Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 223 Ji Shang is about to arrive at the peaceful Solulan

A deserted area, a fantasy place filled with fragments of the world.

A complete hundred thousand purple and gold starry battleships of different shapes and sizes, full of noble and luxurious style, are arranged neatly and suspended.

The eight main battle stars and the two legion battle stars, which are like Qiong Tower Palace, exude endless magnificent purple and gold light.

Between the beautiful buildings and jade buildings, countless shuttles and unmanned aerial vehicles are flowing continuously.

One of them, a huge flagship about 500 kilometers long, hangs high above ten extremely powerful Qionglou battle stars, with retro and noble dark gold divine patterns permeating the hull.


Ji Shang stood at the bow of the ship and looked around at the thirty-six special warships with powerful fluctuations, as well as more powerful warships in the distance.

There was a hint of thought in his eyes.

Zixiao patrols the world, and dozens of rings are superimposed. Even if it is only the T5 stage, any sky-army dreadnought has a level of 60 kilometers.

The strength far exceeds the standard top model of the dreadnought, and its terrifying power is enough to crush all enemy units of the same level.

But now Ji Shang is in some trouble.

Staring at the strange desolate cracks in front of him, Ji Shang fell into silence: "Normally speaking, the cracks in desolate areas basically lead to the nearest universe.

There is no danger in detection. But I have never seen this phenomenon before.”

There are six huge desolate cracks all around, covering the entire Zixiao World Patrol Fleet at 360 degrees.

It seemed that they deliberately blocked the Zixiao World Patrol Fleet's retreat.

Originally, Ji Shang was fighting a wave of enemies just now. When he was about to win, that wave of enemies used unknown means to create a large number of cracks in the desolate area.

Which led to the current situation.

I really have to say that Ji Shang can solve it with some trump cards, but the cost is a bit outweighed by the gain.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Shang no longer hesitated: "There is no danger. I don't know which universe it leads to. Just pick any one and go in and have a look."

Purple-gold light flashed in his pupils, and Ji Shang pointed at a crack at random.

"Ayun, what is that crack? Can the specific information be detected?"

The adjutant named Ayun paused for a moment, then said: "It is impossible to detect specific information, only three nouns.

Destruction, Divinity, Sorulan Dynasty! "

"Oh?" Ji Shang's expression showed a trace of confusion.

Disillusionment and divinity?

There is also the Solulan Dynasty, which is obviously the name of a civilization.

"Purple Sky Patrols the World! Forward!"

Following Ji Shang's order, the massive Zixiao World Patrol Fleet suddenly rushed into the turbulent and desolate fissure in front of them!

The universe of stars, somewhere unknown space.

The Eternal is being covered by a thin film of light, and is rapidly heading towards a certain area in a special way!

In the control room, Qingyang was a little surprised.

"The ruins of the Solulan Dynasty, which covers an area of ​​tens of billions of light years, were actually moved to a remote place by the overlord civilization using macro-celestial technology and sealed through the sky.

With such power, is this a hegemonic civilization? "

Qingyang would not be surprised to see a dimension world that normally moves tens of billions of light years, but this is tens of billions of light years in the real dimension of the universe!

The structural strength of the dimensional world is like a piece of paper compared to the main body of the universe.

Chang Xirou smiled and said: "The entry sign is actually a specific delivery voucher for the macroscopic realm. Unfortunately, it is blocked by technological channels and cannot directly observe the macroscopic realm."

For the Eternal Fleet, facing the macroscopic realm directly has not many benefits.

Whether it is scientific research or the growth of the individual power of the crew, it is of great benefit, especially Qingyang.

The spiritual will has reached the high-dimensional level, but the memes and life essence are unable to be promoted to complete high-dimensional human beings because they have been unable to perceive their own focused power.

Chang Xi and Zhao Zunhai are both interested in this.

After all, only when the commander becomes a high-dimensional life can the probability of reincarnation after death be 100%!

Otherwise, the memes and will will be damaged during the reincarnation.

Qingyang was helpless: "You can't force this matter, what should come will always come."

Chang Xi pursed her lips helplessly, and just when she was about to speak, the space structure around the Eternity suddenly trembled.

Immediately, the Eternal appeared in a huge military base, and it looked like it was obviously a base built by the Destruction Agreement.

Stretching for thousands of light years, countless huge war structures and mechanical warships operate according to their settings.

The appearance of the Eternal only caused dozens of scans, and no mechanical battleship came to lead the way.

【Please note·Explorers】

[Before entering Soruland through the blocked gate, please make sure that your will is up to standard, and the fleet has an anti-memetic distortion device with at least level nine civilization strength]

[If it has been confirmed, please follow the virtual logo to enter the Solulan Dynasty]

[The explorer who is about to enter the Solulan Dynasty·4]


And the explorer fleet that is about to enter?

Qingyang only paid attention to it briefly, and then focused on the virtual channel sign that suddenly appeared.

After a moment of hesitation, Qingyang decided to release all the more than 20,000 star warships.

As huge haloes of light emerged around them, dreamy crystal battleships with no mechanical structures or weapons visible at all sailed out one after another!

Of course, Shanhai Zhanxing was left in the Xingmi space on standby.

After all, Shanhai Battlestar has a module that allows it to launch its own attack array through any starship battleship in the same fleet.

Theoretically speaking, the Shanhai Battle Star can pass through an assault ship hundreds of billions of light years away and launch a star weapon attack array!

After everything was ready, the Eternal Fleet sailed out quickly and swept along the virtual channel at a very fast speed!

In the center of the base, a huge triangular light gate was suspended in the center of the star port.

Three exploration fleets with a scale of at least 10,000 and fluctuations that were not weaker than the elite warships of the eighth-level civilization stopped in front of the light gate.

After all, the Solulan Dynasty is a relic of the ninth-level civilization. With the pollution of the evil god, the danger index is definitely not weak.

Usually, the exploration fleets that enter it will try to minimize the danger by holding together.

"Finally, another one has come. Let's see if we can pull it into the alliance." In the hull of one of the cube-shaped warships.

The main body is like a ball of water, and the creature with dozens of vertical pupils flowing on the "water surface" is suspended in the air with some surprise.

In another slightly normal fleet, the four-legged eight-handed creature also said: "Five fleets are almost there, and we need to wait for another one."

"If it doesn't work, four fleets will do." The crisp voice echoed in the flagships of the two fleets, and it was the captain of the third fleet.

The scene changed, and a long-haired female human captain was seen sitting in front of the main control screen.

The mark of the Tianming Empire was clearly placed at the front of tens of thousands of warships.

Wu Ya, the top genius of the Tianming Empire, also had a good family background.

Because of her love of adventure, she spent all her savings to form this exploration fleet with the support of her elders.

It is composed of elite warships and special warships of the Tianming Empire. In terms of combat power, it is definitely the first among the three fleets!

You know, because the exploration fleet has to carry out various dangerous activities, its quality is basically linked to the special fleet of the same level civilization!

At this moment, Wu Ya was looking at the information sent by the Empire in her hand with amazement.

The young god realm of the mysterious human civilization, just entered the youth period and is already in the god realm? !

You must know that as a top genius, you have been a long way from the pseudo-god realm for thousands of years.

"Incredible? Here it comes!"

Suddenly, the flagship's prompt sounded, and Wu Ya and the other two captains looked at the screen at the same time.

Without waiting for the three to send out an invitation, several kinds of terrifying high-level high-dimensional energies arrived in an instant and pressed around the three fleets.

In addition to the three extremely powerful high-dimensional energy characteristics, more than ten ordinary but still terrifying high-dimensional characteristic powers can be detected!

The three explorer fleets, which have only two or three ordinary high-dimensional characteristics at most, have some unsmooth operation of the high-dimensional energy circuits at this moment.

The structure of the star cluster universe is weak, and the quality of civilizations of the same level is naturally different.

For example, the technology of 100% additional superposition of multiple high-dimensional characteristics is available in every level 8 civilization in the large universe, but only the top level 8 civilizations in the star cluster universe have it.

Most level 8 civilizations in the star cluster universe usually have only one or two high-dimensional characteristics to bless their weapons.

Qingyang ignored the three explorer fleets and just glanced at them briefly, his eyes slightly pausing on the Tianming Empire Fleet.

Then he rushed directly into the triangular star gate.

If the other party was an explorer fleet of level 9 civilization, perhaps Qingyang would consider acting with the other party.

The exploration fleet of level 8 civilization. That is not reducing the danger, that is increasing the burden.

As the surroundings flickered, the Eternal Fleet quickly rushed out of the Level 3 light gate channel.

Finally, it appeared in a starry sky that looked extremely normal.

Yes, at first glance, there was nothing unusual, with stars dotted everywhere, and various civilian data streams representing the existence of civilizations were streaming rapidly.

Qingyang could even see countless tree-like creatures living normally on a planet through Star Harmony.

Civilian starships shuttled between channels, and huge star ports swallowed and spit out endless resources and goods.

Tree people who were obviously children walked in a city full of natural atmosphere under the guidance of a giant tree man.

"It's really peaceful, then let's go find it next" Wait, is there something wrong?


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