Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 88 Chang Xi’s surprise (first order for the babies on Friday)

[Kill the alliance dangerous creature population ranking to.15 - Void swarm brainworm]

[Special reward for meritorious service——10w (newly born)]

Qingyang immediately stopped Yuan Sha's firepower output, and immediately the Taiyi and Huiyue battleship formations quickly left the galaxy.

Without brainworms and production bases, a few thousand biological battleships would be insignificant.

The most important target now is the battlefield where the main force of the omnics and the main force of the insect swarm are fighting.

With the number of omnics and insect swarms, it is estimated that a random shot can kill a bunch of machines and insect units.

A paradise for harvesting star points and military exploits!

"Warren, Mia, how are you two doing there?" Qingyang asked on the communication channel.

"There are only a few thousand ordinary biological warships, all with energy levels of four to five thousand, and no main biological warships have been found."

Warren reported immediately, and there was still a dull hum in the background.

Qingyang was not surprised: "Leave the battlefield immediately and meet in the dark space."



The door to the control room opened, and Valen and Mia walked in.

Qingyang smiled and asked: "How do you feel about the strength of the T7 formation?"

Warren was suddenly excited: "Strong! Too strong! The power of each gun is stronger than the main gun of the previous battleship."

Mia smiled and looked very shy.

Qingyang also smiled back.

Mia has rarely spoken since boarding the ship, only occasionally talking to Guxue more.

At first I thought Mia was not adaptable, but in the end I realized it was just her nature.

Mia blushed slightly and moved a few steps behind Warren.

Qingyang turned around and unfolded the three-dimensional virtual map of the star map, pointing to a location: "Next, our goal is here!"

Everyone looked around.

Chang Xi took over and explained: "The target area is the boundary of the Roland War Zone, which was once another intermediate war zone.

At present, most of the omnic and void insect swarm's troops are there, and the fourth-level civilized coalition is still exchanging fire with the small part left by the insect swarm.

We don't have any necessary missions this time. Everything is based on maximizing military exploits.

We will also use one-time destruction weapons for this purpose, because currently the commander’s mental threshold can only withstand so many warships.

If you want to operate carefully, you must slow down nearly one-third of the threshold pressure. Except for the Tai 1, the aircraft carrier and the Huiyue formation, Valenmia is responsible for the remaining battleships. "

Warren and the two nodded seriously: "Yes!"

Qingyang suddenly said: "I also have two anti-matter bombs, and they will be used directly when encountering a large-scale insect fleet."

"Understood, Commander!"

"Gu Xing, I would like to inform your team members and the ship's defense forces to pay attention. There are many jumping units in the insect swarm. I don't know if the T7 battleship's built-in space suppression can withstand it." Qingyang said seriously.

It takes time to find a relevant Xingwu.

After basically assigning tasks, Qingyang looked at Gu Xue who was blinking aside.

He patted Gu Xuexiang on the shoulder and said, "Xiaoxue, just by standing in Taiyi No. 1, your contribution is higher than that of many people."

It's not a sarcasm, Qingyang is completely showing his true feelings.

How can a top support person be sent out to take risks?

Gu Xue also knew it, so she could only sigh helplessly and walked to the rest room, and then happily ate hot pot.

Qingyang's eyes showed helplessness.

Got fished.

Just say how could a character like Gu Xue want to command the fleet to bomb everywhere.

Suddenly, Qingyang felt a touch of softness on his shoulders.

Turn around and look.

The facial features are extremely exquisite, and the face full of softness comes into view.

"Chang Xi?"

Chang Xi gently brushed back her waist-length silver hair: "I told you that after obtaining the Light Brain Star Martial Arts, I would have a surprise for the commander. You can see it later."

"Oh? Then I'll look forward to it." Qingyang smiled.

With the blessing of the entry, the Eternal Fleet quickly passed through dark space at 24 times the speed of light.

If it weren't for reaching the T6 fleet, the starry sky fleet would gain the ability to sail in dark space.

Now I'm afraid it's much more than two hundred times the speed of light.

At least in Qingyang's impression, the T6 fleet that once took the Eternal Fleet forward along the way can advance at hundreds of times the speed of light in dark space.

In about a few minutes, the Eternal Fleet successfully arrived at the dark space coordinates of the target area.

Immediately, the long-drive cruise formation headed by two rock battleships took the lead in leaving the dark space.

The Tai-1 and the Huiyue formation headed by the aircraft carrier continued to drive for more than ten seconds before breaking away.

The former wanders around the outer areas of the battlefield hunting targets.

Qingyang and others sent them directly to the dividing area between the middle and inner peripheries.


The moment they first arrived in the universe, fifty-one Huiyue ships' naval guns and secondary guns launched bombardments in all directions at the same time!

The shield-breakers produced in advance surged out of the aircraft carrier.

The aircraft carrier is currently equipped with 500 jumping mechas and 1,500 shield-breaking fighters.

A total of three thousand shield-breaking fighters.

It is enough to defeat a biological warship or mechanical ship with an energy level of tens of thousands in one round.

Their mission is not to fight, but to protect the starry sky aircraft carrier whose defensive firepower is not too strong. At least they can delay time when encountering danger, allowing the starry sky aircraft carrier to jump away.

Fifty-one high-end T7 ships, blessed by the talents of Star Martial, Entry, Starry Sky Adjutant and Commander, the burst of power immediately attracted the attention of a large number of enemies around them.

Hundreds of biological battleships with energy levels of seven to eight thousand and a large number of mechanical bodies were quickly annihilated by the powerful energy.

The other commanders also noticed this fleet whose actual energy level far exceeded the normal T7, and they were amazed in their hearts.

If based on actual strength, these battleships are enough to defeat the average silver medal T7 fleet!

The naval guns roared and the beams raged.

"Oh, it's really everywhere." Varun's surprised voice sounded on the channel.

"Then shoot everywhere!"

Qingyang looked excitedly at the densely packed red dots that almost filled the star map, as well as the sparse friendly forces among them.

Immediately without any scruples, I fired at wherever there were many red dots.

At the same time, I also noticed the actual strength of other T7 fleets and roughly estimated their combat power.

At present, the Eternal Fleet can still compete with the Silver Fleet that is twice the size. The main reason for this is Ci Entu, Gu Xue, and various high-quality star weapons.

If the normal T7 silver fleet exceeds 300 ships, it will be difficult for the Eternal Fleet to resist.

"There are still not enough entries, and the rewards are too few." Qingyang was helpless.

The bounty mission of the Star of Truth has only appeared once. Doesn’t it mean that there should be three times in a normal hundred days?

Qingyang was not refreshed recently.


Powerful energy level fluctuations came, and Taiyi disappeared from the place instantly.

Then it appeared thousands of kilometers away.

Even if he is multitasking, Qingyang can still control Huiyue Formation and Taiyi to instantly jump and dodge!

The Huiyue formation launched naval gun attacks one after another. The main guns surrounded the hull and calibrated the surrounding high-energy targets to fire continuously.

For a time, except for two or three large-scale T7 fleets, the enemy-killing efficiency of other T7 fleets was obviously widened by the Eternal Fleet.

Didi didi!


Qingyang's mental power connected to the star map, and he was startled in his heart.

Thousands of mechanical ships with an attack power level of around 8,000 surrounded the Huiyue formation at some point.

"Are you planning to besiege?" Qingyang said disdainfully, preparing to rely on an instant jump to break away from the siege.

But Chang Xi's figure suddenly appeared and stopped Qingyang: "Do you want to see the surprise?"

Qingyang was stunned, glanced at the mechanical ships, and immediately smiled: "Of course."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless particles appeared around Chang Xi, and the optical brain star weapon later named Taiyin spread countless high-dimensional data with extremely rapid intensity.

[Data node under construction——]

[The temporary network is covered, and the monitoring channel is 7,438 mechanical nodes, which are invading.]

[It is detected that the data-like life is resisting, and the data is strengthened——]

[The node intrusion was successful and the first authority of the network-wide mechanical node has been obtained]

Chang Xi's eyes flashed with silver light, and he looked slightly proud.

"Normally speaking, the optical brain star weapon is useless. That's because there is no high-dimensional data life control~"

"How about this surprise?"

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