Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 95 Remarks on the launch + Book planning + Sacrificing companions

It will be released at 12 noon tomorrow! Please make the first order!


I didn’t expect that this book would be on the shelves before I knew it.

To be honest, it's a little stressful.

After all, I didn’t expect that this book would get good grades. I originally wrote this book with the mentality of getting perfect attendance on the shelves.

Therefore, there are more or less many shortcomings.

So after the release of Chapter 92, on the 15th, I spent several hours re-optimizing the outline and settings, basically clarifying the main line and framework of the book.

If I have time, I will try my best to optimize the previous plots.

Now let me guess, most people probably read this book because of the background of the protagonist, the Star Sea Human Alliance, right?

The same is true for optimization directions.

After optimizing the outline, I will try to give the protagonist and other characters soul and personality, and describe the experiences and emotions of different characters.

Describe the deeds and stories of the Star Sea Human Alliance from the protagonists and different perspectives as much as possible, and improve the setting that everyone is curious about.

Through the perspective of the protagonist, carrying the vision and brilliance of the Human Alliance, we save the pan-human civilizations that each have their own spirits.

Write about the different choices and spiritual will of human beings before various dilemmas or choices!

Maybe some people say that the human alliance in the book is too idealistic and selfless (Alien: You fart!)

But this is fiction, this is my fantasy about the status and strength that humans should have (racist) does not represent reality

Hahahaha, unlike other books where the main character is just pretentious, a lot of the pretentiousness in this book comes from the Star Sea Human Alliance

Six-point protagonist Xiao Qingyang, four-point protagonist Big Alliance!

Of course, the protagonist must act cool! !

Finally, I probably quoted a sentence from Little Broken Ball 2 to express the will of the Human Alliance and the criteria for metahumans to determine membership——

No matter what difficulties we face, human unity and courage will continue the fire of civilization


good! Let’s sacrifice a few books to improve our luck! --——

"We're already in the cyber era, are you still a traditional villain?" 》

My evaluation is: good, good-looking, at least I like it, it feels better than my writing hahahahaha

It's probably the type of cyberpunk villain with a powerful background. The original character is a high-ranking executive in a top company, but his head is shot by the bottom-level protagonist.

The protagonist travels back to before the plot happened, changes the villain's stupid behavior, and suppresses the protagonist!


"LOL: The dark goddess covets me!" 》


[Kneel down to me, mortal. Kneel down to the great god who controls the power of death. Kneel down to your dark goddess, Lunessia! 】

"Your name has the word 'Ya' in it, so you should be very good at fighting, right?"

【ah? 】

"The Curse of Destruction is coming, let me use your Darkin power!"


"Through the Middle Ages: From the Founding of the Habsburgs"

A conscientious medieval masterpiece of foreign history, with thousands of words updated every day

It’s pretty good, I almost wanted to take Sanjiang’s foreign historical literature! ! How rare! ——

"I will practice more in the world of beast control"

A daily-style animal-control novel with a relaxed tone. You can also read it as a cute pet novel.

(The cover has... Renaissance colors)——

Rules for additional updates: The basic price starts at 6,000 per day, and if you order 4,000 for the first time, it will be 8,000 per day (any more will result in poor quality)

This basic update is guaranteed to last at least twenty days every month! (I'm still a college student, and sometimes I can only have two chapters)

In addition, one chapter will be added to the 300 monthly tickets, which will be calculated starting from the beginning of the month, and will be updated in the next month (the system will give out six if the daily updates are 4,000 words, this additional monthly ticket does not count)

Reward a hall leader (20,000 coins) plus one update, leader + five updates (it may take several days to complete)

Wuwuwuwu don't call me arrogant, I set it up like this because I really don't want to add extra hours. The school is always busy seven or eight days a month.

It's going to be exhausting

bow down!

Additional chapters will be added on the basis of 6,000 or 8,000 per day!

As for the fixed update time, I will arrange it according to the class schedule after arriving at school on the 19th~

Thank you for the reward. I will create a related work later.

Because there are too many, I only appreciate the reward of more than 1,000 coins.

"We're already in the cyber era, are you still a traditional villain?" 》

"I will practice more in the world of beast control"

"Through the Middle Ages: From the Founding of the Habsburgs"

"LOL: The dark goddess covets me!" 》

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