Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 319 The blue sky! The uneasiness of the agent of the universe!

When Qingyang led the team to search for the Poyu Egg, countless undercurrents were surging in the Star Sea Human Alliance far away in the universe.

The real territory of Kyushu, which is gradually transforming into the StarNet source data world, Qingyundao returned to the blue clouds and looked at Yu Wenxue.

"The alliance is preparing to declare war on the universe, Xue'er, you will be able to move freely soon."

Qingyundao said calmly, brushing the tree of idealism that was already a hundred meters high beside him: "When the war starts, at least 80% of the gods in the highest dimension will be on the side of the universe.

Compared with the Empire of Time in the macrocosmic camp, the six highest dimensions are more dangerous. Many of their sequences are the differentiation of the will of the universe.

However, this time when the war begins, the Alliance will reject all direct or indirect restrictions and rules of the universe. "

When Qingyundao said this, there seemed to be endless waves in his eyes.

"The Supreme Dark Dimension can no longer stop the Alliance from entering in large numbers. The first one to die will be the God of Falsehood!"

In the highest dimension, the core node of the rules and framework of the universe, 80% of the beings in it, except those who are upgraded the day after tomorrow, are born with divinity.

Among them, the first sequence that is so powerful that it is incomprehensible, and even the horrors that touch outside the sequence, have the same origin as the will of the universe.

Even if the will of a generation of sequence dies, the concept of divinity and personality belonging to him will remain immortal, as long as a new will is born again with the help of the gaze of the will of the universe.

Then the new born supreme will come to the universe again.

And this interval is not long.

Therefore, the false god who originally tried to curse Qingyundao and Yu Wenxue at the same time, the first sequence of supreme darkness, was backlashed by the alliance until his will collapsed and replaced.

The curse stemming from the concept of his divinity has not been weakened and can only be offset bit by bit through source data.

After all, it was still a first-sequence statue, casting a curse in a way that almost burned its will.

Yu Wenxue can ignore the curse as long as she stays in Kyushu. The alliance is already strong enough. If the Empire of Time is afraid, it will also suffer.

Now that it is ready to break with the universe, the alliance will naturally have no worries anymore.

Directly erase the person and concept of this false god from the desolation!

As for the six supreme dimensional worlds, according to the alliance strategy, it is best to transform them into the supreme source data world and change them into the main server deputy hub of the Star Network Will.

When Yu Wenxue heard this, he was not surprised. He just put down the teapot in his hand and walked forward to gently straighten Qingyundao's clothes.

"I know, be careful. If you really can't, ask Ah Xiao to act together. Don't show off."

Qingyundao's face was gentle.


After a moment, Qingyundao left the blue clouds and appeared in the starry sky outside Tianfu.

The profound gaze crosses the endless barriers and stares at the place of cosmic will that exists between nothingness and reality.

"Without taking action for countless years, the supreme beings seem to have forgotten many things."

Azure, which once needed the power of the blue sky to compete with them, was still in its growth stage at that time.

The Agent of the Universe·The Central World!

Dreamy and twisted crystal islands are scattered across tens of billions of light-years, and countless illusory giant ships that look like natural crystals are constantly breaking away from the islands that are comparable to the Starry Sky Continent.

From time to time, huge banks that are enough to cover the formation pass over the island group.

That is a completely divine cosmic life, belonging to several different empires or overlord civilizations of time.

In the Temple of the Universe, I was closing my eyes to feel the three supreme shadows of the ‘apocalypse’ of the universe, and suddenly my spirit was rioting.

The endless spiritual storm penetrated the central world and directly set off a huge high-dimensional storm in the high-dimensional river basin.

Several dimensional worlds nearly a hundred billion light years around were shattered in an instant.

"How can it be?!"

A wave of ripples appeared in front of the three supreme heights, and the boundless nothingness was being invaded by a boundless will and blue.

At the same time, desolate.

The boundless gray fog covering trillions of light-years is accelerating, and tens of thousands of Destruction Ascendants and even Gods of Destruction are instinctively accelerating forward.

Behind it is a barren universe with a diameter of at least tens of thousands of stars and a sea of ​​​​rules that are already riddled with holes.

The endless blue emerges from nowhere, maybe in a second, or in millions of years, and the broken universe is instantly assimilated by the endless blue.

Countless disillusionments that have not yet left were directly annihilated without causing any waves under the unobservable end of the blue.

In the endless blue, only a few 'isolated islands' can be seen floating.

That is the normal universe deliberately surrounded by endless blue.

There is no concept of spatial distance, and there is no name for speed. The strongest civilization in the universe seems to be desolate, and it is the color of blue!

The three supreme agents of the universe were silent, and their spirits, which had not had any emotions for decades, were now in great waves.

"One of the divine realms of the universe, the blue sky, is approaching the universe at an undetectable speed."

After a long silence, one of the Supremes recalled a figure in the endless long memory.


“How is it possible, the blue sky, the desolate and mysterious realm, just the personality is enough to rival a desolate universe.

That is sacred enough to threaten the will of the universe. Azure was born only in the fourth era, how could it control the blue sky. "

"Desolation is endless, and it is clear that there are more than ten beings who can communicate with the blue sky to gain power. One of them is even about to surpass the first sequence."

"They all recognized the one from the alliance, who calls himself Azure!"

The Supreme in the middle interrupted the denial of the third Supreme, and then there was a long silence.

After a moment, the second Supreme continued: "Perhaps Wei Lan only obtained part of the authority of the Azure Sky and could not mobilize the full power of the Azure Sky.

After all, no matter what, the birth time of Wei Lan is only four retrospective eras."

"It's just a possibility. The recent actions of the Alliance have proved everything. Disputes will come sooner or later."

"Not only Wei Lan, but his descendants, the Star Sky Navigator who is above the reality outside the narrative, are even more dangerous!

The desolation gradually transformed from all "nothingness" into reality. The two basic realities of time and space and concepts have spread in the desolation.

The power represented by the Star Sky is probably also a certain embodiment of the desolate reality. Compared with the Azure Sky, which knows the approximate power, the Star Sky is obviously more uncontrollable."

The other Supremes nodded and acquiesced to this statement.

The Azure Sky is just a conceptual reality that is condensed together by the boundless desolate narrative for unknown reasons.

Although it is extremely terrifying, compared with the large universe that can be called a living fossil of the desolate, it is at most equivalent to the strength of two supreme dimensions.

It is undoubtedly terrifying, but these are still within the acceptance range of the universe. The Starry Sky is different.

Behind him, it is likely that he represents a certain reality of the desolate, comparable to the reality of time, space and concepts, and the framework power that constructs the desolate from "nothing" to "something".

No one knows how powerful this power is.

Originally, the Supremes were not worried. After all, no matter how strong it is, it is just a juvenile sequence of the Retrospective Era.

But now, in addition to the existence of Azure, only four Retrospective Eras are suspected to have control over the Azure Sky.

Then what about the more mysterious Starry Sky?

No, not only the Starry Sky, but also the other few, who have obtained the inheritance of the mysterious realm of the desolate, or who represent the unique source power of the Star Sea Human Alliance.

In a trance, the Supremes seemed to see the shadow of the Supreme Humanity standing at the end of the universe, surrounding and looking down at the universe indifferently.

The cosmic agent gradually fell silent, and the pride of ignoring everything gained by the favor of the universe felt uneasy for the first time.

Even though they know that the universe must have some hidden mechanism that they don't know about.

But they still feel that the upcoming universe war will be uncertain.

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