Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 120: 8-party support

   Mingzhu City, the living area of ​​the No. 1 War Fortress.

   Jiang Heshan and Jiang Shaoming face each other, sitting in the lobby of the house assigned to Jiang Heshan by the military region.

   On the wall of the hall, there is a large LCD TV screen, which is broadcasting factual news from all over the world.

   Now, the whole world is paying attention to China. People from all over the world have expressed their blessings to the people of China through TV, encouraging the soldiers of China, and praying that China can survive this crisis.

   "Brother, can't you do something with that little **** Qin Lin now? He doesn't die for a day, and I don't sleep well." Jiang Shaoming ignored the news on TV and said anxiously to Jiang Heshan.

Jiang Heshan glanced at his younger brother: "Shaoming, now is not the time to talk about this. He is already a semi-top mecha fighter. Although our Jiang family blocked the document and the top mecha cannot be delivered, there are two things. The top mecha must be used for personal gains. It’s okay, so it’s okay. He will have a role in this war, and he will be the best to die for the country. Otherwise, after this war, he must die too! Want to get the title, To become a top mecha fighter, without our Jiang family nodding, he would not even think about it, our Jiang family would prevent this from happening."

   Jiang Shaoming stood up from the sofa, his face was gloomy, Qin Lin was humiliated by him, why not he was humiliated by Qin Lin?

   was slapped again and again by the opponent without any resistance. This was ten times, a hundred times more humiliating than killing him who was originally arrogant, and completely destroyed his self-confidence.

   "Okay! Brother, this is what you promised me. After this war, he must die, he must..." Jiang Shaoming is living like years now, and he is no longer the way he was the proud man of heaven.

   Jiang Heshan sighed secretly, his younger brother was ruined by Qin Lin.

   Qin Lin will not die for one day, Jiang Shaoming will have a hard time.

   People from China usually help their relatives and ignore them. Therefore, no matter who is right or wrong, the Jiang family must kill Qin Lin and rescue Jiang Shaoming, who is about to be destroyed.

"Brother, I'm not sure that I will survive this battle, but I won't shrink back. Qin Lin doesn't want to survive easily. As far as I know, he only has a little more than 1,000 physical stamina. It is estimated that the nutrient solution can only be increased by a few dozen to a hundred points. Even if the top mecha in Siruo's family violates the regulations and expedient measures, she will definitely give it to Qin Lin to drive. At that time, he It is also one of the patron saints of Pearl City, and the weakest one. I guess that the royal sea monsters will come at least six this time. The strongest top mecha and the weakest top mecha are in this battle The hope of survivorship is almost zero. In other words, Si Ruo wants to face the strongest imperial sea monster, while Qin Lin wants to face the weakest one, but even if it is the weakest, it will be Creature No. 20. The existence within, even I will be defeated." Jiang Heshan said.

  Jiang Shaoming was surprised: "Brother, are you in danger too? Then you go back to Beijing, so you can leave the green hills and you don’t have to worry about no firewood."

"Naughty, how can the Jiang family be deserters at this time? Even if I die in battle this time, I won't escape. You have also bought mechas. After the city is broken, you don't want to fight hard and find a chance to escape. The sea monsters are not. I will leave the Yangtze River too far, so I won't be chasing you." There is no heinous person. Although Jiang Heshan is murderous towards Qin Lin, it is undeniable that he is a relatively qualified fighter.

   Within a few days, the city of Pearl City had already garrisoned millions of troops, especially the No. 1 War Fort, where most of the troops were stationed here.

   Most of the colleges and universities in the capital have all holidays, because some students also come to support Pearl City.

   Not to mention the academies in Mingzhu City, all of them are on vacation, either to the branch of the Mingzhu City Military Region or to the No. 1 War Fortress.

   Many mercenaries and hunters rushed to Pearl City spontaneously.

   The Yangtze River Basin, at the moment of life and death, strategic materials, weapons, equipment, and the Pearl City government try to equip the people in the slums.

   Even so, the government does not have much confidence to tide over this crisis.

   On the sixth day of killing the Zhenshan Tiger, wind and water rose on the East China Sea.

  A large number of sea monsters have also begun to assemble!

   The drones that were sent out, there was no news, and they would never come back.

   However, it is not without gain.

  The flying sea monster also appeared!

   Moreover, according to the close-range detection of the drone, one of the flying sea monsters is almost a royal sea monster.

   In fact, the imperial sea monster with 100,000 stamina can barely fly a certain distance with the body. It's just that the speed is relatively slow, and in the air, their combat power can't be displayed much.

   The sea monster that destroyed the drone is not an imperial sea monster, but a sea monster that is born to fly.

   Sea monsters who are born to fly, want to be promoted to the royal level sea monsters, which are several times more difficult than sea monsters on land or in the sea.

   The law of nature, the law of the universe, that's it, it's fair.

   "There is actually a flying sea monster that is about to evolve into an imperial sea monster!" Upon receiving this news, the commander and others in Fort One were worried.

   Birds sea monsters have much higher survivability than beasts, especially the imperial sea monsters, whose lethality is even more terrifying.

   "Continue to send drones to survey the East China Sea, and at least make sure that there are a few imperial sea monsters coming!" The commander continued to order.


   General Liang in the command room couldn't hold back at this time, and volunteered to the commander: "Old General, I will drive the Killer out for a patrol."

   Drones cannot get out of the East China Sea, they will be destroyed by birds and beasts as soon as they get out.

   "It's too dangerous. Once the top-ranked royal sea monsters pull you down into the sea and besieged at both ends, you don't have to say you can deal with them, even if you want to get out, you have no chance." The old general refused.

  The sea is the world of sea High-flying warships dare not cross the Pacific or Atlantic directly, because there are many islands in the ocean, and many birds and sea monsters live on them.

   Through military satellites, human beings discovered that the islands on the sea have completely become the Jurassic Park. There are many giant birds and beasts, and fighters passing by will become the targets of their attacks.

   As for the bottom of the sea, human technology has not yet reached that point, let alone uncovering anything.

"It's just futile to send the drone out. Let me go out. I'll be more careful. The top mecha has ten times the speed of sound, and it's not easy for them to pull me out of the sea. The two bird king-level sea monsters are about the same." Liang Shang Will please Ying again.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy, although it is not guaranteed to be a hundred battles, but without understanding the strength of the sea monster this time, there is no chance of Pearl City 10%.

   In the end, the old general had to agree to let General Liang drive the Killer out to sea to find out the reality of this siege sea monster.

   "Yingxue, why are you here too?" In Fu University, Gu Yuexue held a young girl's hand with a look of blame.

   This girl is Gu Yuexue's twin sister, Gu Yingxue.

   The two sisters look almost exactly the same, but the older sister is quieter, while the younger sister is very active.

"Hehe, I came to see the guy who ruined Jiang Shaoming to be inhumane. He was even worse than me. Our family was not much weaker than the Jiang family. I just drove Jiang Shaoming out of the capital. A civilian dare to bully Jiang Shaoming like this, I want to meet him." Gu Yingxue's voice is very loud, but it sounds very comfortable, and will not get goose bumps.

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