Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 141: Looking for a breakthrough

   After two months of arduous practice, Qin Lin's physical stamina has finally exceeded fifty thousand today.

   The giant nearly thirty meters tall, standing upright, looks very scary.

  Waving his sturdy arms, the giant Qin Lin looked at the mainland from the distance. In the past two months, he has also been paying attention to current affairs and news.

   There is no TV, but he has Gigitte.

  Gigit can invade the human network casually, watch TV, a piece of cake.

   "There are things I protect!" Qin Lin still can't remember the past, but he always has an inexplicable sense of responsibility in his heart to guard the city of Pearl City and the country of China.

After reading the news, Qin Lin knew that in the past two months, there have been countless battles between monsters and monsters all over the world. He also wanted to help, but not so strong, because China was very quiet for the past two months, and no imperial sea monsters participated in the siege. .

   But speaking, he can't help much now, only 50,000 stamina, in front of a 30,000-400,000 imperial sea monster, it is not enough to see.

   With weapons and more than 30,000 mental powers, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be difficult for Qin Lin to get promoted to 50,000 physical stamina. It doesn't take two months at all.

   But, looking into the depths of the Jura Island, Qin Lin sighed helplessly.

   There is an imperial behemoth with nearly 200,000 stamina.

   He is not a fool. If he dared to swallow the monsters of Jura Island, he would have been hunted down and forced to leave the island.

   This is the territory of the imperial behemoth. How can it be done if the point does not converge on someone else's territory?

   In fact, some of the monsters Qin Lin has devoured in the past two months are monsters on the bottom of the sea.

   Carefully sailed the Wannian Ship and invaded the Velociraptor's area. It was already very dangerous, and it made the island owner angry and had to go back to the mainland.

   It’s not as good on the mainland.

  Here, it's very convenient whether it's catching beasts on the shore or catching monsters on the bottom of the sea.

   After all, there are far more monsters in the ocean than on land.

   The dragon tendon tied his long hair, the animal skin was added to his body, and three keel bones were tied on his back. Qin Lin looked back at the island and stepped into the sea.

   It's time to find a small island to occupy. He can't occupy Jura Island temporarily.

   Although the physical strength has reached 50,000, the mental power is less than 35,000.

   According to Jijit, now that Qin Lin is running the Giant Clan's exercises, it is not just that he has no fighting power in fifteen minutes, but at least half an hour.

   At the beginning, his physique was relatively weak, and he could recover in ten minutes, but now it is different.

   So, Qin Lin is looking for a relatively safe place.

   He has 50,000 physical stamina, and once again running the Giant Clan's exercises, Qin Lin can completely tear open the cracks in his mind and raise his mental strength to 100,000.

   However, in that case, the entrance to the mind is directly opened, and the mind is completely opened.

   Qin Lin didn't plan to do that yet, Jijit also said that after opening his mind, he must gather his spiritual power and let the spiritual power and soul merge into shape.

   In this way, it takes a lot of time and can only use days as a unit.

  When condensing the soul, although Qin Lin will not lose all his combat power, there is no safe place. Once he is disturbed, he will be completely abandoned.

   Silently, Qin Lin entered the sea and was submerged in the sea.

   He did not sink, but continued to walk forward in the sea, and the surrounding sea was moved away by mental power.

   This is one of the benefits of strong mental power, like walking on the ground.

   At the same time, the spiritual power spread. Once a sea monster was found nearby, Qin Lin was unceremonious, and quickly rushed forward, Xuan Ming used his hands frequently.

   The Universe Battle Armor is a big stomach king. In the past two months, most of the biological energy Qin Lin obtained has been absorbed by it.

   Jijit has found a breakthrough spot for Qin Lin, which is located three hundred nautical miles away from Jura Island.

   There is a small island, only a few dozen square kilometers.

   There are not many monsters on it, and it is estimated that the physical strength will not exceed the king level.

   Corpses along the way, more than five hours later, Qin Lin boarded the small island.

   Mental power scans the entire island, there are not many monsters. The most powerful one is probably a long-necked dragon in the center of the island. The strength is estimated to be the monster that can reach the top of the level to the Beastmaster.

   Qin Lin didn't dare to slaughter on the island, otherwise the sea monsters might be summoned to attack, but went straight to the center of the island.

   As long as the long-necked dragon is killed in front of many monsters, it is estimated that wise monsters will not dare to enter the territory he occupied casually.

   The giant nearly thirty meters high, and the monsters encountered on the road, really few dared to take the initiative to come up, and Qin Lin was too lazy.

   His most important task now is to increase his mental power, at least to sixty thousand, before he can summon the little beast.


   Qin Lin's body is big and looks very powerful, but it doesn't mean that there are no monsters that dare not provoke him. A giant beast saw him passing by, entered its territory, hesitated for a moment, and rushed up with a roar.

   Qin Lin didn't pull out the weapons on his back. The stroll turned into a big stride, and he ran up with a rumble.

   The earthquake trembled, and rocks fell from the nearby hills.

   Qin Lin's flesh is dense, his bones are harder and heavier, heavier than steel, and he weighs at least hundreds of tons. The weight of the giant beasts is also about the same. One person and one beast sprints, and one falls to the ground like a thunder and a roar.

boom! boom!

   One person and one beast finally handed over. Qin Lin grabbed the two horns of the giant beast with both hands, and the ground was trampled out of two deep pits.


   Not long after the stalemate, Qin Lin roared, directly lifted the giant beast, bent back, and slammed the giant beast to the ground with a loud boom.


   As soon as he smashed the giant beast into a dizzy direction, Qin Lin turned around again, his huge fist blew white light, and slammed his punch down.

   This behemoth is only a high-ranking general. It hasn't broken through to the king-level yet. It was smashed into flesh and blood by Qin Lin's hundreds of punches, and there was no threat at all.

   "Xuan Ming Hand!"

   After that, Qin Lin put a palm up, the dying giant beast resisted very weakly, and after a while, almost all of his 40,000 stamina was exhausted by him.

   The battle armor covered the whole body, and Qin Lin let go of the energy swallowed in his body, causing it to leak out and be absorbed by the battle armor.

   The bone quality of this giant beast is worse than the three white bones on Qin Lin's back. Qin Lin didn't care about it, got up and continued to walk towards the center of the island.

   The three white bones on his back were the bones of a king-level behemoth. Qin Lin cut off the opponent only with mental strength and physical stamina, and even used the cosmic armor.

   "We haven't gotten deep into the island, there will be a general-level monster, Jijit, detecting the physical ability of the long-necked dragon in the center of the island." Qin Lin issued an order to Jijit as he walked.

   When it is not Qin Lin doesn't use Ggit easily. After all, Ggit uses less energy and cannot be charged.

   Watching the news Qin Lin doesn't watch it every day, and he doesn't wander around. He just looks for news about wars and understands the current state of the battle between humans and sea monsters.

However, in a few seconds, Gigitte’s message came back: “Brother Xiaolin, it’s estimated that the long-necked dragon has a body capacity of 90,000, which is difficult to deal with. It needs to cooperate with mental power, and the cosmic armor is also used. There is hope of victory."

   Qin Lin was taken aback, this small island actually had king-level monsters, and they were still close to the king-level existence.

   This is troublesome. With his 50,000 physical stamina, coupled with his mental power, he has only 80,000 combat power. Using battle armor, he can break through more than 100,000 combat power.

   But, the energy of the armor is not easy to get.

   It is estimated that after this war, all the energy stored before will be used up.

   Fight, or not?

   After hesitating, Qin Lin finally decided-fight!

   had to fight, and only by killing this long-necked dragon, could he use the giant clan's techniques with peace of mind, increase his mental power, and summon small beasts.

   The little beast is more important than the cosmic armor.

   looked down at the crotch without pants, Qin Lin touched his head.

   After returning to the mainland, the Universe Armor is also very important.

   His usual fig leafs are leaves and animal skins. Once a battle begins, they will definitely fall.

   There is no cosmic armor, that... is too amazing.

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