Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 306 The shock brought by the Alliance Legion

The glorious star field that was completely composed of countless vast war structures and magnificent creations before his eyes was extremely shocking and terrifying.

In the empty starry sky, a bright star field millions of light years suddenly appeared. All the lights and luminous points in it were without exception, all creations of war.

In terms of the scale of the giant structure alone, the mind-shaking "Star Legion" seen in front of us cannot be created even if the Yiluo Federation is hollowed out.

What's more, the star field army in front of you is not only terrifying in size, but the vast aura that even a living thing can feel is suffocating.

Just by casually scanning any corner of this star field army, you can detect at least two-digit types of rules and characteristics!

Without exception, the war units in the Star Territory Legion that cover the Yiluo Capital Star Territory in the sky are blessed with at least two or three kinds of regular power, and they are all 100%!

The unspeakable pressure and force field, and even the lack of any next move after appearing, caused the surrounding universe frame to tremble continuously.

The insect swarm that appeared in the territory of the Yiluo Federation had no room for struggle. Invisible fluctuations swept past, and no matter how strong the insect swarm units were, they all turned into ashes and disappeared.

It is easy to wipe out a few giant insect swarms by wiping away dirt from the joint efforts of various large-scale rule-based giants from the Alliance Super Nation Legion.

It doesn’t even need to be a huge and shocking war scene, just a touch of the universe editor.

After all, the Alliance never does anything that is uncertain. The first wave of legions sent after learning about the existence of the insect swarm was basically arranged according to the specifications of fighting two complete overlord insect swarms.

In addition to the Bright Watcher team, the huge legion currently appearing above the capital star field of the Yiluo Federation is the strongest main force coming this time.

It is equivalent to a terrifying combined army that brings together all the elite units and ace units of the two overlord insect swarms!

Among the huge legion formations, star fleets or regular legions sailed out from time to time, constantly breaking away from all directions.

Looking for meta-human civilization in other directions, under the solemn gaze of Yawei and others, a starship that was obviously different from other star fleets gradually descended and finally arrived in front of the Ilo mother star.

It was a thousand-mile starship that looked like a work of art. Its entire body looked like a luxurious retro ship from the surface era, with blazing gold lines spreading across the surface of the pale gold starship.

The aura of rules was vaguely revealed, without being deliberately hidden, and the gods around Yawei were shocked in their hearts.

The strength of the rules clearly surpassed theirs, and it actually appeared on a starship that was obviously not inferior to the battleship category. It was indeed the Star Sea Human Alliance that almost ruled the entire universe!

For a moment, the halo floated, and hundreds of members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wearing alliance uniforms appeared in the void one after another, and then bowed slightly to the Yawei people suspended in the air.

Yawei and others looked at each other and then returned the greeting.

The Yiluo Federation diplomatic delegation that had been prepared for a long time also appeared around. It was obvious that they had been prepared after being reminded by Qingyang and others.

If you want to truly join the alliance, it will take at least a period of discussion and adjustment. Even if a treaty is reached, you cannot directly join the alliance.

Therefore, Yawei and others are not anxious about this. Compared with these, Yawei and other Yiluo senior officials obviously pay more attention to the alliance's combat power and common sense.

After roughly deciding on the general plan for joining the alliance, Yawei and others left a few senior officials to deal with the matter, and then at the invitation of the alliance, they entered the war star field above that stretched millions of light-years in diameter!

Boundless, with two or three battle stars almost every few million kilometers, and even a huge legion range, Yawei and others looked shocked.

Only by truly entering it can you feel the terror of this legion. The extremely dense war fortresses and even super fortresses are basically supported by multiple layers of rules.

There are no battleships and no soldiers.

The most basic war units in the legion are multi-ring giant ships about 20,000 kilometers long.

Between the numerous fortresses that looked like sand in the sky, clear and huge circuits gathered at some point, covering the legion area of ​​millions of light-years.

The extremely stable space-time structure completely anchors the surroundings. Even if the will of the universe personally expels it for a short time, it cannot shake this legion.

There are no fancy shocks or performances, and there are only two feelings that the Star Territory Legion brings to Yawei and others!

Mysterious, gorgeous, powerful and magnificent!

An extremely simple and crude combat power crushing, a massive rule blessing that even a top civilization can detect, and a force field fluctuation that is enough to suppress divinity.

Not to mention Yawei, even the divinity of the Yiluo Alliance feels like an ant when facing this legion.

After wandering around the legion for a while, Yawei and others finally arrived at the central area of ​​the legion, which was a grand illusory creation like a disc continent!

The diameter is dozens of light days. Most of the structures are not in reality, but are embodied in high-dimensional space. Only a small part of the projection appears in the real dimension.

Yawei and others felt the pressure of facing the Starry Sky Realm from them, as if the front of them was not a battleship, but a starry sky world with hundreds of millions of light-years inside.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The disc at the core of the Legion is a more powerful expedition hub than core war hubs such as the Apocalypse Hub!

The 'artificial small universe' that gathers the continental dimensional world and the network of rules has unparalleled potential for continuous warfare, not to mention the mechanical legions within it that are enough to destroy most junior and secondary overlord civilizations.

Even if it is just the direct combat power of the Expedition Hub, it is easy to erase the signs of civilization activities within tens of billions of light years in the blink of an eye.

Before Yawei and others could recover, the moment they approached the expedition hub, their bodies were teleported to the hub, in front of a huge starry sky continent.

The stars were bright, and the rich psychic environment made Yawei and others stunned, and their eyes were even more shocked.

Control of the starry sky does not belong to the starry sky of this universe!

The Star Sea Human Alliance can actually create a complete starry sky within a giant structure that is almost the same as the universe? !

After calming down their emotions, which had not been shaken for a long time, Yawei and others looked at the alliance officers who appeared above the starry sky continent in front, and flew forward with smiles on their faces.

Then we entered the gorgeous buildings of the Starry Sky Continent below.

I believe that the three views of our fellow members of this pan-human civilization today will be completely refreshed!

It’s not just the Holy Tree Dynasty and the Yiluo Federation.

Except for these two local alliances, which have the strongest combat power, the other major overlord civilizations and many starry areas have all seen alliance military star fleets!

At least they are all silver medal T4 fleets, among which T3 fleets often appear, and there are even two or three T2 fleets.

Any area that the starry sky fleet passes through, no matter how strong the resistance of the insect swarm is, will basically be wiped out in a short time!

In addition to the magnificent legions that appear from time to time, many top civilizations are cooperating with these mysterious fleets to clean up the insect swarms, while vigilantly guessing the power of these fleets.

Without it, the military scale of the mysterious fleet and legion that appeared in just a few days is enough to compare with that of an elementary overlord civilization!

What's more, the undisguised blessing of rules is obviously more powerful than the average overlord civilization.

Qingyang and others on the other side were saying goodbye to Tianqi and quickly rushed to the Star Territory Legion in the Yiluo Federation.

Qingyang plans to return to the universe after reporting on his work.

Not long ago, news came from the Star Network that he would return to the Alliance and go to a mysterious place to be promoted to a Star Martial Arts.

Glory to the Promulgator!

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