Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 33 Elbow! Let’s fish in troubled waters!

Qingyang leaned on the captain's chair and smiled.

I didn’t expect to be able to watch a ‘big movie’ during this dimension world adventure, which was really nice.

As the elite main fleet of Chaka Civilization surrounded him, Qingyang's smile became clearer and clearer.

However, the Stans in the seed ship fell into panic, looking at the huge Chaka fleet on the screen with fear.

It was this fleet that wiped out the Stan civilization in its heyday!

It's every Stan's nightmare.

"What? What should I do? Head of state?" The adjutant asked with difficulty as he tightened his grip on the gun at his waist.

The head of state noticed the Eternal Fleet that was motionless and took a deep breath: "It's okay! Since this powerful human fleet has not left, it means that the situation is still under their control."

[This is the third legion of the Chaka Civilization. There are unknown battleships ahead. Please hand over the Stan fleet. We don’t want to be your enemy]

[Repeat again]

Qingyang, who was inviting the crew to watch the fun together, raised his head with an interesting expression.

An enemy?

So arrogant.

[the last time.]


Suddenly, an extremely powerful data wave spread out around the star system, interrupting the communications of Chaka's third fleet.

Even a large number of Chaka battleship energy circuits flickered and extinguished.

The commander of the Chaka Tribe was stunned for a moment, and then an unspeakable sense of fear gradually filled his heart.

Behind the Eternal Fleet and the Seed Ship, hundreds of thousands of kilometers of space shook slightly, and then an extremely huge spherical creation gradually turned from virtual to real!

Huge energy circuits spread on its surface, surrounded by hundreds of huge prism orbital creations. Three ring-shaped creations surround this spherical creation. Various energy circuits such as light blue and light yellow are winding like cosmic art!

With a diameter of 20,000 kilometers, no energy level leaked out, and the terrible sense of oppression caused the Chaka fleet to fall into a state of confusion.

Qingyang, who also felt the sudden brightness of the surrounding universe, turned back in confusion and was stunned.

Looking at this terrifying creation that is comparable to the planet, my heart is extremely shocked.

Then tens of thousands of cool warships appeared from around the planet, the most basic of which also had tens of thousands of energy levels.

Not just this one, there are dozens of such terrifying creations appearing one after another in the large star system.

Space fluctuations reverberated violently in this star system, even causing particle tides in the central star.

The Alliance Army’s current conventional equipment against stars—Hunter Star!

A total of twenty Hunting God War Stars appeared, followed by shuttle-shaped warships of about five thousand meters each. Their number almost filled the detection range of the Tai-1 star map.

[Starnet LAN server is being connected.]

[The star network scanning mode is activated and the world of this dimension is being scanned]

[About 30.21w light years in diameter]

[Number of civilizations: 7380 (interstellar civilization)]

[Pan-human civilization: 1 (more than 63 million people)]

[The will level of this human civilization group is being reviewed]

【examination passed】

Qingyang stared blankly at the miraculous Hunting Star behind Tai No. 1, feeling beyond words with the excitement in his heart.

So damn handsome!

[Star Network Communication Request]

Qingyang immediately agreed without hesitation.

A meticulous officer instantly appeared on the screen: "Commander Qing, thank you for your contribution to the alliance. In addition to military exploits and additional rewards, the alliance will help you completely assimilate this dimensional world.

This process may take several years, so please be patient. "

The real reward is the rating reward from the universe and the alliance after the dimensional world is completely assimilated.

However, it only takes a few years for the world of 300,000 light-years to be completely assimilated. How to do this?

Qingyang was a little confused.

At this moment, in a battle star.

Several meticulous officers began to deploy.

"Immediately move these metahumans into the Battle Star Ring world to popularize culture and teach basic common sense. It is expected that in a few years, the world will be assimilated and they will be able to enter alliance life."

"The world's assimilation policy has been established!"

The officer on the main seat had a dull face: "There is no human civilization in this world except for the Stan tribe, so we need to implement an efficient solution!"

"Directly attack the core area of ​​the world and annihilate all the dominant civilizations in the world."

"Now, I announce that the dimensional world war mode will be activated and the military anchor points of this world will be randomly sent to 10,000 T7 fleets, 200 T6 fleets, and 5 T5 fleets! Assist in combat!"

The other officers immediately stood up straight: "Yes!"


The orbital weapon of a battle star blasted out dozens of light spears, directly sweeping across the Chaka fleet in the distance.

There was no splash or resistance, and even the shield of the interstellar fortress only flickered a few times before completely shattering.

The huge asteroid-like interstellar fortress disintegrated instantly, the explosion rose, and the terrifying energy storm spread and directly vaporized most of the Chaka battleships!

Then the Hunting God Battle Star and the dense mechanical warships jumped away, if the jump trajectory could be seen.

You will find that these battle stars are rushing towards the dozens of fifth-level civilizations in the center of this dimensional world at the same time!

There is only one Hunting War Star left that is connecting the confused seed ship to the ring world, and there are thousands of warships wandering nearby.

Before Qingyang could react, the star system was empty again.

Only the Hunting God War Star was still radiating dazzling light in its place.

Mo Mo and Gu Xing and others looked at each other, and suddenly Gu Xue's eyes lit up: "The Alliance Army may have gone to the central area of ​​the dimension world. There are many civilizations there. How about we fish in troubled waters?"

"The strategic warehouses of level 4 and 5 civilizations should be of great help to the Eternal Fleet. At least they can be exchanged for a lot of star battleship manufacturing resources."

Gu Xing also suggested.

Qingyang's eyes lit up, yes, fishing in troubled waters!

The Alliance Army will definitely not care. If in danger, they can jump directly to the Hunter God Battle Star to hide!

Safe and exciting.

Decisively open the regional star network established by the Alliance Army: "Find the coordinates of the center area of ​​the world."

[Approximate coordinates are shown]

"Jump now and sail in dark space!"

Dark space is everywhere, covering the main universe and the deep spaces of all major dimensional worlds.

The Eternal Fleet disappeared immediately.

As for the heads of state and other Stans, they were stepping off the seed ship with flattered faces, curiously observing the beautiful environment around the world.

The head of state stared blankly at the bright battle star in front of him and the powerful battleships wandering around.

Thinking of the countless members of the Stan civilization who died tragically in the past few years, thinking of the seniors who handed over the Stan civilization to them at the last moment, and thinking of how they were desperate and prepared to usher in destruction, my legs became a little weak.

It's not that he's afraid, he just feels a little dreamy. He's afraid that all this is just a fantasy before his death.

However, everything around him told him that the Stan civilization had survived, and it seemed that there was no need to worry about the threat of war in the future.

He looked around at his fellow warriors who were changing into special costumes, and watched the countless injured warriors heal quickly under the healing powers of the mysterious human alliance.

Looking at the dreamlike environment around him, the head of state couldn't help but reveal a long-lost smile.

"Hello sir, we need to register your name and position as high-level information of the Stan tribe." The receptionist came to the head of state.

The head of state came back to his senses, smiled and spoke softly.

"My name is Chuck Keizer, the last leader of the Stan clan."

The receptionist was startled, then smiled gently.

"No, you are Chuck Keyser, the Star Sea Human Alliance - the original founder of Stan."

Update family members normally

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