Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 177: Chaos

After Xiao Qiao left, it was midnight. m..

The four top mechas lightly landed around the villa of Siluo, one of which was dark green in color, which was the Hulk piloted by Jiang Heshan.

The other three, two of which are the Shenzhou 8 of the Xi family and the Chang'e of the Gu family.

The last one was a relatively unfamiliar top mecha, but with the word "Jiang" engraved on it, there was no doubt that this was the top mecha belonging to the Jiang family.

As soon as the four top mechas stood still, Siruo walked out of the tent, wearing a battle suit and carrying a sword on his back, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Daning, Fang Que and Da Qiao also walked out of the tent almost at the same time.

All four are fully armed, and it seems that they have not rested tonight.

"Jiang Heshan, what do you mean?" Si Ruo raised his head and looked at the Hulk. Although she was a giant, more than ten meters high, she was still too small in front of the top mecha.

The height of the top mechas is about 80 meters.

"Thinking Admiral, you know what we mean. Obediently hand over your scientific research results to the country. Our patience is limited. The Second War fortress has been breached, and your lives have been destroyed. Are you still so cruel and unwilling to give yours? Scientific research results?" Jiang Heshan half put down the cabin and said to Siruo inside.

He knew that Si Ruo was a powerful spiritual master, and he did not dare to put down all the cabins to prevent Si Ruo's remote control hidden weapon from attacking.

Put a little and a half of the cabin door to let the sound pass through.

His icy face remained unchanged, and his eyes were stern: "You finally started to act, my student Xiao Qiao, have you caught it?"

The faces of the gorillas and others changed drastically. They always knew that Zheng Axe had repeatedly forced Si Ruo to hand over the giant's secrets, but Si Ruo had always tactfully refused and refused to hand it over.

In fact, she couldn't give it up.

As a result, the country is now very dissatisfied with Siruo, but because of Qin Lin's reasons, it has not been tough and just spied on them secretly.

Tonight, I don't know why they tear their faces and use strong ones.

Xiao Qiao ran out alone, now that there is no good fortune?

The gorilla and the other three looked at Siruo anxiously.

"Qiao Jiao?" In the cabin, Jiang Heshan's eyes were full of anger: "Siruo, you are selfish, such a great scientific research achievement, only for you, the country will not tolerate you anymore, it is best to hand it over. , To do the right thing with the country, it's irrelevant."

"Answer me first, where's Xiao Qiao?" Siruo said unhurriedly.

Jiang Heshan was suddenly frustrated: "If she runs fast, we are not ready yet, and the top mechas have not even boarded, the people disappeared."

The hanging heart of the gorilla and others was finally let go. If Xiao Qiao was caught, his life would be over. He could only be imprisoned in a certain laboratory and be collected by a group of scientists to study blood samples and cells.

The country does not lack scientific research personnel, what it lacks is resources.

Genes like Xiao Qiao's can be analyzed by current equipment within a few hours.

It is not difficult for humans to develop genetic potions that are higher and more stable than they are now. What is lacking is the primer. As long as there are primers and culture fluid, they can experiment and create giants like the rebels.

Xiao Qiao's genes are even more perfect than Qin Lin's. Even if a group of half-hearted genetic scientists work a little bit, they can use her flesh, bones and other research to cultivate advanced genetic potions, thereby cultivating giants.

Hearing what Jiang Heshan said, there was also a hint of relief on her face. She glanced at the four top mechas, turned her head and said to the gorilla and the other three: "Flee to the place I told you about later," Don’t hate this country. The country is sorry for us, we can’t be sorry for the country, and the country is just being used by a group of people.”




Daning and the other three have a look of dismay, Siruo's meaning is very clear, she wants to stay and give them a break.

Tonight, after Xiao Qiao left, Si Ruo summoned the three of them to talk for a while.

Thinking about it to this point, it's not a fool. The Jiang family represented by Jiang Heshan encouraged the Gu family and the Xi family to instigate the Gu family and the Xi family. She didn't know anything about her and her students.

"Witch, let's catch it with your hands. What if you are a giant? You can't drive the top mecha, it's not our opponent at all!" The top mecha with the word "Jiang" inscribed, the cabin door opened halfway, revealing the top mecha inside warrior.

This person is handsome and handsome, somewhat similar to Jiang Heshan, who else is it not Jiang Shaoming?

"Jiang Shaoming!" Fang Que gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that this scum would also drive the top mecha.

Heroes come out of troubled times, and the rules are all disrupted, not to mention that Jiang Shaoming comes from the Jiang family.

As a result, people like him have become top mecha fighters.

"A group of monsters, if I were to inject that genetic potion, I would be ten times and a hundred times stronger than Qin Lin's untouchable!" Jiang Shaoming had a sullen face. He was too unwilling. Qin Lin had already thrown him away, even if he is now. Driving the top mech and encountering Qin Lin, he can only escape.

However, if you can't beat it, you don't have to fight. He still has to make Qin Lin dare not fight, or at least not dare to kill him, just like before.

In the past, Qin Lin didn't dare to kill him in order to survive.

Now, as long as he catches Si Ruo and others, he firmly believes that Qin Lin still dare not kill him.

"Ignorant children, can't help themselves." Si Ruo couldn't understand Jiang Shaoming either.

Fang Que even cursed: "Jiang Gou, we have today with the teachers. It is all given by the big brother. What are you, you can't even match a toe of our big brother."

Jiang Shaoming was taken aback, his face flushed, Qin Lin's achievements nowadays are not the scientific research achievements of his thoughts? How is this possible, who can naturally evolve to that point?

However, listening to Fang Que said that, Qin Lin really seemed to have evolved naturally.

"Silly, nonsense, no one can naturally evolve to that point. Siruo, don't hide and tuck, there is no impermeable wall in the world." Jiang Heshan sneered, and he had contact with the rebels.

However, it is clear that Jiang Heshan was also misled by the rebels.

The rebels wouldn't tell him everything, even those who fought with him didn't even know that there were normal giants in the rebels.

With a frowning eyebrow, Qin Lin really said that his achievement did not come from natural evolution.

But how exactly it evolved, she is not very clear.

It seems that Jiang Heshan knows more than she does, or is she guessing wildly, believing that she brought it?

"Thinking Admiral, let's talk to you in the end, and hand over your scientific research results. Not only our Huaxia Nation needs this scientific research achievement, but the whole world needs it. The political axe of all countries is putting pressure on our Huaxia Nation, and we are also very It's hard to do." The cabin of Shenzhou 8 also opened, and a middle-aged man looked compassionate and his eyes full of expectation.

"Thinking Admiral, don't force us, humans need this scientific research result too much." The cabin of the Chang'e was also opened, and a young woman appeared.

Siruo's face was cold, she didn't have any research results, even if there were, it was based on Qin Lin and Xiao Qiao.

Can she give Qin Lin and Xiao Qiao out?

Of course not!

Even if she is willing, Xiao Qiao is the first one to be unwilling!

Xiao Qiao's departure tonight was a thoughtful arrangement, Xiao Qiao didn't know.

But Xiao Qiao's surname, Si Ruo now fully understands, she only sees the closest person, the whole world is destroyed, and the people who care about it will do.

This makes Si Ruo feel even more that instead of getting a dead fish and breaking the net, it is better to let go and let the two seeds of hope take root and bring dawn to mankind.

"I also said one last time. There are no scientific research results. Everything is accidental and cannot be copied." Siruo said coldly, suddenly raising his left hand, and instructing Guangmin: "Partner, come out!"

Immediately, in the basement, Siro lifted off and broke through the wall.


The top Mecha Siruo fell beside Siruo in the dust.

"Siruo, are you really going to betray the country, betray humans, and go to war with us?" Jiang Heshan roared: "It's useless, you are too big to be accommodated in the top mecha cabin, you can only simply remotely control it. You can't deal with the super mechas, how can you compete with our four top mechas?"

But Siruo didn't say a quickly jumped onto the Siruo and stood on the shoulder of the Siruo.

"If... I'm caught, look for your big brother! Start acting and execute immediately!!" Si Ruo ordered Daning and others below, and then Si Ruo began to act.

Looking at the four top mechas around, Daning and the others were furious, but there was nothing to do. They were not Qin Lin, they were too weak to fight with the top mechas.


Daning led Fang Que and Da Qiao into the hole next to him, which was the basement of the villa of Siruo.

There, there is a passage leading to another corner of the city.

However, this channel is a bit big for today's giants.

The three of them could only crawl over slowly.

Si Ruo had to stay. Without her, buying time for the three of them, within a moment, the passage would be dug out by the four top mechas, and no one could escape. (To be continued.)

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