Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 57: Just out of the tiger's mouth, and then into the wolf's den (please follow up)

Not only Eamon was in panic, the surrounding UED Council and even Qingyang and others were in a state of sluggishness.

Qingyang stared at the starry sky several lights above, his pupils vaguely reflecting a galaxy.

That's right, a huge 'star system' appeared in the starry sky where there was nothing originally!

The twelve 'stars' in the center, which are millions of kilometers in diameter, emit soft light, and there seems to be no gravitational interference between them.

Within a few light days around, hundreds of 'planets' with diameters of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers also emit silver light.

No revolution, no rotation, motionless.

The space around more than twenty of the 'planets' is constantly twisting and twisting, as if some force is pulling on the space.

The entire special star system has no breath, not even the slightest energy fluctuation.

Only a faint light illuminated the starry sky.

Even so, everyone in the Eternal Fleet was shocked.

The other creatures, whether it was Eamon or Ued, were all extremely horrified, and an indescribable sense of oppression surged into their hearts.

It is the crisis of death that comes from somewhere, it is the shock of life to unimaginable things.

Of course, the death crisis only belongs to Eamon

"Damn it! Humans of the universe!!" Eamon reacted quickly, his tone extremely frightened.

I thought it was just a fleet of human civilization in a certain large dimensional world. After all, it is much easier to travel between dimensional worlds than in the large universe.

Who knew they were actually those humans from the big universe!

It's going to happen, it's going to stoke a hornet's nest!

Eamonn's heart suddenly jumped and he immediately broke away from the possessed hybrid.

The next moment, hundreds of hybrids were swept by a wave of light. The hybrids paused slightly, and the huge bodies instantly turned into particles and dissipated!

Then there was another slightly different wave of light that swept across the Eternal Fleet and the UED Council Fleet.

The injuries of everyone in the Eternal Fleet have recovered visibly, and even the last faint trace of memetic contamination has been swept away.

The scene over the ued fleet is even more shocking.

I saw that the ued human being who had died not long ago and whose body was severely damaged but his brain was not damaged, had countless granulations sprouting from the gaps in his body, and then healed completely.

As their chests rose and fell, they opened their eyes one after another.

The frontline commander stared blankly not far away. The soldier who had been cut off below the abdomen by a piece of debris not long ago, and even had his heart cracked, slowly stood up.

My brain was confused.

Even the senior officials from far away on the UED home planet and the elite population watching the live broadcast had their mouths open.

Xel'Naga can transform life genes and is it a god?

fart! This is a miracle!

"Are you okay?" Qingyang looked at Gu Xue and Beiya.

Tai 1 does not need a brainwave pilot. The experts Gu Xue and Beiya are the least resistant personnel in the control room.

Beria, who was holding her chest, waved her hands, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

Although Gu Xue's face was pale, it didn't look like anything was serious, but she couldn't help but complain.

"Brother Qingyang has encountered more things than my brother."

Qing Yang and the helpless Gu Xing looked at each other and shrugged.

Guxing's resistance to this aspect is much stronger than Qingyang's. After all, Qingyang's commander's shield effect is linked to the fleet.

The fleet has no resistance to high-dimensional energy, and neither does he.

"Let's rest for a while before leaving this dimensional world. Next time, I won't choose a world that is more than 100,000 light years away." Qingyang said speechlessly.

Starry sky fortress formation.

After confirming that there were no deaths among the commanders of their own camp, one of the starry sky fortresses withdrew the healing beam.

In a certain fortress, several major generals stood together and stared at the star map.

"Have you confirmed the location?"

"It's confirmed. In the void, let the two silver T5 fleets and the force field war star formation that are accompanying the team separate to clean up those high-dimensional life forms."

"Do you need a living mouth?"

"No need. These things provoke us not once or twice. The remains can also be used as scientific research materials. I believe scientists will not mind."


After the discussion, several major generals immediately set their sights on the Eternal Fleet.

One of them looked surprised: "This fleet seems to have reported human civilization not long ago, right?"

“It’s not as strong-willed as the last human civilization group, but it’s not much different.

Does this commander have the luck to be good at discovering human civilization? "A major general was startled.

If this were the case, it would be more valuable to the Alliance than a hundred epic commanders!

"Then record it first and mark the key points. If he discovers human civilization twice, he will be given special attention and some special support plans."

The leader made a decision.

Suddenly, the leader opened the command panel of the Star Network's military page and frowned.

He said with a serious face: "This mission is completed, let's go to the world of dimension 1071."

"That world has been fighting for thousands of years, right? Do you need support?"

"No, we are assisting Kyushu to inquire about some information. It seems to be related to the dimensional world we passed by before."

"I know about this. A friend of mine has also been questioned. It's not considered a secret. He is tracking down a certain hidden existence.

Someone in Kyushu was secretly cursed by a certain deity, and could only stay safe in the alliance's central star region. In order to break the curse, Kyushu decided to solve the problem from the source. "

The leader understands that solving the problem from the source means directly killing the existence of the problem.

Instead of continuing to chat, several major generals resumed their cool demeanor and started to deal with UED Council matters.


Shrouded in the infinite black and purple high-dimensional energy mist, the extremely huge figure is constantly moving.

The terrifying pressure prevents void creatures within several light years from approaching.

Countless illusory tentacles loomed out of the black and purple mist.

The strange thing is that this existence has a large and conspicuous defect in its body.

"Damn it! Humans of the universe!!" This figure is Eamon himself.

At this moment, Eamon didn't have the indifference of higher-dimensional life at all, and his anger was almost substantive.

However, recalling the attacks launched by several human war stars at that time, Amon's movement speed increased significantly.

Suddenly, Eamon, who was moving at high speed, suddenly stopped.

Anger slowly turned into fear.

In front of him, he saw a void filled with various dark energy clouds and mist, covered by a large expanse of black and purple.

Stretching for several light years.

Astonishingly, they were strange fleshy spheres that were comparable in size to asteroids and even stars.

Infinite void energy spreads from it, mixed with a little gray air flow.

Near the fleshy object, countless giant and ferocious monsters, large and small, looked up at Eamon, densely packed and endless.

"Large Void Insect Swarm!!"

Eamon's mental body was filled with fear, and the zerg he created in the interstellar world were based on the void worm swarm.

But in terms of threat, even the Zerg Overlord is not as good as any biological planet in front of us!

In the center of the void insect swarm, a huge arthropod with a body length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers was relaxing.

The huge body is as agile as a creature only a few meters long, and every movement of its body exceeds the speed of light!

The huge arthropods stared at Eamon through the distance.

"Ah high-quality food"

In an instant, countless strange black whirlpools appeared near Emon, endless, strange and huge insect swarm biological battleships surged.

Kill Eamon who is locked in space.

Each of these biological battleships contains the power of the void comparable to high-dimensional energy!


Somewhere hundreds of light years away, inside a few battle stars with a milky white halo.

The Union officers looked at each other.

"What should I do? Encounter a large void insect swarm"

"Forget it, that high-dimensional life can't survive, it's just a pity for the war effort."

"Report the situation and withdraw first."

Facing a large void insect swarm, a neutron battle star formation and a pulse battle star can be deployed to suppress the formation.

The second update will be updated at 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon. I will confirm the second update time after I am sure that there is nothing to be busy with in the past few days.

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