Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 6 Humanoid Shield Generator (Part 1)

Didn’t you just say you’re not reckless? !

Gu Xue looked at Qingyang blankly, and Gu Xing looked at the latter strangely.

Star Sea Insect Swarm, even if the main force and super-large insect swarm are blocked by the Star Sea Alliance in a deserted area, the small-scale insect swarms that penetrate in are still very dangerous.

Why are there still people who get excited when they hear the word swarm?

Gu Xing suggested: "Although the only ones that can enter the alliance territory are extremely small-scale insect swarms, you must be careful."

"Of course I understand, I'm just following behind to take a look."

Gu Xing stopped talking, as long as his boss has a plan.

The Huiyue battleship drew a line of light and shadow in the subspace and quickly moved towards its destination.

Meanwhile, Charkasing Lake.

A special ecological area with a diameter of more than 30,000 light-years, spanning a large number of ordinary countries and elite countries.

Massive high-energy matter and energy storms are raging in it, and countless cosmic life forms - star beasts are thriving in it.

Dreamy and dangerous.

Star beasts, which generally have bodies of hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand meters, can be said to be the pinnacle of individual power in the universe.

The weakest first-level star beast also possesses fourth-level power, and even the more powerful ones will not lose at all even when faced with starships!

But today, a group of more dangerous visitors arrived somewhere in Charkasing Lake.

On the surface of the planet wrapped in crimson energy, countless flesh-like carpets squirmed slightly.

Tens of thousands of huge biological buildings rise from the ground, and purple-black energy mist is constantly generated among the squirming flesh.

The densely packed giant eggs expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, with purple-black light looming among them.

Starry sky insect swarm, carbon-like void life form!

A natural disaster creature with strong physical and energy resistance.

The nature of void life makes them extremely difficult to kill and possess terrifying corrosive properties.

The advantages of carbon-based life allowed the insect swarm to break the shackles of the scarcity of life in the void and possess extremely terrifying fecundity.


One of the huge insect eggs suddenly burst, purple-black energy filled the air, and a black shadow more than five thousand meters long surged in the energy.

As this giant egg burst, tens of thousands of giant eggs around it also lit up strangely.

The sound of cracking sounded one after another, and the purple-black void energy gradually enveloped the entire planet.

The red energy around this planet is gradually being assimilated and eroded by the void energy.

Three hundred light years away, there is a guard fortress on the border of Charka Star Lake.

"Damn it! The insect swarm's biological fleet has taken shape!"

"Why so fast??"

"The will of the insect swarm! This insect swarm is connected to the void transmission network of a medium-sized insect swarm."

The suddenly increased detection value made the command room scream in surprise.

The Alliance Army major frowned: "How many reinforcements are nearby?"

"There are three T6 fleets, 19 T7 fleets, and three elite British conventional fleets, with about 8,000 conventional warships."

The Major of the Alliance Army breathed a sigh of relief. There were more than 8,000 British conventional warships, more than 20 star fleets, and a guard fortress with beyond-visual-range firepower.

It's not difficult to deal with this swarm.

"Just in case, immediately apply to the Frontier Alliance base to dispatch five T6 senior fleets."


The major looked at the over-the-horizon surveillance screen again, feeling slightly uneasy. How did this insect swarm get in?

There is no problem with the monitoring network of Charka Star Lake. Could it be that there is a crack in the void?


There was a ripple in the empty space, and a platinum-gold warship suddenly appeared.

"Is the gathering area ahead?"

Qingyang turned on the detection equipment and looked around curiously.

"Why are there no battleships?"

[Starship ahead, please explain your purpose]

"I received the message that there are swarms of insects infesting here."

[Four hours ago, the main force began to attack the area occupied by the starry sky insect swarm. Please go immediately to support the fleet]

After saying that, a coordinate area appeared in Qingyang's star chart panel.

[Glory Moon battleship, T8, new commanders please proceed with caution]

Qingyang expressed his understanding, and the Huiyue Ship entered the subspace again.

In the command room, the major looked at the leaving Huiyue battleship and frowned.

A highly talented new commander?

That's all, this is in line with the alliance's training model anyway, so I won't advise him to return.

The T8 Huiyue battle line has a shield value of 10,000, so it is very difficult to have an accident.

On the other side, the Charka Swarm occupies the galaxy.

Dazzling light beams and energy bombardments raged, and several of the dazzling light cannons even traversed the entire star system!

It can even be seen that there is already a planet that has completely turned into fragments and is floating in the universe.

Tens of thousands of kilometer-class insect swarm biological warships surged in the starship, and black and purple beams and rays formed a dense storm.

It blasted towards the fleet in the distance.

At the same time, there were millions of octopus and Zerg units that were tens of meters long and rushed towards the fleet.

Corruptors possess powerful corrosive energy.

Black and purple lines spread across the carapace, weakening light and energy attacks from the human fleet.

With every resistance, the purple and black lines will become darker.

The three T6 fleets at the forefront were busy in the local star network.

"The Star Destroyer hasn't discovered the biological mothership on the opposite side yet?!"

"No, where's yours?"

"No, what the hell, where is that mother insect hiding?"

"Let the warships of the conventional fleet except the Star Destroyers retreat, there will be no digital casualties."

boom! The storm set off by thousands of void rays covered the three fleets head-on.

The harsh high-frequency roar echoed throughout the world.

"Damn it, I don't know why the genetic medicine needs to evolve ears. These overclocking sounds are too noisy."

"The ears that miss ordinary life, the vacuum universe is so pure."

Faced with such a blow, the commanders and core crew members of the three T6 fleets were not nervous at all.

At the edge of the battlefield, the Huiyue-type battleship broke away from the subspace state.

The moment it appeared, thousands of corrupted people gathered around it, and dense black light balls gathered from the swirling mouthparts.


A massive attack overwhelmed the battleship.

[Insufficient damage, immune]

[Insufficient damage, immune]


[Void erosion, shield value forced -1]


Qing Yang was relieved at first, but then he was shocked again.

This seems different from the insect swarm in his memory?

Seeing that the shield value dropped very slowly, Qingyang immediately activated all the naval guns.

Intensive beams of light, light cannons and even rays were shot out at the same time, and the entire Huiyue Ship was like a hedgehog, instantly piercing through the nearest hundreds of Corruptors.

The range-type main gun followed closely behind, and the fan-shaped attack torrent cleared the space area nearly a thousand kilometers ahead.

"Hahaha, that's what it feels like!"

Qingyang laughed excitedly.

The Huiyue battleship with powerful firepower immediately attracted the attention of some people on the battlefield.

On the flagship of a certain T6 fleet, a commander was startled: "T8 Huiyue? Rushing to the battlefield of the starry sky insect swarm just after debuting?"

"The biological mothership carrying the insect mother has appeared!"

"Wait! Damn it! Where did that come from?!"

A series of exclamations and anger suddenly sounded in the Star Network channel.

I saw a huge meat ball more than 100,000 meters emerging in a burst of purple-black mist, with hundreds of compound eyes flashing with a penetrating black light.

Hundreds of kilometers in front of the biological mothership, there is a human ship, an imprisoned human ship!

Qingyang also looked over, and then his expression changed.

Yunshan Xingxing belongs to high school!

Xinghu practice sightseeing ship!

Ah, these two chapters are just to show the commander's additional effects and functions. They are mainly about interstellar battleship bombardment. Qingyang will basically not do anything in the future.

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