Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 314 Decision of the Alliance Supreme Council

The central star gate was destroyed, Sola Gaowei who was left behind was suppressed, and Sola's main army was in chaos.

In the end, coupled with the double interference of Chang Xi and Lilith, there were only more than a million ships, and the divided Sola main battleships could no longer pose a threat.

The high-dimensional realms of the Alliance Army dispersed one after another, and the extremely powerful spiritual power swept through every corner of this star field layer by layer.

Coupled with the wandering Eternal Fleet cooperating with the Star Force search, the rescue of metahumans in a star field of millions of light years was almost completed in just two or three days.

Without strong resistance, the rescue operation was not difficult.

There are hundreds of millions of metahuman hostages, many of whom are old people or children, not many young adults.

Qingyang and many core crew members were suddenly shocked.

What about young adults?

Looking at each other, Qingyang looked around the surroundings and resisted the urge to destroy this star field.

Then the Alliance Army sent troops to garrison through the Star Network.

The first wave of operations is just to test the waters and determine whether the rescue method and operational coordination of the Eternal Fleet plan are in place.

For now, Qingyang is very satisfied. The number of metahumans accidentally killed and injured in the huge star field is less than three digits.

It's a miracle.

After determining the mode of action, Qingyang followed the plan and left the star field where the alliance forces were gradually entering.

Pounce directly towards the nearest target area.

After all, the main purpose of coming here is to rescue metahumans, not to take risks and kill enemies.

No matter what method, as long as the metahumans can be rescued, the mission will be considered a success.

Thinking of this, the speed of the Eternity skyrocketed again!

Star Sea Human Alliance.

Source Alliance Council.

Hundreds of stalwarts exuding majestic aura hang high in the starry sky, and the information flow around them is like a river of stars.

Every stream of information is enough to instantly destroy the central database of a seventh-level civilization.

Hundreds of stalwart phantoms looked at each other, exchanging all kinds of extremely detailed information extremely quickly through the majestic flow of information.

These range from the movements of a certain civilization's army to the production date of an ordinary warship from a certain force.

At the same time, he did not forget to talk about the macro themes of this parliament.

Endless dark gold stars flickered around the phantom that spoke first, and the rich divine radiance enhanced the surrounding information flow.

"I think it's better to strike first."

Hearing this, people around looked at the dark gold shadow one after another.

"Second, Lord Xingqiong's proposal is completely in line with what we think." Several of the phantoms agreed.

The shadow on the main seat nodded slightly and looked at the silent tall shadow on the other side.

"So what other opinions does Mr. Shengjin have?"

The hazy stalwart known as holy gold swayed slightly, and the flow of information in a large area around it stagnated, and then began to flow again.

“According to the behavior of people in our alliance, we naturally take the initiative to follow what we want, but after all, the enemy this time is the most powerful existence we have faced since the establishment of the alliance.

At present, the transportation network of the Gate of the Universe has not yet been perfected, and the final concept of integrating the desolate ethnic groups is still far away.

Zixiao has not yet recovered to her peak, Jiang Lu has not emerged from reincarnation, and Crimson is reincarnated not long ago.

Even Lord Azure is still emerging from his cocoon in the azure sky, and 40% of his peak existence cannot exert its full power.

The starry sky fleet system has only been completed recently, and the fleets involved in the first sequence and above are only two hands and cannot provide support on the peak battlefield.

Even if the prosperity of the alliance is unprecedented, it should not be so hasty.

In such a war, the alliance will inevitably suffer losses. If possible, it is best to keep the losses as low as possible.

Although 'He' has now noticed the alliance's actions, at least he will not act rashly until the middle of this retrospective era. "

Wei An, named Shengjin, explained lightly.

At the same time, more information about the enemy is flowing in the information flow.

The other shadows that did not second the Star Vault's suggestion also seconded it.

Xingqiong's tone remained calm: "That's why we have to take the initiative.

'He' has just noticed it, and according to 'His' will pattern, he will definitely make various exclusions and rules differentiation first, and then finally notify those forces.

'His' camp will definitely not be able to make sufficient preparations in a short period of time. It will be dangerous if 'He' waits until 'He' is fully prepared.

Don’t forget that the Alliance was born from ‘His’ brilliance. If He wanted to focus on preparations, his preparation efficiency would be much more powerful than that of the Alliance. "

The parliament suddenly fell silent, but the turbulent flow of information around them became even more turbulent.

"I also agree with Star Vault's proposal."

At this moment, a warm and neutral ethereal voice echoed, everyone's eyes immediately moved, and then their hearts were shocked.

The person in charge was confused and looked behind him at a place where no one should be. According to his mental strength, not many beings in this universe could silently appear near him.

All she could see was a red gold gauze dress, her long hair rippling slightly like the radiance of the sea of ​​stars, and her slightly hazy face, only her gentle, watery elixir eyes could be seen clearly.

Divine light filled the air, and the endless unyielding hope surging in the gentle eyes gathered into stars, revealing the identity of the visitor.

The will of the eternal glorious star!

"Lord God Star!"

The person in charge doesn't know when to give up his position.

The phantom in the starry sky bowed slightly: "Lord God Star."

"Comrade Feng Xiao, you don't have to be polite. I was born not much older than you, right?" Shen Xing smiled lightly.

The surrounding shadows pretended not to hear. Basically, they all knew that the original soul of Star Vault came from the legendary period of the earth's surface.

But having said that, the human will of the God Star has become stronger and stronger recently, and it is already on par with divinity, right?

People in Jiuzhou Soulline all call the God Star their mother, maybe this is also the reason why His image is like this?

A strong man with an out-of-the-box thinking suddenly thought of it, and when he noticed a gentle gaze coming towards him, he immediately let go of his thoughts.

"Then let's vote, each person has one vote, each of you Lord Wills has ten votes, and Star Network has one hundred votes."

The Star Network is equivalent to the aggregation of the destiny of the entire alliance's civilization and the will of the ethnic group, and its votes can represent the thoughts of the macro-alliance.

Just for a moment, the comparison of votes appeared.


"The number of votes proposed by Master Xingqiong exceeds that of Master Shengjin by a large amount, and Star Network also agrees to take the initiative, so the course of action will be in this direction."

The person in charge said immediately without hesitation.

Hearing this, many phantoms disappeared in the space of the Source Alliance Council at the same time. No matter what their previous opinions were, since it has been decided, everyone will respond 120%.

As for the other side branches, the exchange of information flow has already been completed in an instant.

Even the serial number of a certain drone in the enemy camp was recorded in the consciousness of these powerful and majestic beings.

In just a moment, you can read the data of endless creatures and things on the non-divine level.

The Source Alliance meeting ended.

Quietly, there are countless star fleets, regular legions or individuals, whether in the big universe, many dimensional worlds or in the wilderness.

They are all returning to the alliance.

Only some insignificant mechanical legions or legions that were weaker, comparable to a tenth-level civilization at most were left.

At the same time, while the interior of the alliance territory and the dimensional world it belongs to remain unchanged, they are gradually breaking away from the framework of the macrocosm under the star network in an extremely hidden and slow way.

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