Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 225 Ji Shang arrives at the ruins: Qingyang’s premonition

A natural treasure of time and space?

Qingyang raised his eyebrows, could this also be the reason for Gu Xing?

"Of course, the possibility of space-time divine power cannot be ruled out, but this probability is lower than the probability of space-time treasures appearing." Zhao Zunhai added.

Time and space divinity is extremely rare, because the concept of time and space is too general and vague, and the difficulty of birthing natural divinity will and practicing mastery is naturally far higher than other major categories.

Therefore, the appearance of the same time and space divinity is extremely terrifying. Not surprisingly, every time and space divinity is a top divinity, leaving behind traces of memetic contamination for a mere nine-level civilization, let alone one.

I'm afraid that the entire territory that is illuminated will instantly turn into particles covered by the torrent of time and space.

Although space-time treasures are equally rare, their chances of appearing are much higher than those of space-time divinity. Items illuminated or used by space-time divinity will become time-space treasures.

Qingyang looked around and agreed: "Covering at least hundreds of millions of light years is indeed something that only space-time treasures can do."

Natural environment?

The universe will not allow loopholes in the important structure of space and time.

"The most important task at the moment is to explore the surroundings, try to determine the source of danger and the source of time and space interference, and try not to have a head-on conflict with the Solulan Dynasty during this period!"

Qingyang looked serious.

The complete main fleet of the ninth-level peak civilization is equal to or twice the size of the Eternal Fleet. It would be better if it is a main fleet-level organization.

I am afraid that at least half of the battleships of the Eternal Fleet will be assigned here.

Even if an ordinary T4 gold medal faces the main force of a ninth-level peak civilization, it still needs to avoid the edge temporarily.

The memetic polluters who don't have much IQ are okay. The ninth-level civilized army with peak intelligence and tactical experience has plenty of opportunities to severely damage the Eternal Fleet.

After driving around the planet to confirm that there was no abnormality, the Eternal quickly followed the high-speed channel within the Solulan Dynasty and rushed to the planet with the furthest mark.

Qingyang wants to determine the size and center point of this abnormal space-time area as soon as possible. Unsurprisingly, the time-space treasure, or a similar source of interference, is in the center area!

A faint purple mist surged, and stars burning in the distance could be vaguely seen.

The black and gray flame light mixed with the surrounding purple mist, revealing an even weirder color.

Suddenly, the purple haze that was several light years away around the star surged violently, and with waves of subtle special fluctuations, a violent purple-gold light suddenly appeared!

The solid sacred purple-gold light instantly dispersed the strange purple mist surrounding it for several light-years.

In the center of the purple-gold light is a huge and gorgeous fleet!

Zixiao patrols the world!

Ji Shang's mental power swept out overwhelmingly, and with the help of star maps and scanning matrices, he quickly understood the surrounding situation.

"Memetic pollution. It seems to be pollution caused by the divinity related to the soul, at least at the level of sequence divinity." Ji Shang frowned.

Sequence divinity, even the lowest level of the third sequence, is far superior to the upper level divinity!

Even the blood god of Hope World, although his combat power exceeds that of most upper-level gods, he is still far away from the sequence of gods.

The power of any sequence god is enough to instantly distort the structure of some laws within tens of billions of light years!

[Adapting to the basic law framework and rule system of the universe]

[The information flow of the main server of Star Network has been detected and the adaptation resource package provided by Star Network is being downloaded]

[It is estimated that the adaptation will be completed in five minutes and combat effectiveness will be restored]


Ji Shang, who had been prepared to wait for a few weeks, was slightly startled: "The information flow from the main server of Star Network?"

When will the network coverage of the Star Network main server be transmitted to other universes?

Ji Shang is sure that this is definitely not the big universe.

Thinking about it, the local star network belonging to the Zixiao World Patrol Fleet has been linked to the intelligent communication data of the star network main server.

[Commander Zixiao, welcome to the Star Universe]

Hearing this, Ji Shang nodded and said with a smile: "It has only been a few years since I returned to the big universe. Has the Alliance technology made another big breakthrough?"

[Yes, Commander Zixiao, because of Commander Qingyang’s contribution, the alliance’s Gate of Desolation technology has been fully upgraded, and now the new Gate of Universe has entered the actual testing stage]

[Uploading the theoretical data of the Gate of the Universe]

Ji Shang had probably seen it and was suddenly surprised.

As a strong man in the alliance, Ji Shang naturally knows the value and power of the Gate of the Universe, which is enough to increase the strength of the alliance by a large margin!

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least the middle of the fifth era for the alliance's research and development of barren technologies to progress to this level.

"Qingyang, is that kid also in this universe?" Ji Shang closed the panel and asked enthusiastically.

I didn't expect that I would encounter an acquaintance in a deserted crevice.

[Yes, and we are in the ruins of the Solulan Dynasty, but the time and space narrative layer is relatively vague, and the Star Network main server program cannot determine the specific location]

The narrative layer of time and space is blurred?

"Time and space interference? It's probably a time and space treasure. I don't know which time period he was transported to."

On a narrative level, the past is easier than the future.

[Zixiao Xunshi has completed the adaptation]

"Send a fleet of data machines to search the surroundings and detect space-time disorder information."

Ji Shang quickly issued an order, and a large number of space circles appeared around thirty huge legion-type motherships, and then millions of digitalized mechanical warships surged out!

Hundreds of ships formed a team, quickly entered stealth mode, and swept out in all directions at high speed.

The Zixiao World Patrol main fleet also entered stealth mode, the purple-gold light quickly dissipated, and then the fleet left the area.

Not long after the fleet left, a huge shadow that was more than 10,000 kilometers away flashed away in the hazy purple mist.

The huge shadow was covered with all kinds of strange lines, emitting a vague dark light.

Time flies.

Through the dual blessing of Solulan high-speed channels and starry space, the Eternal traveled quickly throughout the Solulan territory.

In just seven or eight days, we visited more than ten different border planets and basically figured out the scope of the interference area.

Looking at the panel data, Belya couldn't help but look solemn.

"After arriving at the border, it will be randomly transported to a certain area by the distorted space-time field. After touching the space-time field many times, we roughly calculated the range of space-time distortion."

"It has been determined that the space-time interference area covers the entire ruins area, with a diameter of at least tens of billions of light years."

Tens of billions of light years, just enough to cover the ruins.

The time and space distortion involving the entire Solulan Dynasty ruins, if it were really a time and space treasure, how powerful would it be?

Qingyang asked as the Eternity in the control room headed towards the nearest planet, "Can you determine the center of the space-time distortion area?"

"No problem, Commander. Based on the star map of the ruins area and the civilian star map obtained previously, it is absolutely certain.

It should be in the central ruling sector of Solulan. "Belia replied quickly.

Qingyang was immediately delighted. Before he could give the order, the surrounding space suddenly seemed to be mosaic, with countless fuzzy particles flickering.

Then a layer of faint purple mist gradually appeared in the surrounding starry sky.

The originally normal stars in the distance have slightly increased in size visible to the naked eye, and their colors have become weird.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but on the surface of those black-gray stars, there are faint patterns that resemble the facial features of living creatures.

The next moment, hundreds of giant 'rotting' fish that were about a hundred kilometers away suddenly emerged from the purple mist!

Densely packed deep purple light spears condensed out of thin air and slammed into the Eternity!

Facing the sudden attack, Qingyang's eyes flashed with light, and the Eternity flashed hundreds of times in the blink of an eye.

Easily avoid all the intensive attacks.

Then the aperture appeared, and thousands of Star Destroyers appeared simultaneously. The extremely powerful Star Destroyer light spears hit those rotting giant fish!

The violent explosion spread, and the colorful energy storm instantly dispersed the surrounding purple mist that was several light years away.

The rolling high-dimensional energy constantly counteracts the invasion of the purple mist.

But soon the purple mist gained the upper hand again, gradually forcibly canceling out the energy storm, and once again filled the surrounding space.

Qingyang's expression remained unchanged: "This should be a normal ruins area, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings were once again filled with endless mosaics.

The starry sky filled with purple mist quickly returned to normal, and the stars in the distance were still burning with red light.

There is a constant flow of starships in the orderly passage on the star map.

Everything seemed in order.

"This is really a troublesome situation. Go directly to the central ruling star area!"

Qingyang ordered decisively.

I don't know why, but I always have the feeling that this matter is extremely important to him, and it is also very dangerous.

Only for him personally.

Double updates will resume tomorrow. I have found a rental house and moved into a dormitory in the past few days.

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