Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 72 Bounty commission, a world of tens of billions of light years (please follow up)

A large number of Rotro tribesmen in the position immediately launched a counterattack.

The Rotro tribe drove a mecha that was more than ten meters tall, and dazzling beams of light shot out from around the mecha.

Blast towards the densely packed mechanical mechas ahead.

Those omni-mechanics were originally weapons used by the Lotero civilization to counteract the alliance base, and their inventory was terrifying.

Unexpectedly, most of the omnics are cheap.

Tens of thousands of intelligent mechas were advancing fiercely, and only a handful of thousands of Rotro mechas tried their best to block them, but they were covered by dense missiles and beams.

Within a few minutes, the Lotero mecha army was completely destroyed.

【Destruction is salvation】

[As the central mastermind of Rotro, the program will be processed strictly in accordance with the civilized optimization method]

[The best way to optimize Rotro civilization is to destroy it]

[The mastermind assumes the highest authority and abandons civilized emotions to make rapid progress]

The noisy mechanical sound was coming from the omni-mechanical armor, making the surrounding Rotro tribe feel a sense of despair.

Their death is real death. Omnics can be remade at any time even if they are damaged. In addition, omnics' war weapons have no emotions.

All Lotros who fight omnics feel a sense of great stress and fear.

Even though the army currently controlled by Rotro is stronger than the out-of-control omnics, Rotro's civilized military is not confident.

The territory of Rotro Civilization was filled with war, and hundreds of thousands of battleships and even battle stars were raging.

Many galaxy groups and even star regions show signs of collapse.

There is also smoke everywhere outside the Rotro civilization.

Contacting the Lotero civilization failed, and the thirteen fourth-level civilizations could only form a temporary alliance to face the invasion of the insect swarm.

At the same time, the star fleet, which was two or three times the usual number, also entered the war zone from all directions, and the situation became extremely chaotic.

Only the coalition forces in the theater remained as usual, dispatching fleets to patrol the surrounding routes tepidly, with no intention of taking action.

A certain galaxy group on the Rotro border.

As soon as the combined fleet left the subspace, various energy waves and explosions were displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

It's not Rotro fighting against the rebel omnics, but more than a dozen T8 or T7 fleets fighting against more than 100,000 omnic warships.

From the situation, it seems that more than 100,000 omnic warships are actually at a disadvantage.

The core main guns mounted on T7 battleships and aircraft carriers can destroy hundreds of omnic battleships with just one energy bombardment.

After Qingyang and the four commanders were confirmed, they immediately joined the battlefield.

The assault ships spread out to harvest the kilometer-class omnic warships in the corners of the battlefield. The remaining warships followed the Eternal Fleet and headed towards the denser area of ​​​​the omnic fleet.

During the journey, the bombardment continued, smashing the surrounding omnic warships that tried to approach.

These omnic ships are warships produced by the Lotero civilization and used as basic combat power and cannon fodder.

Neither defense nor attack is strong.

Only some of the battleships are the main fleet of Rotro controlled by the rebel omnics. Although there is no internal support and the omnic control alone cannot exert full combat effectiveness, the success of the destruction remains unchanged.

The combined fleet sailing wantonly quickly attracted the attention of omnics.

More than five hundred 4,000-meter elliptical battleships were rapidly approaching, and strong light gathered at the bow of the ship!

Like an attack of light spears passing by, more than a dozen beams of light suddenly hit Taiyi, but the shield only flickered for a moment and completely blocked it.


More than a hundred cruisers and battleships launched an attack, and beams of light suddenly fell on the shields of these omnic battleships.

Although these battleships are the battleships of the fifth-level civilization, they are standard battleships after all. Their powerful firepower can directly blow up dozens of battleships!

At least one-fifth of them were blasted to pieces by Yuansha's main cannon.

The battleship under the control of the omnic did not panic at all and went straight into the combined fleet formation.

Why is it a dog fight again?

Qingyang raised his eyebrows and controlled the Eternal Fleet to launch meticulous dog fighting tactics.

Instant jump, face-to-face bombardment, battleship drift

Facing Star Commander and engaging in sophisticated tactics such as dog fighting, it can only be said that the omnics are all brainless.

The addition of the combined fleet has once again increased the intensity of this battlefield.

The impact even reached more than twenty galaxies, and in the end it even attracted more omnic fleets and Rotro civilization armies.

While the omnics were attacking the Star Fleet, they were also attacking the Lotero army.

The fierce three-party melee lasted for nine days before it gradually came to an end.

After the combined fleet joined the battlefield, more than ten star fleets arrived one after another. The firepower of more than thirty star fleets quickly defeated the omnics and Rotro Legion.

Nine days is definitely fast for an interstellar war involving hundreds of thousands of battleships.

What's more, the victorious side only has seven or eight thousand warships.

If there were a T6 ship, perhaps a thousand cruisers would be enough to defeat these enemy forces within three days.

The vast space is full of battleship wreckage, stretching across dozens of galaxies.

Among them are omnics and Lotero civilization battleships.

The Star Fleet left the battlefield immediately after the victory, and the United Fleet returned to the forward base.

Nearly ten days of continuous fighting made everyone who was just the T8 commander a little tired. Moreover, they had gained a lot of military exploits, and it was not too late to turn them into combat effectiveness before going out for hunting.

This situation of raging insect swarms and melee between omnics and fifth-level civilizations will not end for a while.

Lasts at least a year!

Advance to the base, a certain starport.

Qingyang looked tired as he rested his head on Chang Xi's slender legs.

Chang Xi, as always, looked down at Qingyang gently.

Well, for some reason only the toes are visible.

If there was anyone who really never rested for a moment during this nine-day battle, it was Chang Xi.

However, as a data life, Chang Xi did not feel any fatigue or discomfort from this.

"Commander, would you like to find a way to buy a purple light brain star weapon?" Chang Xi suddenly said softly.

Qingyang opened his eyes and said decisively: "Okay!"

Light brain star weapon, a star weapon used for calculation and assistance, is unpopular and rare.

But since Chang Xi wanted it, Qingyang agreed decisively regardless of the reason. After all, Chang Xi's contribution to the Eternal Fleet since his appearance was second only to him.

Usually there are no demands or complaints.

Chang Xi smiled and narrowed his eyes: "With the purple light brain star weapon, I can give the commander a surprise."

Qingyang was curious about the surprise in Chang Xi's mouth.

Suddenly his expression brightened and he stood up directly.

The Star of Truth is finally alive again after a long time.

[Star of Truth Tips]

[Received a reward request, do you want to accept it?]

[Commission source: Dimensional World (15 billion light years)]

[Entrusted Life: Level 4 Pan-Human Civilization, entrusted by core members (in dire straits)]

[Danger of entrustment: involving a large number of intermediate and advanced civilizations]

[Entrusted goal: alleviate the current plight of this human civilization (please do not report to the alliance before completion)]

[Commission reward: truth points × 2000, excellent entry fragments × 3, red star crystal × 1

Customized star weapon × 1 (upper limit is red), one piece of truth knowledge, industrial mechanical planet × 1]

[This dimension world anchor will be provided free of charge. Do you want to accept it?]

[Attachment: The Star of Truth will shield the cosmic aura of the collaborators’ fleet to ensure that no one discovers that the collaborators are outsiders]

Qingyang's gaze paused on the panel for a moment, and finally spoke with difficulty: "A world of more than 10 billion light years?"

Qingyang Tianren fought, and finally managed to convince themselves.

It shouldn't be a big problem if you just complete the commission and don't need to spread the influence, right?

The most important thing is that the rewards are too tempting.

And if you complete the commission and report it directly to the alliance, you will not only get an alliance reward, but even if the assimilation reward for the subsequent development of this world cannot be yours, you will definitely be able to make a living.

"I took it!" Qingyang looked serious.

[Confirm to accept the commission and send it or not]

"Wait a minute, I'll spend my military exploits first."


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