Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 113: Mars

"Not necessarily. The new mecha is in the testing phase, and the news is very encouraging. The current super mecha, the fuselage is made of "new metal" similar to cosmic metal, and it is powered by micro-nuclear power. , The new metal should be able to replace the cosmic metal.” An adjutant said in a low voice, lacking confidence.

   "Are you an expert, or thinking of an admiral is an expert?" Niu Fei hummed coldly, he was a loyal supporter of Siruo.

   The adjutant shut up immediately, and his confidence was gone.

   "Well, the four of us are in favor of killing this imperial sea monster, that's the decision!" Admiral Liang has the highest qualifications, and finally made this decision on behalf of the four top mecha fighters.

   General Zhao frowned. A major general and three generals forced the palace together. He was under a lot of pressure.

   It is not that he has never thought of the current situation of mankind. This action is equivalent to declaring war on the sea monster, and mankind has begun to fight!

"Everyone, you are the heroes of mankind. I respect you, but you have to be clear about the catastrophic consequences of your actions this time." The old general said solemnly, "At that time, our country will It may be like Australia, almost annihilated, or it may be like the New Orleans war fortress, with heavy losses."

  Siruo's face remained unchanged, still very cold.

   Niu Fei didn't care, he also looked far away, now fighting, mankind still has hope, in a few years, mankind's hope will be even smaller.

"If humans really can't continue to consume the sea monsters anymore, I agree with your actions this time. However, no one can say what will happen in the future. This action is gambling, and I cannot make it. The decision can only be handed over to you. I know that you are for the Huaxia Nation and for the entire mankind. Therefore, I will bear all the consequences, and you will make the decision boldly!" Finally, the old general waved his hand.

   Hearing these words, Si Ruo had no expression on his face, Niu Fei beamed his eyes.

   "Okay! Admiral Liang, you can attack." Si Ruo said to Admiral Liang during the call.

   Niu Fei waved his fist: "We, China, as the vanguard, fired the first counterattack."

   The pitch-black Slayer suddenly lifted into the sky, rushing towards the royal sea monster that was battling Jiang Heshan fiercely.

   "What? The Slayer was also dispatched? Did you come to the Royal Sea Monster again?" On the battlefield, someone trembled in their heart when they saw this scene and looked towards the sea.

   There is no royal sea monster!


   Suddenly, a terrifying and exciting thought flashed through everyone's mind.

   decided to fight back against the sea monster!

   Sure enough, the Slayer's speed was very fast, and it was almost behind Zhenshanhu in a blink of an eye, blocking its retreat.


   Shaking the mountain tiger roared, it was very intelligent, and found something wrong.

   It’s the first time I lead a war, so it’s a bully, isn’t it?

  Also, those big brothers and sisters cheated, didn't they mean that humans would not dare to besieged and killed the Emperor-level sea monsters? Even if they were able to kill them one-on-one, humans would not dare to kill them easily.

   But, looking at this posture, it seems that people are planning to kill themselves.

   No, my life matters, stop fighting, the wind screams.

   Shaking Mountain Tiger immediately gave up the Hulk and began to run away.

   But, it is not originally the opponent of the Hulk, plus the Killer, how can it escape?

   The Hulk started to kill, quickly chased after him, and slashed out with a sword.

   "Wow~" The Shaking Tiger roared in pain, his tough fur was split apart, blood rushed out, and the surrounding sea looked like a sea of ​​blood.

  The Killer also rushed up from the other side, and swiped down with a sword, powerfully smashing the power of Huashan, and splitting a blood hole several meters long and more than one meter wide from the neck of the Zhenshan Tiger.


   Shaking Shanhu felt scared and angry, roaring again and again.

   But it couldn't help it. The disparity in strength was too great to resist, and it continued to turn around and escape.

   It is a pity that the top mecha has the ability to fly, and the gap between the two is relatively large. It is still two to one. Within a moment, the tail of the Zhenshan Tiger was chopped off again and turned into a tailless tiger.

   Many people watched this scene in shock. It seems that humans have really begun to declare war on the Royal Sea Monster?

   The painful roar of the shaking mountain tiger also attracted a lot of sea monsters, and they were stunned when they watched the commander being destroyed.

   Do you want to fight?


   Shaking Mountain Tiger's grief, Yang Tian made an unusual roar, as if to express his unwillingness and anger, and also sent a certain signal.

   Suddenly, the sea monsters seemed to have been ordered, and came down into the sea like a tide from the shore.


   And the Shaking Tiger himself roared towards the war fortress.

   What is it going to do?

   Desperately hit, want to break through the protective shield of the war fortress?

   That's unrealistic. Can it break through without more than a minute?

   Even if it is Biological No. 3, it doesn't have this ability.

   "It's not good, it knows it's going to die, and it will desperately destroy some of our mechas and drag some people to bury them!" Si Ruo quickly said to Admiral Liang: "Admiral Liang, come on, stop it!"

   "Understand!" General Liang was not a fool either, he quickly saw Zhenshanhu's attempt and jumped forward.

   Shaking Mountain Tiger's dying counterattack was so powerful that it knocked the Slayer into flight, and then suddenly jumped out for several miles, leaving the Slayer behind.

   At this time, the retreating sea monster army also arrived, and several king-level sea monsters pounced on the Slayer and the Hulk to stop them.

   The Zhenshan Tiger, who was not blocked by the top mecha, jumped onto the deck at once.


   A special-grade mech was too late to dodge, and was shot flying by a trembling tiger, with broken arms and limbs, scrap iron flying horizontally, rolling down everywhere.

   Advanced mechas and super mechas are powered by flying, but the nervous system cannot directly control them and needs to be controlled manually. Therefore, it takes time.

   "Disperse quickly!"


  Many mechas fled around. The fast-moving ones either flee far away or lift off into the air.

   Seeing this scene, Qin Lin was shocked. More mechas, in fact, have not had time to retreat. How fast is the imperial sea monster, and how can a mecha with no flying ability be able to run?

   And the Killer and the Hulk were also negligent just now, and they were dragged down into the sea by many sea monsters, and they couldn't make it back in a short time.

   Let the Earthquake Tiger continue to run rampant, the human mech will suffer heavy losses.


   Earthquake Mountain Tiger smashed another super mech.

   The Golden Giant is not far from Zhenshanhu, and has not escaped from beginning to end.

   If it wants to escape, it is very easy. With a thought, it can fly into the air and stay away from the place of right and wrong.

   After all, the Golden Giant contains the metal from the shell, and Qin Lin's mental and physical abilities have reached the threshold of activation.


   Qin Lin didn't hesitate anymore, and threw the golden sword violently, using all his power.

   This sword, the wind rushed, and it had an attack power of nearly 50,000, plus more than 10,000 mental power, which completely exceeded the combat power of 60,000.


   The golden sword, several meters long, drilled in accurately through the open mouth of the snarling tiger.

   At the same time as the flying sword was thrown, the Golden Giant flew up, but instead of fleeing, it jumped onto the head of the mountain tiger like a hill in the stunned people.

boom! boom! boom! ...

   The Golden Giant is like an octopus, firmly attached to Zhenshanhu's head, waving a golden fist, slamming it down with one punch, fast as lightning, and splashing flesh and blood.

   Within a few seconds, the Golden Giant had already smashed hundreds of punches.

   When fighting the Killer and the Hulk, the Shaking Tiger, who was already seriously injured, was again sealed with a sword. At this moment, under the frenzied attack of the golden giant's fist, Qiqiao bleeds, wailing and collapsed on the deck.

   God of War!

   This golden giant, although not very tall, only ten meters tall, is much smaller than the top mecha, but it looks like a **** of war, standing on the giant beast, invincible and invincible.

   Everyone was stunned!

   Obviously The Golden Giant is not a low-level mech, nor is it a mid-level mech, or even a super-level mech.

   Can the Super Mecha be able to send the sword just now?

   is so powerful and the swordsmanship is so precise.

  Many super-class mechas have no time to control the flight system to let the mechas fly away, but the Golden Giant's response is so swift that it flies when it says fly, and it will arrive in the blink of an eye.

   "Think Admiral, what's going on...?"

   In the command room, most officers knew that the owner of the Golden Giant was a student of Siruo, Qin Lin, and also knew that the Golden Giant was customized by Siruo.

   "Good! Very good!" Si Ruo's face rarely fluctuates, and she looks quite excited.

  Looking like this, Qin Lin's physical stamina has clearly reached 1,000, which can stimulate the energy of the universe's metal.

   "Our Chinese nation has produced another top mecha fighter." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Si Ruo's mouth: "This golden giant has one gram of cosmic metal integrated."


   All the officers in the command room are extremely excited. The world lacks top mechas, but even more lacks top mecha fighters.

  The only unhappy people are two people, one is Jiang Shaoming and the other is Jiang Heshan.

   "This **** has increased his physical fitness again, reaching the level of a top mecha fighter?" Among the Hulk, Jiang Heshan stared at the golden giant with gloomy eyes.

   Jiang Shaoming on the bank was also pale, his eyes fixed on the Golden Giant.

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