Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 24 Taiyi Flagship, Data Life!

The valve opened, and the Hard Blade starship took the lead in taking off.

Everyone in the Eternal Fleet who was busy with their own affairs was shocked and hurriedly put aside their work to come and watch.

They had long heard that their commander was preparing to build a new starship, and everyone was very curious about it.

"Steady Blade cruiser, the other one too?"

Gu Xing and Gu Xue stood at the front of the crowd, while Wan Lun and his sister Mia watched curiously from behind.

The eyes looking at the Hard Blade Cruiser were filled with wonder.

In the Star Sea Human Alliance, most children’s dream when they were young was to become a star commander.

Therefore, I have a lot of knowledge about the models of star battleships.

The solid-blade type is a well-known type among high-end cruisers.

In addition, they have also seen the size of this fleet in the past few days, so they have great respect for Qingyang, the commander they have never met.

At the same time, I am nervous about the upcoming assessment.

The Hard Blade cruiser sailed into the port area where the fleet was located, and another battleship also appeared.

The hull, which is clearly superior to the Huiyue-type battleship, exudes a soft brilliance. The blazing golden hull seems to be flowing with endless flames, and the energy circuit outlined by the hull forms patterns similar to blazing flames.

Orbiting around the port of the main gun, there is a dazzling crystal that looks like a mini star!

Different from the luxury and beauty of the Huiyue type, this battleship reveals a graceful, fiery and violent murderous grace.

Gu Xue was stunned for a while, then murmured: "What type of battleship is this? Brother, do you know?"

"I've never seen it before. All the top models of T8 battleships don't have this appearance." Gu Xing thought for a while and finally said.

"This battleship gives me the feeling that it is obviously more powerful than the Huiyue battleship, and even surpasses the military's customized top-notch T8 battleship!"

A starship that does not belong to any known model or military model, but is far stronger than all T8 battleships on the market?

Isn't that a top-grade starship that has been recently researched but not yet in circulation?

No, if that were the case, the original classification would be downgraded.

All known top grades have been dropped to high grade, and the original high grade has been dropped to mid-grade.

And this battleship is at the top level!

However, as long as the starship research institute of a superpower obtains one such warship, it won't be long before starships with similar comprehensive combat capabilities but different focuses will soon appear on the scene.

After all, those institutions planned the star battleship standards from scratch.

Even so, this battleship is enough to go down in history and hold the title of the most powerful star battleship of a certain class!

There are only over a hundred types in the history of the alliance. Even if they were later matched or even surpassed, their names are still spread in textbooks.

It has been known to everyone for endless years, and the name of the first owner is still passed down to this day!

[Star Network is loading]

[A new type of star battleship has been detected, and its model combat power is the T8-class battleship, which ranks first in the exclusive category]

[Type: Battleship (T8) Blazing Type]

[Obtain the title of Star Network - Star Master Craftsman (can be obtained by raising the lower limit/upper limit of a certain level or type of star ship)]

[It is confirmed that this ship is the first star battleship of this model, and the reward bonus program is activated]

[Note: The reward bonus is only effective for the first battleship of this type and is unique]

[Give the ship a 300% increase in basic attributes based on battleships of the same level, and grant the ship evolutionary characteristics (epic characteristics)]

[Evolution characteristics: Each evolution can increase the star battleship level by one, and add a special battleship skill]

[The foundation of the ship is being reversed - battleship - special battleship (can be set as flagship)]

Um? !

Qingyang, who was originally in a happy mood, was completely confused.

It is not surprising that Xingwang knows about the existence of Chichen Ship, Qingyang has known about it for a long time.

The existence of the Star Network is similar to some kind of rules. It is not a purely artificial network. You are not afraid that someone will find out through the Star Network.

What Qingyang didn't expect was that owning a brand new starship would actually trigger starnet rewards? !

The triggering conditions look really difficult

To monopolize the first tier, it is not as simple as having a comprehensive combat power of more than 1% or 5%, but at least more than 20%!

In the long development years of Star Battleship, only a hundred people have this honor!

As for the reward bonus, not to mention the optimization of the category to a special ship, it directly doubled the combat power of this Chichen battleship!

The appearance of the battleship has also changed, becoming more glorious and majestic, and the aura of blazing flames has become more eye-catching.

The length of the ship increased to 4 kilometers, and the average length and width reached 800 meters.

[Please name the ship (exclusive)]

Qingyang said directly: "Tai No. 1!"

[Confirmation completed, whether to set it as flagship]

"Confirm!" Qingyang was confused. If it is set up as a symbolic form of flagship, does it need to be reminded by Star Network?

The next moment, a Star Network prompt popped up!

[Confirmed flagship—Taiyi No. 1 (T8 special)]

[Flagship Bonus: Fleet Starship, Weapon + Blazing Characteristics, Shield + Blazing Characteristics

(Erosion - hitting the shield, the shield will continue to be damaged, the total damage = 50% of the attack energy level of the naval gun)

(Blaze - offsets damage below 1% of the shield value, for example: 2w shield value, immune to attacks below 400)]

[Note: Currently only effective for T8 fleet]

Qingyang was silent for a long time, finally took a deep breath and turned off the panel.

"Calm down, calm down, I am not a child of destiny, I am just an adventurer!"

"It must not float!"

After reciting it silently several times, Qingyang looked at the data panel of Taiyi.

Except for the enlarged hull, more than 40,000 shields, a main gun with an attack energy level of 9999, and more than 3,000 secondary guns, it does not have the functions that a special warship should have.

It is expected that the panel of Taiyi will change only when the special battleship is unlocked when the T6 ship is reached.

Before this, the Taiyi was just a T8 battleship with a little bit of a supermodel.

"Join the fleet!"

"Okay Captain!" Suddenly, a ball of light appeared in the control room, startling Qingyang.

The light ball trembled slightly: "Hello captain, I am the intelligence of this ship."

Qingyang reacted, and while controlling the Taiyi to take the crew members into the ship, he asked curiously: "Intelligence? Why does it feel different from other intelligences?"

"Data Life, Captain!"

Appearing in the control room, Gu Xing and Gu Xue, who were still confused, heard this and looked at the light ball at the same time.

Gu Xue was even more surprised: "Intelligent life? Brother Qingyang, have you obtained an intelligent golden star weapon?"

"Why do you ask that?" Qingyang asked puzzled.

"The Star Battleship is a data-based battleship, capable of defeating all intelligent data.

Only data life can help control the starry sky fleet, and can also double the commander's starry sky fleet digitization quota!

Data life requires access to star weapons, which are at least gold grade. "

Gu Xing took over the conversation and explained, while looking around.

I can only say that the environment is even better.

Qingyang looked at the light ball: "Xingwu?"

Guangqiu said: "Captain, I am not a star warrior, but I have the ability mentioned above, and the larger the fleet, the stronger my computing power."

Qingyang laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as there is help, let's call him Chang Xi."

"Okay, Captain."

Chang Xi responded, her voice gradually becoming clearer, and her appearance changed from a ball of light to a graceful figure with long hair reaching her waist.

The flawless face looked at Qingyang: "This is the image given to me by a being named Xingwang."

Chang Xi's appearance at this moment can be described in a crude way: beautiful! So beautiful!

It is a natural beauty that even the technology of the universe cannot create.

Qingyang and Gu Xing were both stunned for a moment, and then their eyes returned to calm.

The former stared at Chang Xi's pale gold pupils and silver hair, wondering to himself.

StarNet's various elf assistants also have silver hair. Could it be that StarNet is a white-haired person?

The chapter on formation of the fleet is finished, and then I basically participated in various events and fights throughout the whole process. Well, there are also descriptions of the ground battlefield (not much)

In addition, the dimensional world is an important sub-line, and some of it involves fan backgrounds (limited to fans with universe background or big world background, including movies and games)

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