Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 214 Contact with the Star Network (two in one chapter)

Qingyang learned about this thirty minutes after the other seven seventh-level civilizations, except the Black Dragon Empire, decided to join forces for a joint battle.

Through the large-scale communication fluctuations in the heaven realm, it is impossible to avoid the perception of the Black Dragon Emperor, a powerful man in the macro heaven realm and the divine realm, and the information of everyone's conversations is circulated in the heaven realm.

The Black Dragon Emperor heard everything word for word.

When the data network of the seven major civilizations was completed, Yingsheng had no way to obtain confidential information.

Lilith and the six motherships began to interfere with the star cluster's data network. If the seventh-level civilization wanted to quickly communicate across tens of millions of light-years, it only had the immature sky transmission technology.

Qingyang touched his chin, thoughtfully: "Are you ready to unite to resist the Eternal Fleet's attack?"

If all their special fleets were still in Qingyang, they would still be cautious, after all, except for the Shanhai Battle Star and the special battleships.

A large number of special battleships concentrated fire attacks on the panels of other star battleships. Countless attacks that were small enough to ignore shields could cause the loss of at least thousands of star battleships.

However, there are only four or five special fleet coalition forces left, which cannot pose a threat to the Eternal Fleet.

The mechanical legion plus the Eternal Fleet are completely unafraid of the coalition of seven seventh-level civilizations.

After all, the units that can barely compete with the mechanical legion basically come from two seventh-level advanced civilizations.

Conventional units of other civilizations, facing the mechanical warships that have undergone many technological upgrades at this time, will need at least ten or twenty main warships to barely hold down one.

"In this case, mobilize half of the mechanical fleet and two eternal formations in the central star field and attack the core territories of the two seventh-level advanced civilizations with all their strength.

At present, it is enough to leave 50% of the mechanical fleet in the main battlefield of the Central Star Region. Qingyang said calmly.


The core territory of his hometown was being attacked in a large scale, and he wanted to see what these coalition forces were going to do.

Gather an army to save a territory that was once a hostile civilization?

Or should the five civilizations stand idly by and watch the homes of two level seven advanced civilizations catch fire?

Either way has a negative impact on the formation of the coalition army.

If the former loses too much to save two high-level civilizations, or is used as cannon fodder, other civilizations, whether citizens or high-level officials, will definitely be extremely dissatisfied.

If it is the latter, it will further shake the unity of the coalition forces.

Of course, no matter which one it is, Sestan Federation and Mir's Ark will eventually perish.

Lilith nodded: "Okay Commander."

Qingyang did not continue to pay attention to these things, and once again focused on the central black hole in front of him.

Abnormal data terminals and quantum microscopic civilization are more important than this.

As time passes, more and more areas have been searched in detail by the Eternal.

Only the last two percent of the area remains unexplored.

[Special data response detected]

Suddenly, the local star network report sounded, making Qingyang startled. The other core crew members also looked at the panel with excited expressions.

The picture gradually became clearer, and a familiar planet data terminal appeared first.

There was a faint ripple around the data terminal in the extreme gravitational field, which offset the terrifying gravitational pull of the black hole.

However, there is something wrong with the color of the circuit of this data terminal. The complex circuit that was originally silver now reveals a layer of pitch black.

Faint gray particles circulated in the dark circuit.

Qingyang's powerful high-dimensional will seeped out and quickly enveloped the data terminal, then he frowned.

"High-dimensional data? And it's high-dimensional data in a chaotic state."

The essence of the Destruction Protocol is not high-dimensional data life, but a high-dimensional digital civilization will, and its intensity should be much stronger than ordinary high-dimensional data life.

It is even stronger than some high-dimensional data life forms that have reached the divine level!

Therefore, the silver data flow seen in the data terminal is basically impossible to be invaded by other data except the Star of Truth.

In this situation, could it be another high-dimensional data life that has reached powerful divinity?

After hesitating for a moment, Qingyang put away his mental power.

He looked at the strange creation next to the data terminal again.

It was a cube with an edge length of only twelve kilometers. The entire body was made of a crystal clear material, with countless stars twinkling on it.

The extremely neat blue high-dimensional energy circuit makes it look very technological!

According to the detection of the circuit on this square creation, the width is only about one-tenth of a hair!

Even so, the blue color on the surface of this square creation can still be clearly seen in the distance.

Qingyang's mental power gradually covered him, and suddenly a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

He detected countless 'giant structures' and cities in this square creation!

Scaling these architectural cities according to human proportions, the size of these giant structures starts at least one million kilometers in diameter.

There are even huge structures and urban agglomerations measuring tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Moreover, the structure, technology and architecture of these giant structures are completely different from those of real giant structures, and they look more like huge crystal vegetation.

If it weren't for the mechanical circuit above, Qingyang wouldn't be able to react at once.

According to the size and number of giant structures, plus those city clusters, it is indeed a standard seventh-level peak civilization.

There are even more ‘giant structures’ than the number of giant structures in the seven seventh-level civilizations.

Qingyang was amazed: "It is unimaginable that everything in the entire seventh-level peak civilization is contained in this creation with an edge length of less than twelve kilometers."

Bella looked equally excited.

"According to detailed scans of the scientific research giant and the local star network, the material of the World Ark is modularly manufactured, and the standard unit module is only about one nanometer.

It is equivalent to the giant structures in the eyes of quantum microscopic civilization. Through these giant structures and microstructures, they are aggregated and merged into the world ark in front of us.

It is no less than the real-life civilization that creates planetary giant structures, and then juxtaposes them to form a physical creation with an edge length of 1.2 million light-years! "

If it were so difficult in the real dimension, a minimum level eight civilization would be required to engage in this kind of project.

And the time involved in the project must start at least 100 million years.

You must know that this is not simply using high-dimensional technology to create an alien space.

By simply creating space, an eighth-level civilization can create star cluster-level space at will, and even modify the laws within it.

The creation in front of you is equivalent to a real physical creation!

Parts, manufacturing, modular assembly, and association do not rely on any space technology means.

Directly in the real dimension, countless physical modules were used to construct a mechanical creation with an edge length of 1.2 million light years.

Challenge the fundamental laws of physics of a universe head-on.

"Their technology and status have exceeded the upper limit of their world view, and the standard combat power assessment may be a seventh-level civilization.

Among quantum civilizations, they are the real overlord civilization. "

Qingyang was filled with emotion.

Level seven microscopic civilizations are already extremely rare, let alone level seven quantum microscopic civilizations.

It is unknown whether there is a seventh-level quantum microscopic civilization in the entire universe.

[No special life at the quantum level has been detected, and the target world Ark is in the lowest power operating mode]


Qingyang just sighed secretly, but was not too surprised.

If it has not yet perished, the World Ark cannot remain here. Real resources and macro resources are of extremely limited use to quantum civilization.

Elementary particles appear to them everywhere.

The resources of microscopic civilization are even more outrageous. As long as the concepts and laws of the universe still exist, resources at the quantum microscopic level will never be scarce.

Therefore, quantum microscopic civilizations rarely come close to macroscopic celestial bodies. They will basically find a starry sky with no matter that is countless light-years away to reproduce.

"If it has not yet perished, even if it is not a pan-human civilization, it can still protect and help it and define it as an ally civilization."

The Star Sea Human Alliance actually has a good attitude towards this extremely rare and non-hostile civilization of other races.

It is a kind of default consciousness of collecting treasures.

"Commander, after researching it, can you store this World Ark in my museum?"

Zhao Zunhai looked at Qingyang expectantly.

“The longer a collection remains in a museum, the more conceptual control we have over it.

It can even call out any power they once existed to assist us in fighting, and also restore its growth potential. "

Qingyang's eyes lit up, and he was judged to be a seventh-level peak civilization.

That proves that the actual combat power of this civilization is comparable to the peak of the seventh level in the macro definition, and in some aspects it is even better than the eighth level civilization.

If we can really completely control this civilization, it will be extremely useful to both Zhao Zunhai and the Eternal Fleet.

What's more, it can also restore its growth potential.

"How to recover?" Qingyang was extremely interested.

Zhao Zunhai explained: “The Shouwang Museum is divided into two modules. The first module is the actual museum at the realistic level.

The more fearless the people who come to view the exhibit are, the stronger the second module will be to suppress and control the exhibit.

The second module is an independent star network world similar to the commander's local star network.

The true identity and ban of the exhibits are in the second module, the size of which is determined by my strength and the quality of the exhibits.

If the World Ark is put into the second module, then the World Ark will be source data. Through the relevant source data traceback, I can first 'resurrect' part of the life of this civilization.

I have a complete innate consciousness, but my will is still dominated by me. In addition, I can speed up the growth of civilization exhibits through transmission technology.

Of course, the premise is to complete the source digitization, which will probably take several months. "

The more Qingyang listened, the more surprised he became: "It seems that the Bright Watch Museum is indeed powerful, so how do you improve your strength?"

“If the exhibits are successfully converted into feedback, I will be able to absorb some of the origins and other powers of the exhibits. These powers have been processed by the source data and absorbed and integrated instantly.

If I have chosen the main direction of development, these forces will also be transformed into origins suitable for me.

In addition, I can also use the power and abilities of these exhibits, and even control the exhibits to help me fight when necessary.

If my mastery is deep enough, I can mobilize the power of the exhibit at its peak or even a stronger state at will. "

Qingyang suddenly realized that it was a super enhanced version of the feedback module.

It is used to increase the intensity of individual power with maximum efficiency, and can even make up for an individual power with a single power into a nearly omnipotent powerhouse.

In addition, the will is attached to the museum, and it is basically not difficult to break through higher dimensions and divinity.

As long as the collection is large enough and the quality is high enough, there will be no problem.

Snowball multifunctional growth aid!

So, the curator should have an exclusive talent that is the same as an extraordinary ability?

Qingyang immediately asked his doubts.

Zhao Zunhai smiled and said: "As expected of a commander, that's true, but unlike extraordinary abilities, our talents are very vague.

Similar to the foundation talent of growth, there are no other skills, only the foundation.

I am the foundation of the water category. "

There is no talent quality judgment for the foundation. As long as it is the foundation, it is no weaker than the individual star talent!

He is bound to awaken and become the director of the Light Watch.

Qingyang learned about the Guangming Watch Museum system in detail for the first time, and was quite amazed in his heart.

Individually, it can be called the strongest tactical system in the alliance. Although it is not as comprehensive as Star Commander, its potential is not weaker than Star Fleet!

"In that case, I'll leave it to you after the scientific research giant is completed."

Qingyang decisively agreed.

Zhao Zunhai will undoubtedly become an effective helper of the Eternal Fleet!

It is much more than the functions of a single combat crew.

As for Zhao Zunhai's resignation, it is rare for the alliance to see core crew members of a certain Star Fleet resigning.

Especially a high-potential fleet like the Eternal Truth Fleet.

Putting away the World Ark, Qingyang looked at the data terminal hesitantly.

Qingyang is unwilling to be taken away. If it crashes into the Xingmi space, who knows what impact the mysterious high-dimensional data on this thing will have on the giant structure.

Creations such as Tiangong giant structures and scientific research giant structures are precious assets.

The alliance cannot be contacted for the time being, and this kind of asset cannot be replenished for the time being. Although Lilith has matured, she will not lose it if she can.

In the end, Qingyang chose to completely empty one Xingmi, and the removed items were stored in other Xingmi.

The data terminal is then placed individually inside.

Anyway, there is a local star network, and high-dimensional data can only flow in the star space and cannot affect the star fleet.

After finishing the matter, Qingyang dropped a star ring channel in this area.

The central black hole resources are not used in vain. The black hole resource decompression giant structure of the Qingxue Star Cluster has already filled the orbit.

The central black hole of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster is larger, which can enhance the mechanical army's resource collection efficiency.

After confirming that there was nothing else, the Eternal quickly left.

The situation in the Seven Heroes Cluster is now in chaos. Seven level-7 civilizations have decided to unite and join a quarter of the level-6 civilizations in the war.

Although victory is bound to belong to the Eternal Fleet and the Black Dragon Empire, the losses caused to the Black Dragon Empire during this period are uncontrollable.

What Qingyang wants is a complete Black Dragon Empire, not a Black Dragon Empire that was severely damaged by the enemy's counterattack before its demise.

As soon as Eternity's front foot returned to the Black Dragon Empire's base, Winning's rear foot appeared immediately after.

At the same time, a small bird appeared on Qingyang's shoulder.

Yingsheng seemed to be in a good mood and nodded to Qingyang and others: "The target has been killed. I am very grateful to little friend Qingyang for his help."

Hearing this, Qingyang smiled: "Just deal with it. The war situation has been stabilized and is under control."

The Seven Heroes Anti-Dragon Alliance?

It's just an army of cannon fodder raised by two level-7 advanced civilizations.

Ying Sheng nodded slightly. He, who clearly knew the strength of the Eternal Fleet, naturally understood the gap between the two.

Just as Qingyang was about to say something, a sudden voice made his eyes widen suddenly.

[Starnet main server dual-line communication channel connection successful]

【Long time no see·Commander Qingyang】

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