Explosions, light waves, energy storms, and the central star field that had been quiet for a while fell into all-out war again.

But this time it's not a melee, but one against four!

Qingyang's eyes glowed slightly, and the 20,000 star warships also formed into four formations, and then led by Wang Sen, Li Qing and others, rushed towards the four major battlefields!

Without the obstruction of the special fleet, the Eternal Battleship formation's dominance of the battlefield is absolutely fierce.

The secondary and main guns of any Chiyuan Dreadnought can easily penetrate hundreds of enemy main battleships, let alone a large-scale attack by an organization!

Battlestar fortress-level units that can quickly disintegrate enemy legions.

The mountain and sea type war star directly transformed into a terrifying natural disaster in the central star field, randomly jumping and flashing in various enemy-occupied areas.

The saturation strike that occurs every time the jump occurs is enough to destroy the entire enemy army.

In a serious large-scale frontal battlefield, you can either crush them quickly, or evenly matched enemies can kill each other for a long time.

Obviously, facing the mechanical legion and the eternal fleet, the four seventh-level civilizations cannot be evenly matched.

Compared to the main battlefield where the victory is already decided, you just have to wait for the advancement.

Qingyang is more interested in the backers behind these civilizations. To be precise, it is the mysterious things in this star cluster that attract these civilizations.

A mere star cluster cannot attract the attention of forces that will inevitably reach the eighth level civilization.

That thing should be in the central star field, the central black hole at the core.

Otherwise, other places would have been forcibly taken away by a certain fleet. According to the support of these civilizations, the loss of several special fleets is probably not a loss in their eyes.

Since we are still fighting now, it proves that we cannot fish in troubled waters to obtain this thing, and can only obtain it in a stable environment.

The entire star cluster has a natural environment that can hinder the pseudo-eighth-level civilization, but there is only a central black hole!

If it is not in the central black hole, then it is within several other core black holes, or in the star cluster sky with a similarly low probability.

In short, there are only a few areas.

"Lilith, the reserved fleet and the mechanical warships being manufactured do not need to be sent to the main battlefield.

After forming an organization, directly attack the territory of the hostile civilization! Completely eliminate ethnic groups that are hostile to civilization, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. "

Qingyang warned, and then controlled the Eternal to enter the starry space directly.

Heading directly towards the central black hole area of ​​the Seven Heroes Star Cluster.

A group of high-level officials of the Black Dragon Empire were left looking at each other in confusion, while the hundreds of Black Dragon fleets that were waiting solemnly around them were equally at a loss.

The picture displayed by the detection giant shows that the two highly defended base areas of advanced civilizations with strong military strength are being frantically attacked by a mechanical fleet that is only half its size.

Ignoring defense and evasion, they continued to launch light spear strikes while advancing.

The bright energy storm that represented death swept and spread like firecrackers, shining on the faces of the observing Black Dragon officers.

The terrifying oppressive force that even young children can feel is revealed on the mechanical army.

"The basic technology and military strength are unbelievable. The strength of the reinforcements His Majesty has found is really incredible."

After a long while, the speaker slowly spoke.

The remaining members and the deputy speaker nodded in agreement with emotion. At most, they had only seen war videos of level eight civilizations.

In some aspects, the suppressive power is obviously not as strong as the reinforcements in front of them.

Especially that battle star, facing it I felt nothing but powerlessness.

Can't fight, can't run, can't limit interference.

The deputy speaker asked: "Then what do we do next?"

"Cooperate with the reinforcements to clean up those fish that have slipped through the net and enemy bases on the edges." The speaker was silent for a moment, looking at the mechanical fleet pushing forward, and finally said.


The core area of ​​the central star field.

The Eternity appeared out of thin air, looking at the central super black hole in the distance that could twist and swallow everything.

Qingyang's mental power spread rapidly.

The Ever Given's own precision detection equipment swept through equally quickly.

"Chang Xi, always pay attention to special fluctuations. The local star network will cooperate with the investigation and focus on searching for the black hole."

Things that cannot be absorbed by a black hole usually remain in the outer region of the black hole and will not be distorted and swallowed.

At most, they are imprisoned in the outer force field layer by the ultimate force field.

Chang Xi quickly said: "Understood."

[Please note to collaborators, two data reactions were detected on the surface of the black hole ahead]

[Data terminal with abnormal status·Quantum micro-civilization (World Ark)]

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