Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 111: weakness

   No. 1 War Fort, brightly lit, shining ten miles on the sea.

   Sea monsters assemble again, ready to attack the city!

   Although it is night, this area is bright and the army of tens of thousands of people lined up, waiting in close formation, densely packed. Fighters from other parties who were not affiliated with the army, such as students and hunters, also hugged each other and filled the deck.

  War means death. War also means wealth.

   No matter day or night, someone is always making money.

   The sea monster’s siege does not have to be during the day.

   This time, it was in the middle of the night.

   Qin Lin was very windy, driving the golden giant Golden Giant, after thinking about it, he arrived at the war fort in one step.

   "I rely on, rich and powerful, isn't that a student of Fuda Qin Lin?"

   "This color... used to pick up a girl, either the girl will pick it up right away, or the girl will run away right away."

   The color of the Golden Giant is indeed too gorgeous, too ostentatious, and high-end mechas are so attractive to them.

   After driving the Golden Giant many times, Qin Lin was also used to the eyes of others and felt calm in his heart.

   When he reached the deck, he was called by Chi Wu.

   However, as soon as the Golden Giant was halfway, a mecha blocked his way.

   The cabin opened, and a female mecha warrior in a red suit pointed at the cabin of the Golden Giant.

   Qin Lin understood what the other party meant and opened the cabin.

   "What's the matter?" Qin Lin asked.

   The distance between the two mechas is very close, only about two meters, and the two of them communicate like this without any problem.

   "My name is Liang Xiaoxiao, you should have heard your instructor say." The voice of the female mecha warrior was like a broken gong, not very pleasant.

   "Liang Xiaoxiao?" Qin Lin frowned slightly. Of course he had heard of this person. By the way, it seems a bit familiar, but he can't remember it for a while.

   He only remembered that this Liang Xiaoxiao was nosy, and gave him a bad impression, so why should I report it? Everyone is a mecha warrior fighting for the country, so why should a woman embarrass a man?

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said?" Liang Xiaoxiao was very dissatisfied with Qin Lin's non-response, and the sound of breaking the gong resounded: "My dad said, you saved my life. But I still want Report and complain to you, this is for your own good."

   Qin Lin's mind flashed, and the female mecha soldier rescued last time turned out to be this girl.

   Damn, I don’t know it’s okay, knowing it makes people want to vomit blood.

   Good people are not rewarded, so be a donkey!

   "In this battle, I will take a step forward, fight with the mid-level mecha, and say goodbye." Qin Lin closed the cabin, too lazy to care about this kind of girl, Chi Wu is still waiting for him.

   Liang Xiaoxiao stamped her foot. She was abiding by the law, but she was not unscrupulous. She was saved by others, and she deliberately acted against them.

Is this true?

   Of course, her answer is no.

   "Misunderstood?" Liang Xiaoxiao was reluctant, returned to the cabin, controlled the mecha, and stopped Qin Lin again.

  Qin Lin got on fire and opened the cabin: "Are you just a stick in your head? Don't bother me again! My girlfriend is waiting for me."

Liang Xiaoxiao was also angry. She kindly acted as a donkey's liver and lungs, quickly opened the cabin, and shouted with a broken gong: "What a Qin Lin, no wonder Jiang Shaoming was pressed, and she didn't dare to let her fart. This girl is too lazy to care about your life and death. Get out of my girl! Don't get in my way."

  Who is blocking whom?

   Qin Lin wanted to get angry, but Liang Xiaoxiao's words hurt his heart deeply.

   Yes, if it weren't for the Jiang family, even if he mutated and turned into a giant, he wouldn't have much problem.

   However, the Jiang family is almost one-third of the Huaxia government. Once he knows that he has become like that, he will definitely make a big fuss and seize the opportunity to eliminate him.

   This made Qin Lin intend to leave the human society and step into the wilderness, fighting alone.

   "Thank you for your concern!" Qin Lin's face darkened, he closed the cabin again, and drove the Golden Giant around the opponent and walked towards Chi Wu.

   Liang Xiaoxiao opened his mouth, and felt that he had said too much, but he couldn't pull it down, so he gave a cold snort and closed the cabin and left.

   A moment later, Qin Lin came to the camp where Chi Wu was.

   Now, Chi Wu is already an intermediate mecha fighter, with the rank of captain, and there are more than 300 fighters under him.

   "Red Dance!"

   When he came to the Red Dance, which was ten meters taller than the Golden Giant, Qin Lin's mood improved again.

Chi Wu kept talking with Qin Lin. She also knew what had happened just now. During the call, she comforted: "Qin Lin, don't worry. When I become a top mecha fighter, together with the instructor, I can give Jiang There was some pressure at home, and they didn't dare to mess around again." As he said, the cabin opened and Qin Lin came to her cabin to gather.

   The sea monster has not yet approached, the alarm has not yet sounded, and there is still time to relive the past.

   Qin Lin hadn't seen Chi Wu for nearly a month, and wanted to see her. Opened the cabin, jumped onto the Red Dance, and climbed in.

   After Qin Lin entered the cabin, Chi Wu immediately closed the cabin.

   But Qin Lin can't wait to hug Chi Wu in a fiery red battle suit, a body that is so warm, hot and enthusiastic.

   "Chi Wu..." At this moment, Qin Lin had no desire for Chi Wu, and he hugged him tightly.

   During this period, Siruo really contributed a lot, and helped Qin Lin cast a lot of sun fire.

   Otherwise, he will react when he sees a woman, and now he is holding Chi Wu, already involuntarily involuntarily.

   "Qin Lin, what's the matter?" Chi Wu could feel that Qin Lin was different from usual, but she couldn't tell what was different.

   "It's okay, I just miss you so much!" Qin Lin was very guilty of Chi Wu, carrying her on his back, and Si Ruo have been friends with each other so many times.

   He always remembered that Chi Wu was a very possessive girl, and it was clear that if Qin Lin was not a virgin, he would not follow him.

   But, now...

  He is also second-hand.

   "Did you do something sorry for me?" Holding Qin Lin, Chi Wu smiled sweetly.

   Qin Lin is even more ashamed, and Chi Wu's words are obviously casual.

   "I... didn't touch Xiao Qiao..." Qin Lin didn't dare to tell the truth, but what he said was indeed the truth.

   Chi Wu touched Qin Lin's head, closed her eyes, and smiled happily: "Is that touching the instructor? Hehe, you dare not measure it. The instructor is a person without emotion."

   Qin Lin nodded secretly, Siruo really has no emotions, only physical needs.

   As the saying goes, a husband and wife will have a hundred days of grace every day. Qin Lin, who had not had much affection for Siruo, has been in love with her for a long time, but now she has real feelings for her, but she is indifferent.

   "That's not right, Qin Lin, you used to be the one when you saw me..." After holding for a long time, Chi Wu didn't notice any changes under Qin Lin, and asked with some doubts.

   Just half of the time, he stopped immediately, her pretty face was Feixia.

   Qin Lin hadn't reacted originally, but when he talked about Si Ruo just now, the lingering scenes in his mind, he reacted.

   "Chi Wu, after the battle is over, you can go to my instructor and live for two days." Qin Lin suddenly made that decision.

Knowing what Qin Lin meant, Chi Wu was both excited and anxious, and asked with a blushing face, "This month, I have always wanted to go back to see The instructor won't let me go back. After the war, she should Let me go back?"

   Qin Lin patted Chi Wu's round **** with his hand: "She will let it. You don't need to ask her, just go back."

   Chi Wu pretty face flushed, her body trembled, her legs softened, and she almost couldn't stand. Fortunately, Qin Lin hugged her.

   Qin Lin was taken aback. He already knew a little about women, but he accidentally found Chi Wu's "weakness".

  Siruo's most sensitive part is the chest, and Chiwu is the buttocks.

   Whenever Si Ruo gallops on it, when Qin Lin catches her double peaks, she has to lie down softly, as if a ball is discouraged.

   "Little pervert, when did you become so bold?" It took a long time for Chi Wu to recover, grabbed Qin Lin's hand, and took a bite on the back of his hand.

   "Chi Wu, wait a minute, it's too sad, **** suit." Qin Lin had to release the Raptors.

   Chi Wu looked down and almost screamed in surprise.


  Also, big villain!

   "Qin Lin, you...Why does this seem to be getting bigger again, I'm scared..." Chi Wu turned around, her heart pounding.

   Thinking of Siruo’s situation, Qin Lin comforted: "It’s the first time, or if it hurts the first few times, it will be fine later..."

   He actually wants to say a few more words: After a few times, you can't be satisfied without mine.

   Suddenly, a low and solemn alarm sounded!

   The sea monster approached and began to attack the city!

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