[No. 90781 bids 100 billion, five seconds countdown]

[Congratulations to No. 90781 for obtaining Star God Torso]

Although the Star God was in the divine realm during his lifetime, that was still during his lifetime. Even after death, his body still contains a large amount of spiritual energy and special power, but its intensity is far less than that of the normal divine realm.

As for biological research, Star God is a life born from the macroscopic realm. It is not a physical creature, but is similar to a life of will.

Even if they turn into physical life, their essence will not change. Studying them is not much different from studying the essence of a group of will spirits.

Advanced civilizations do not need to be studied, while low-level civilizations cannot be studied.

In short, 100 billion is already the top for the Star God's torso, which has the most collection significance.

After successfully accepting the Star God's torso, Qingyang continued to watch the auction. Many of the items in the auction organized by an advanced civilization from another universe were very interesting.

【The third item】

Qingyang and others were not interested in the dozens of auction items that followed, but the bidding was still fierce for other civilizations.

One of the potions, called Radia Memetic Sublimation Liquid, actually sold for three bottles of 500 billion energy coins.

Qingyang discovered that this potion was completely a super-weakened version of the source of idealism.

"If the idealistic tree grows, a drop of the idealistic source can be diluted into at least hundreds of doses of this medicine." Qingyang's eyes lit up.

Although the source of spirituality is extremely useful for high-dimensional life or divinity, it is obviously more cost-effective to sell it for fleet expansion resources if it is just a drop.

[Lot 63·Large-scale ruins·Solulan Dynasty entry sign (with star map)·Starting bid of 10 billion energy coins]

The Sorulan Dynasty?

Qingyang looked at Chang Xi, who smiled slightly: "The Solulan Dynasty was once a ninth-level advanced civilization in the star cluster universe, because it provoked a powerful being that was suspected to surpass the superior divinity.

It causes the entire civilization to be swept away by a memetic pollution, but this pollution does not make the creatures completely monsters.

Instead, it became a flesh-and-blood monster with the professional instincts in life. Rather than a flesh-and-blood monster, it was actually better to be said to be a killing monster with a mechanical program.

They will use their functional skills in life to control weapons and warships that are also contaminated by distortion to launch attacks on incoming enemies.

However, killing them can obtain some pure psychic cores. In addition, the technology and various warehouses of the ninth-level civilization are also of great value.

In addition, because of the divine attention, the ruins of the Solulan Dynasty attracted a large number of special beings and naturally high-dimensional species to be stationed there. "

Qingyang suddenly became interested: "How extensive are the ruins of the Solulan Dynasty?"

"It's only about a circle smaller than the original territory. It belongs to the territory of a normal ninth-level civilization, with a diameter of about 10 billion light years." Chang Xi replied.

Such a large scope of ruins.

I have to say that Qingyang was indeed moved, or rather very moved!

"Enter sign. Do you need something like this to find the ruins and enter?" Qingyang's eyes flickered.

Should I just spend some truth points to find the ruins area and enter it, or should I buy this logo?

"Bid 50 billion!" In the end, Qingyang chose to spend the energy coins.

With several fleet expansions, there were not many truth points left in order to build dreadnoughts.

The reward entrusted by the Black Dragon Emperor, because Lilith has not completely eliminated the Seven Stars at this moment, does not meet the acquisition standards.

According to Lilith's advancement efficiency, it will take another two weeks.

Unlike the C'tan Torso, which is a collector's item only, the Sorulan Dynasty has significantly greater appeal.

Soon after Qingyang made his bid, others started bidding one after another. In the end, Qingyang spent 111 billion to get the entry sign.

Looking at the card that appeared in front of him, Qingyang put it away decisively: "The technological style of the Destruction Agreement. It seems that the ruins of the Solulan Dynasty were unblocked by the Destruction Agreement."

Is the Destruction Agreement treating the Solulan Dynasty as an advanced civilization training area?

As time goes by, more and more goods are auctioned, and there are almost no unsold goods in the interstellar era.

Although Qingyang was somewhat interested in some of the products, they were not worth spending money on.

"Chang Xi, sell a few eighth-level civilization technological materials that are not inferior to the core technology, and supporting basic theories. Remember, just a few."

Qingyang looked at the remaining energy coins of just over one trillion, hesitated for a moment and said to Chang Xi.

I have to say that this auction was more interesting than Qingyang expected.

Many of these things are treasures with unique or natural properties. Unlike the big universe, these things have been basically searched out by the alliance.

Everything in the alliance auction can be purchased on StarNet.

Therefore, most of the auctions in the alliance are antique auctions.

In fact, it is not attractive to Qingyang.

"Sold, 7.3 trillion energy coins." Within a few minutes, several unimportant level 8 technologies were bought.

They are basically pseudo-eighth-level civilizations.

Qingyang nodded slightly. Civilization technology was valuable everywhere. Even the lower-end and unpopular technical materials among the eighth-level technologies, there were still many civilizations willing to buy them.

Of course, the main reason is that these technologies include complete sets of theoretical systems.

[Dear Sir, please do not continue to sell advanced civilization technical materials on a large scale]

Suddenly, information from the macroscopic realm entered Qingyang's mind.

The mechanical program of the Destruction Protocol.


There are more than eight trillion energy coins in total, and at least half will be left after the auction, which is more than enough.

[Lot 133·Mysterious Sculpture·Starting Price: 150 Billion Energy Coins]

[Introduction: A sculpture with a large amount of faith power and related spiritual energy, involving the macroscopic realm. If you are around it for a long time, the memes and will will be slowly optimized]

[Disadvantages: The optimization time needs to be calculated in millions of years, and the power of faith is slowly escaping]

Qingyang did not speak out immediately, but waited for other buyers to bid for this kind of auction with a long time span and the value of which was still declining on its own.

The final transaction price was at most three times higher than the reserve price.

This still includes its value involving the macroscopic world, otherwise it would be even lower.

Finally, when he saw that the price of the sculpture had been raised to 430 billion and no one continued to bid, Qingyang spoke.

"Five hundred billion."

The mysterious sculpture was successfully photographed.

However, Qingyang, who had already expressed interest in the auction, did not intend to leave directly. He wanted to see what else was worth buying.

[Lot 197·Lingtu Breeding Liquid·Starting Bidding Price of 500 Billion Energy Coins]

[Introduction: Products naturally precipitated from the macroscopic realm can greatly accelerate the growth rate of life embryos in the innate divine realm without causing any adverse effects]

Qingyang's eyes suddenly lit up, and the egg on his Eternity remained silent.

There was silence for a moment, and finally someone spoke: "Fifty-five billion!"

The default rules of the Constellation Domain auction are that each bid increase cannot be less than one-tenth of the starting price.

Qingyang was not surprised when he saw this. There were not many people with innate divine life embryos. They were basically the top civilized beings who were either rich or noble. There was a high probability that they would not lack such things.

The people asking for the price now are probably thinking of selling it again.

"Star Network, does the Alliance have something similar?"

[Yes, but it is made later, more expensive and the effect is not much different]

There are many naturally high-dimensional life groups in the universe, and it can even be said that there are many.

Therefore, the big universe will not take the initiative to breed such natural treasures, and can only develop them through alliances. This is because we have natural allies of high-dimensional life groups.

Otherwise, the alliance wouldn't even bother to study this thing.

Upon hearing this, Qingyang said simply: "Seven hundred billion!"


After several price increases, the Lingtu Breeding Solution was finally sold by Qingyang for 950 billion.

Before Qingyang could sit still, the next auction item made Qingyang's eyes widen.

[Lot 198·Mysterious Creature Egg·Starting Price: 800 Billion Energy Coins]

[Introduction: A mysterious biological egg that is not in the overlord civilization database has life fluctuations comparable to special high-dimensional energy and is extremely active.

According to speculation, this species has the probability of giving birth to the power of rules]

Qingyang didn't listen to what was said, but stared blankly at the egg.

The Star Network's alarm sounded in his ears.

[Please note that the eggs of the void zerg mother worm were detected and determined to be the eggs born from the overlord swarm]

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