Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 293 The coming name is determined, Iroh! (superior)

Chapter 293 Arrival·Name confirmed·Iroh! (superior)

Heaven-destroying light beams and dark matter space-bending missiles splashed everywhere, and violent explosion waves rose everywhere in the starry sky.

There are basically no complete planets visible in an area of ​​several light-years, and there are broken stars and oscillating immortal stars everywhere!

The large-scale fleet formed countless formations composed of more than a hundred warships, constantly dealing with parasitic warships.

Even violent wars broke out on the ground of some huge planet fortresses.

Mechas, mechanical warriors, genetic soldiers and anti-gravity floating fortresses have washed away all abnormalities on the ground.

There are all kinds of strange, twisted and disgusting parasitic corpses everywhere, including some humanoid parasitic monsters. It is not difficult to guess who their predecessors were.

Among the floating wreckage of warships, one can often see mangled human corpses, all of which are still struggling in the universe due to their powerful genetic strength.

Only to be quickly swallowed up by endless parasitic monsters of several meters!

Compared to parasitic battleships, there are endless parasitic monsters.

"The third theater requires fleet support. The main army retreats to the seventh to the fourteenth galaxy. The major formations try to divide the enemy formations as much as possible!"

"What's going on over there in the second theater?"

In a certain fortress with a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers, many officers were busy going back and forth.

One of the younger officers looked at the adjutant, who immediately said: "I don't know, the enemy's interference methods are too strong, and the message cannot be transmitted beyond one light-year.

The frontline headquarters has confirmed that it has lost contact and cannot be contacted through the headquarters relay! "

The officer with the rank of major general gritted his teeth and lost contact with the frontline headquarters?

The greater possibility is that it has been destroyed, otherwise how could the signal from the headquarters with dozens of emergency contact methods disappear!

We will not let him, a major general, command a theater-level war!

"Damn it, then delay it as long as possible and hold on until we get support from the capital or the military."

According to normal circumstances, if the headquarters is out of contact, it will take five days for the military department to dispatch a new command team. During this period, lower-level officers from each theater can only be responsible for the command.

"Sir, the Tihua star 34 light years behind has not yet been evacuated. It is estimated that it will take eight days for the 1.7 billion people on it to complete the evacuation."

The adjutant was flipping through various documents and suddenly reminded him.

The major general said solemnly: "Send a second-line garrison fleet and deploy the surrounding super-light nodes to ensure that the enemy cannot break through and intercept!"


The fortress suddenly trembled. Looking at the parasitic fleet appearing hundreds of millions of kilometers away, the major general looked serious.

The violent energy attack quickly wiped out the parasitic fleet that broke through here, but it did not let the major general relax.

"We have actually broken through here. The situation on the front line looks worse than imagined."

Looking at the most intense battlefield area in the picture, the major general muttered to himself.

Gathering elites from five theaters, more than a million battleships fought against an even larger enemy force. The terrifying formation made tactical command completely ineffective.

Only macro adjustments and head-on battles are left!

The violent explosion was like foam rising in the universe, and the flying debris and alloy fragments showed the cruelty of war.

The major general stared at the screen and sighed inwardly. Although he seemed anxious, as long as he had a little understanding, he could find that the parasitic fleet was suppressing the human front at a very fast speed.

When the defense line shrinks to a certain extent, it is only a matter of time before it collapses.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the parasitic fleet that was attacking frantically at the risk of their lives was shaken, which immediately made many Lukki officers jump in their hearts, thinking that something had changed.

The next moment, everyone suddenly showed disbelief and shock.

In addition to the three to four hundred thousand parasitic fleets that entangled the human fleet even more crazily, the other millions of mighty thousand-meter warships suddenly changed direction.

Quickly initiate a jump in one direction.

But before the jump was activated, the shining purple-gold light spear suddenly swept across space and dimensions from the depths of the starry sky.

There was no explosion or aftermath, and the more than two million fierce parasitic fleets directly dissipated in the dazzling light!

Not even a trace of wreckage or trace was left behind.

Then tens of thousands of more slender light spears were like the light of stars, constantly penetrating into the battlefield that was several light years away, obliterating the twisted planets and parasitic battleships!

The terrifying and solid spear of light exudes an energy level and brilliance that surpasses stars!

Advanced civilization! A rare high-level civilization among low- and middle-level civilizations!

Many knowledgeable Luqi officers were horrified. High-level civilizations have always been aloof and disdainful of communicating with middle- and low-level civilizations.

It seems like tens of thousands of years have passed since the last time Lukqi saw a caravan ship of an advanced civilization?

He didn't think carefully, because all the parasitic fleets were wiped out during the war.

Everyone knew that the main character was about to appear.

Sure enough, in the center of the frontline battlefield, the calm space suddenly curved, and then hundreds of thousands of glorious 10,000-meter warships appeared out of thin air.

Except for what is visible to the naked eye, there is not even the slightest super-light speed or space jump fluctuation.

But the sense of oppression from the personality told them very clearly that the fleet in front of them could easily destroy the Lukki Republic!

Qingyang looked at the humans in the distance and said with satisfaction: "Yes, the standard pan-human civilization is not in vain."

In addition to looking for the concept of an enhanced alliance to protect metahumans, the most important thing is that the Endless Explorers can find information about the strongest metahuman group in the universe through the concept of the same race!

The original Ling Fei was not a standard metahuman. It can only be said that it is too difficult to detect similar people. Even if the standard metahuman group is detected, the probability of obtaining useful information is actually low.

As for the judgment criteria of standard metahumans, they are of course based on the standards of the alliance at different levels of civilization.

The comparison of the fifth-level pan-human civilization is naturally the alliance human data in the fifth-level period.

It is easier to integrate concepts, there is no need to accelerate time, and the process of synchronous evolution to be almost the same as Alliance humans.

After all, the concept of a civilized ethnic group is such a mysterious thing that even the alliance cannot create it through technical means. Only ethnic civilizations that evolve naturally in the universe can have it.

The broad concept pursued by the alliance is its own, in addition to making the alliance the symbol and origin of mankind on the level of desolate narratives, and achieving the equality of ethnic identity and the macrocosm.

The most important thing is to have the authority to create ethnic concepts, otherwise the star network source data universe framework will always have flaws.

Of course, it's unclear whether the alliance has a deeper target for Qingyang.

To this day, Qingyang only has a partial understanding of the alliance's foundation and strength.

The most profound thing that Qingyang knew about the alliance was seeing a piece of information in the Kyushu Central Library.

The mysterious existence follows the narrative layer of the big universe, and the consciousness returns to the time when the alliance was once weak.

In the end, no trace of the existence of the alliance was found, and he had no choice but to withdraw his consciousness, and the next moment he was obliterated by the perceived will of the Star Network.

It only exists in the present, there is no past, and there is no set future.

The only true self at the ethnic level

"I hope I can progress to the point where I am strong enough to participate in the alliance's core plans." Qingyang is full of expectations for this.

Humans in the Earth era were deficient in every possible way, but humans in the Alliance era made Qingyang even more proud.


Suddenly, Qingyang noticed that the power of time and space covered his eyes.

Look at the deep starry sky.

Hundreds of light-years away, a star swallowed up countless parasitic fleets. Its huge body paused slightly, and its magnificent will also looked in the direction of Qingyang.

There is no violence, no murderous intent.

The huge star soul looked at Qingyang for a moment, then disappeared again and went to other areas.

"Five-star high-dimensional, a star soul that masters some kind of high-dimensional power of the fire element." Qingyang's face was calm.

Star Soul is like a machine and never does meaningless things. There is obviously no benefit in attacking them or the fifth-level civilization.

Especially for the universe.

"To what extent have the Zerg invaded this universe? Star souls have begun to join the war."

Jiang Tianxue and others also noticed Xinghun's gaze and were filled with emotion.

Qingyang withdrew his gaze, looked at the Luqi spaceship that was cautiously approaching, and said calmly.

"This is not important. The pan-human civilization that is determined to seek help has analyzed the detailed framework of this universe and the distribution of top forces.

The Alliance Legion will come, and even if the source insect swarm comes, there will be no way to save it! "


The alliance has become a well-trained opponent.

Mud, I will buy the paper directly, no, I will write it at my own expense!

I'm a bad student, I'll show it, I can type with peace of mind for a few days, otherwise I won't have money to eat

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