Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 312 Jiang Lu started to act suspiciously

Chapter 312 Start taking action·Confused Jiang Lu

In the orbit of a certain dead planet, the space expanded like a bubble, and then a stream of light suddenly burst out.

It directly smashed this planet with a diameter of more than 50,000 kilometers into pieces, and countless lava and mountain plates were scattered in the starry sky.

Then it was covered by the coldness of the starry sky.

The stream of light gradually dissipated its brilliance, revealing its true form.

It is the flagship of the Eternal Truth Fleet, the Eternal!

Qingyang looked at the remains of the planet that had been broken into countless pieces, and his mental power spread, confirming that there was no sign of life on it.

He said helplessly: "Can there be any deviation in the delivery of the gate of the world?"

[Because it is necessary to deliver more than 20,000 star fleets at the same time, and it cannot be detected by the universe and needs to be more concealed, the accuracy is slightly reduced, and it is expected to be reduced by 2%~5%]

Xingwang replied sternly.

Unlike the universe Qingyang explored before, there was no sign of an alliance. The alliance in this universe where the Sora Empire is located has long been discovered.

Not only the Sora Empire, there are also several advanced civilizations supported by the alliance in this universe, one of which has even reached level ten.

However, except for the Sora Empire, the other supporting civilizations are meta-human or sub-human civilizations.

The strongest level 10 civilization is a sub-human, with an extra vertical pupil on its forehead, and its limbs are slightly longer than those of standard humans.

In addition, the skin is light blue, and the ethnic talent is similar to the ability of spiritual connection.

It's just that that civilization recently had a conflict with another top local civilization and was unable to take care of the Sora Empire.

In addition to these supporting civilizations, the Alliance also established a central base in this universe.

On the surface, it is disguised as a legacy mechanical legion of a lost civilization. In fact, its long-hidden alliance legion is enough to overwhelm a tenth-level peak civilization.

In addition, there are more than a million hidden bases and node bases all over the universe. Although the Star Network cannot obtain some cosmic permissions like the big universe, it can even assimilate and invade the basic laws and rules of the universe.

However, it is not difficult to support a star network that covers the main area and only has communication and basic capabilities.

The Sora Empire is currently covered by the Star Network.

According to the information obtained by Qingyang, the alliance even transferred a high-dimensional eye.

Although this device has the word "high dimension", its actual personality is at the level of rules, and it has a variety of rule characteristics for tendency detection and assistance.

Coupled with the advanced detection technology, even a low-level or mid-level deity will be scanned thoroughly.

Therefore, Qingyang possesses extremely detailed information about the area he is responsible for, including but not limited to the name and personality of every Sora clan member in the area.

There are even parts and models of a Sola drone that was just produced.

In short, under the absolute technological suppression, the Sola tribe has no secrets to speak of, except for the situation of the top leaders of the Sola tribe.

For some reason, Sola's core area was obscured by a haze, and even the high-dimensional eye could only detect a general aura.

In that haze, there seemed to be a divine aura.

With his mental threshold running, Qingyang quickly turned the general information into memory data, and at the same time thought about how to act next.

Direct war is definitely not possible. As long as there are habitable planets and giant structures, there are hundreds to tens of thousands of metahumans.

There are even some Sora large war units inside. If it weren't for Sora's main battleships, most of them would be unmanned machines.

I'm afraid that the Sola tribe will randomly stuff hostages into ordinary battleships.

The first area that Qingyang and others dealt with was a star field with a diameter of more than four million light years, and was home to more than one million Sora warships and related large-scale war units.

At the same time, he has a high-dimensional Sora clan.

Apart from these, there is no threat to the Eternal Truth Fleet.

The replacement of Xingwu after the second youth league directly increased the strength of the Eternal Fleet by more than a hundred times.

Whether it is the God Star Wall or the God Star Arms in the epic stage, or the Ring of Retrospection and the Amplification Regulator, it is enough for the Eternal Fleet to face the main army of a ninth-level civilization with a size of one million.

Moreover, this time they also had the assistance of the regular Allied Army Corps.

Qingyang took a deep breath: "Get ready for action. The first goal is to paralyze the central star gate of the Sola tribe in the star field, followed by the spiritual amplifier of the high Visola tribe."

As long as these two things are gone, the star field can basically be won.

The control of the Sora Legion relies entirely on the mental control of the Sora tribe.

Chang Xi nodded slightly: "Currently, most of the legions in our star field have been transferred away to defend the main areas of the Sola Empire.

At present, there is only a small army of one million capital ships left. As long as the speed is fast enough, it can completely defeat the Gao Visola clan.

According to the star map updated in real time by the Star Network, Sokka's high-dimensional realm is currently cruising the Third Galaxy. "

Qingyang frowned.

"Cruise? Where is the Sora Legion?"

"Forty percent of the Sora warships are guarding the star gate in the central star field, 30% are following Sora High Dimension, and the remaining 30% have turned into hundreds of small fleets stationed near the main planets." Chang Xi quickly reported.

"Lilith, can you invade these Sola battleships?" Qingyang turned to look at Lilith.

Lilith shook her head helplessly: "It can interfere with its running smoothness and cannot be directly controlled. Their main control method is not data, but mental power."

Qingyang thought for a moment and had a rough plan in mind.

You can't get entangled with Sola Legion, at least not until you are sure that there are no hostages in Sora Legion.

Faced with this situation, the Immortal aircraft carrier's space-time warper aircraft can be put to great use, performing space stasis during a raid.

If one set doesn't work, then ten sets will be used. All the time and space warpers currently owned by the fleet will activate space stasis.

It is enough to completely immobilize the Sola battleship for tens of seconds in a short period of time.

The premise is that in order to solve the star gate, the reserve legion of the Sola tribe cannot come to support.

Other star gates do not have various high-end technical protections, and Lilith can control them as soon as the war starts.

No threat.

There will definitely be hostage casualties in this rescue operation.

It's just that Qingyang doesn't want his men to suffer too many casualties.

As long as you take action, explode with all your strength!

The Eternal went into hiding silently, making it difficult for even pseudo-divine beings to detect it while sailing on the dark side of the world.

Unsurprisingly, several of the pseudo-gods of the Sola Empire are in the central star region and will not go to such a small place.

On the other side, the preparation area.

Thousands of people are making final preparations, and the terrifying aura is contained within about a millimeter around them.

An aura similar to arrogance was vaguely formed.

There is no doubt that these soldiers on standby are extremely powerful warriors.

In addition to thousands of terrifying warriors, there were also thirty figures chatting without any sense of oppression.

Twenty of them wore the same circuit combat uniforms, and the other ten were equipped with different styles of superpowers and ancient weapon amplification devices.

Obviously these people are individual warriors supported by the alliance.

At the end of the day, they were all powerful supernatural beings or ancient warriors of the eleventh level, and there were dozens of them even in pseudo-high dimensions.

Of course, in addition to the alliance's individual troops, there are also the original action teams of the Eternal Fleet.

Most of them have also reached the eleventh or twelfth level, and Gu Xing and Zhao Zunhai are not weak in the high-dimensional realm.

"Twenty Wanhua mecha pilots, eighteen of them have only pseudo-high-dimensional combat capabilities."

Gu Xing smacked his lips as he stared at the group of thirty people labeled as units from the high-dimensional realm. He had to say that the alliance's technology was terrifying.

Even if the driver of the Wanhua mecha is level 12, I am afraid that the manifested mecha can kill a high-dimensional three-star.

Zhao Zunhai smiled and said: "The tactical system is stronger than the extraordinary system, but the scale is too small. But having said that, I have never seen Miss Tianling explode with all her strength."

Gu Xing thought for a moment and patted his shoulder: "I believe you don't want to see her."

Tian Ling's full strength is not like the Shattered God descending. One look at that level of divinity will make Meme feel uncomfortable for a long time even if he is protected by the Star Network.

Zhao Zunhai was a little confused, and just when he was about to ask, secret information came into everyone's mind.

The high-dimensional warriors of the alliance who were communicating were all shocked.

"Here comes the mission. Surround and kill a high-dimensional Sola in the area. His strength is probably high-dimensional five-star. He needs to be killed as quickly as possible.

Commander Qingyang will send a battleship formation to assist. "Zhao Zunhai stepped forward and said quickly.

He was appointed by Qingyang as the temporary team leader, and the former captain of the Wanhua team and Gu Xing were the deputy teams.

Everyone quickly went into standby mode.

In the corner, the original Eternal Beyonder team was preparing, and a young man drew a panel at random.

Immediately, a layer of exquisite combat armor turned from data particles into entities, covering the young man layer by layer.

A scarlet light flashed across the area on the left chest where the name was engraved.

【Jiang Lu】

"Betrayal. What's going on with the Alliance recently."

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