Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 296: The Terrifying Reward of the Truth of the Universe-Breaking Egg

Chapter 296 The Egg of Broken Universe·The Terrifying Reward of Truth

On the way, Qingyang used the Endless Explorer again and learned a lot of information about the Yiluo Federation, but only about why the insect swarm suddenly appeared.

The Endless Explorers did not have any valid information and could only ask the captain.

The captain thought for a moment that it was not confidential information, and replied helplessly: "The erosion of the cosmic crystal wall by the plague insects is getting more and more serious, and even there are many holes in the second layer of the crystal wall.

The scale of plague bugs entering the universe has increased dramatically in recent times, and even some things that only wander in the desert have also entered the universe, causing large-scale memetic pollution.

The current situation in the Holy Cause Starry Area is very chaotic. Although I don’t know specifically about it, I heard that the Holy Tree Dynasty was also attacked. "

Holy Tree Dynasty? !

Presumably it should be the plant civilization at the pinnacle of overlordship.

There are at least three overlord insect swarms attacking this universe, and among them there should be units from the source insect swarm, otherwise they should not have gained the upper hand in such a short time.

In a war between universes, if the gap in combat power was not obvious, even if it took tens of billions of years, there would not be such obvious advantages and disadvantages!

"We have arrived at the military base area. A review team will come here to check whether you have been affected by pests or desolation. Please forgive us during this special period."

Suddenly, the captain's voice drew Qingyang's attention back.

Qingyang smiled: "No problem."

During the conversation, everyone had escaped from the super-light speed state and arrived at an extremely grand military base.

Everywhere you look, there are battle stars and even fortresses emitting brilliance. Whether it is above or below, dense military stars are spread over an area several light years away!

Qingyang and others withdrew their gaze and controlled the battleship to jump directly to the designated star port.

The battleship that came for review left not long after. It must have been determined that Qingyang and others were fine, but before leaving, they left a data invitation letter.

[Based on our judgment, you are not from the Yiluo Federation or any recorded compatriots’ civilized guests. You are hereby invited to come to Capital Star to communicate.

There is no need to rush this matter. If you want to visit the Yiluo Federation, you can communicate with us after you visit.]

[Bonus: Yiluo temporary pass, second-level access authority code (except for secrets, everyone can enter and use public equipment for free)]

[Union Central Government·Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

Qingyang and others had expected this. It would be surprising if a top civilization could not even discover this.

"What do you say?" Everyone looked at Qingyang.

Qingyang smiled lightly and said: "You don't need to go together to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I, the four commanders and the relevant diplomatic personnel can go there, and the rest can visit the Yiluo Capital Star Area."

In addition to some special cosmic attractions or areas, the capital star region has always been the most prosperous and lively place of a top-level civilization.

Basically, the basic situation of this civilization can be determined through the capital star field.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Li Xiang and Cage immediately mobilized a diplomatic team, which also included a high-precision mechanical unit.

It has all the attention clauses, relevant laws and recording instruments for pan-human civilization to join the alliance, large and small. Even if the divinity comes in person, it cannot distort the information recorded.

Have a lot of reality anchors and cognitive defense nets.

Used to witness a meeting and conversation that may be complex and long-term.

"You are really professional." Gu Xue, who was eating hot pot, raised her head and praised.

Gu Xing, who was playing cards with three other Star Fleet core crew members, said helplessly: "Not to mention this, I haven't seen you stop in the past few days. Have you eaten dozens of tons of food?"

Gu Xue's face turned slightly red: "Oh, you won't get fat in the high-dimensional realm. Why don't you eat more? Not to mention that the neck meat of this high-dimensional star beast tastes really good."

Gu Xing was helpless and then looked at the card table.

"It's silly, each family has 2 billion alliance coins."

The other three people twitched their mouths, looked at the cards they and others had, then looked at the pile of mahjong in front of Gu Xing, and sighed helplessly.

Although the current mahjong has been improved countless times, with more than a thousand types of tiles and richer rules, the probability of doubling the prize money hundreds of thousands of times is even smaller.

So what's going on now?

Why do you remember that rewards and fines were only a few hundred before?

The four of them shook their heads helplessly and continued to play. The four of them were all core crew members from major star fleets, and they were all in high-dimensional realms.

To them, a mere two billion alliance coins are no different than two alliance coins.

While many core crew members were relaxing, Qingyang encountered a little trouble.

"The Zerg's Broken Universe Egg?"

Looking at the reward that the Star of Truth suddenly popped up, Qingyang looked surprised, and then his face became increasingly ugly.

【Reward Mission】

[Goal: Obtain the Zerg’s Broken Universe Egg and hand it over to the Star of Truth]

[Introduction: The insect swarm swept through the desolation, devoured and occupied more than twenty universes of different sizes, and once fought and won against the powerful divinity of destruction.

Through countless experiments and research on the origin of the insect swarm where the Zerg master is located, the cutting-edge biotechnology, the Egg of the Broken Universe, was developed.

It has a power similar to the origin of destruction, but it is not for destruction, but for interference and engulfment. The eggs of Broken Universe can absorb the power of rules within the distance of the sea of ​​ten thousand stars.

And carry out void assimilation to transport the assimilated rule origin back to the insect swarm. At the same time, the eggs of breaking the universe will greatly destroy the stability of the universe's rule framework, the universe's crystal wall system, and the domain of rules.

At the same time, because its characteristics are extremely difficult to detect, even the will of the universe cannot be detected unless it is a universe that can give birth to the Empire of Time.

Eventually, after absorbing enough sources of rules and idealism, a pseudo-order will called the Hive Will will be born within it, which will possess some of the rules and authority of the parasitic universe.

It will work with the will of the universe to usurp the narrative rights of the universe. Even if it fails to succeed, it will greatly weaken the home support ability of the will of the universe.

Indirectly weakening the power of the rules of the universe (including but not limited to the rules weapons of top civilizations and the combat effectiveness of local gods.)

This egg contains the scattered essence of rules and the analysis of the essence of destruction of multiple universes (5%)]

[Note: The Egg of Broken Universe has been tested thirteen times, all of which were small and desolate universes. The strongest force among them was the Overlord Elementary Civilization. This universe was the strongest place where the insect swarm released the Egg of Broken Universe.

Therefore, whether the egg of the Broken Universe has undergone optimization and whether the universe has been affected cannot be ascertained without the Star of Truth invading the source of the will of the universe]

[Reward: Perfect Entry Fragments × 3, Perfect Entry × 1

Customized star battleship x 2

Customized star battleship upgraded to T4×4

Opportunity to enter the Temple of Truth × 1 (direct access to the Temple of Truth area)

Desolate Truth Phase Matrix Technology (Drawings)

Ring of truth (real object·uniqueness)】

Qingyang glanced across it, his heart beating loudly.

Perfect entry!

If you complete the task, you can directly get two perfect entries!

Even excellent entries are of great use to the current truth fleet, let alone perfect entries.

You must know that no matter what level the entry is, its effect has the highest priority and permanent status.

Even at T2 or even T1, these entries still have blessings for the entire fleet, so the higher the fleet level, the more obvious the effect of the entries!

The other rewards are equally terrifying, but the one that concerns Qingyang the most is the last one.

Ring of truth!

Not data, not technology or drawings!

It is an extremely rare physical reward of the Star of Truth, with the word truth in its name!

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