Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 198: Snap to kill

"With your qualifications, you dare to compare yourself with the Tianjiao in the universe?" Qin Lin shook his head: "The old **** stick said that I still don't have the qualifications, and I'm not enough to crush it with a finger of the Tianjiao of the same generation.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and Jiang Shaoming's frantic yelling stopped abruptly.

A head flew up, Jiang Shaoming, whose mentality had long since been distorted, was severed by Qin Lin's fingers, and his **** head rolled to the ground, staring at his eyes and staring at him.

Jiang Shaoming, who has more than 1,000 stamina and is also a spiritual master, is insignificant in front of Qin Lin and can be killed by a finger.


The headless body fell and fell on the war fort, blood staining the floor.

The surroundings are silent.

Countless warriors were silent, and the second youngest top mecha fighter in history became the youngest top mecha fighter to fall in history.

Since the appearance of Qin Lin, the top mecha fighters are no longer the pinnacle of mankind; the top mechas are no longer the pinnacle power of this world.

Whether it was the soldiers on the fortress of the war or the people before the live broadcast, they could not speak for a long time.

No matter who is right or wrong, the top mecha warrior of mankind died, not in the hands of monsters, but in the hands of his own people.

This is a kind of sadness. The struggle between humans has never stopped from beginning to end.

"Actually, after I turned into a giant, I didn't want to kill him much." Qin Lin sighed, replaced Xiao Qiao who was tied to his chest on his back, and said to Chang'e and Shenzhou 8: No, you shouldn’t touch my teacher and Xiao Qiao. If my teacher is such a person for the country and the people, if you really have the ability to let you follow the Giant’s Cause like us, you would have dedicated it long ago and let you choose. ."

Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu had complex expressions, they were skeptical and didn't know what to say.

"I became what I am today, given by the alien civilization." Qin Lin said astonishingly, and didn't intend to hide it.

In the near future, the earth will come into contact with the cosmic races. Rather than talk about it then, it is better to let the people on earth have a heart to prepare now.

Moreover, the existence of extraterrestrial science and technology on the earth, and the existence of civilization outside the earth are already iron-clad facts. It is nothing to say.

"Sure enough!"

Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, they also wanted to be like Siruo them, transforming into giants, and even more like Qin Lin, standing upright and fighting alone with a dozen imperial sea monsters.

It is precisely because of obsession and **** that they can't let go of their hearts, and they want to force their thoughts to hand over the giant gene potion.

What Qin Lin said now, there is a kind of divine enlightenment, which resolves their obsessions in their hearts and allows them to feel free.

"There are still living alien life on the earth. Behind the rebels are the shadows of alien life. They also have giants. I killed a top mecha warrior, and it's no big deal." Qin Lin continued to say nothing astonishing and endlessly dying. .

When he said this, he also meant to comfort the Chinese people and comfort all mankind. However, only Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu heard this. He didn't want to say it at once. The human group's ability to accept it is not strong, and it needs to be done step by step.

"Rebels, cosmic life, giants..."

Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu trembled, this is a terrifying secret.

Cosmic technology, people have seen, war fortresses, top mechas, are the fruits of cosmic technology.

However, life in the universe actually exists on the earth.

There is always a gap between dream and reality.

Life in the universe in remote imagination is countless light-years away from human beings, real, but non-existent.

But now, life in the universe is not only real, it also exists, and it exists on the earth.

"There are extraterrestrial life on the earth? The rebels have the giant gene potion?" Gu Jingjing lost his temper and no longer maintained a dignified posture.

Qin Lin nodded: "At the beginning, the giant egg that fought with me was not a life on earth. In addition, there is a giant egg in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, but it is not my partner. It is the enemy of mankind. Entering the genetic age, most of the reason is because of it. The reason why marine life is generally stronger than land monsters is because it has been silent on the bottom of the sea, always affecting the genes of marine life."

Gu Jingjing was stunned, and Xi Yu was almost the same.

This is simply... incredible.

A giant egg affects the life of the entire ocean on the earth.

"The dome is the pinnacle type of life in the universe, and it hasn't been born yet. However, don't worry, it will be solved by our giants. You only need to deal with the royal sea monsters. From now on, don't hit me and my teacher." Qin Lin warned.

As he said, his gaze swept towards the Hulk with a broken arm under the war fortress.

Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu were surprised.

"Qin Lin, you have destroyed one of our top mecha fighters in China, stop." Gu Jingjing persuaded that she also knew the grudge between Qin Lin and the Jiang family.

Jiang Heshan also wanted to kill Qin Lin, many teachers and students at Fuda knew. Moreover, when the battle was against Zhenshan Tiger, many soldiers on the fortress of the war had seen it, and Jiang Heshan wanted to kill Qin Lin.

This is no secret, Gu Jingjing naturally knows.

Inside the Hulk, Jiang Heshan's eyes were full of resentment, and his younger brother was killed by Qin Lin in this way, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

But what can he do?

He had seen Qin Lin's strength just now, and he was not an opponent at all.

"The gentleman takes revenge, it's not too late for ten years, Qin Lin, wait and see!"


The Hulk rose into the sky, erupted at ten times the speed of sound, and disappeared to the north in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Heshan escaped.

Qin Lin really wanted to kill Jiang Heshan, but the other party didn't give him a chance.

The cosmic battle armor lacks energy, and there is not much divine power left. With physical strength, how can it catch up with the top mecha.

Even if a person with a stamina of 990,000 has no foreign objects, it cannot catch up with a bird with a stamina of several thousand.

"Are we here late?" At this moment, "A Xiangyun" flew from the sky, and two beautiful giant women stood on it.

Fairies and Chiwu are here!

The magic weapon battle suit robbed from the giant brothers of the triplets, after being "cleaned" by Qin Lin, is now worn on the fairies and Chi Wu.

The fairy changed the battle dress into a black classical dress, which was very seductive. Although the person looked huge, even a normal person would appreciate it, and she felt that the woman was charming and charming.

Chi Wu has returned to a well-behaved appearance. The skirt is more modern and not as gorgeous as a fairy, but the color is big red, which is very eye-catching.

Giants can be so beautiful too!

Gu Jingjing was even more envious, her eyes were fiery, and her desire to transform into a giant became even stronger.

Anyway, she hadn't been able to enjoy herself for a long, long time. Her husband's physical fitness was too weak, which caused the thing to be very weak, and she sat down several times.

"Qin Lin, did you really kill Jiang Shaoming?" Chi Wu jumped off the aircraft and glanced at the dead little man Jiang Shaoming on the ground, as well as the Jiang's top mecha.

"Hello Senior Sister!" Xiao Qiao was very happy, climbing down from Qin Lin, very polite.

Qin Lin groaned secretly in his heart, these two nizis, what are they going to join in the fun?

Fortunately, Jiang Heshan ran away, otherwise, these two hind legs would be difficult to protect.

However, even if Jiang Heshan runs away, there are still two top mechas here.

Gu Jingjing's eyes were very hot.

"Qin Lin, do you really have no Giant Gene Potion?" Gu Jingjing looked at Qin Lin with fiery eyes, naked.

The more dignified a woman, the more presumptuous in her bones.

It is true presumptuousness, not like a fairy, only liberating the mind.

Gu Jingjing longed for the giant genetic potion to be a man for her and more for herself.

As long as there is a giant gene potion, even if she and Qin Lin are asked, what will there be?

** is sacred and evil at the same time.

For a while, no matter how annoyed and blamed oneself, the desire is still difficult to fill.

People who understand this are terrible after letting go of their minds.

At this moment, Gu Jingjing let go, staring at Qin Lin scorchingly.

She believed that Qin Lin could see.

Of course Qin Lin saw it, and his heart was greatly moved. Such a dignified woman became a giantess, and she was also a superb woman.

Charm is no worse than fairy.

Unfortunately, Qin Lin didn't have a giant gene potion, only the giant essence.

What's more, just got a heartbeat, and he came back to his senses.

He is not a farm animal, a lower body animal.

"I don't have a giant gene potion, only the rebels have it. However, don't believe them too much. Inject their giant gene potion and die for a lifetime." Qin Lin said without explaining too much.

Gu Jingjing was very disappointed. The rebels instigated the relationship between Huaxia Kingdom and Qin Lin. In her opinion, Qin Lin was a rebel in the past and was able to transform into a giant, but he probably rebelled against the rebels later.

"Go!" Qin Lin didn't want to stay here too much, pulling Xiao Qiao and Chi Wu into the aircraft.

It's not safe to stay here. Chang'e and Shenzhou 8 have the ability to drag him down, but they don't know it.

What's more, Xiao Qiao, Fairy, and Chi Wu are all there.

If Gu Jingjing and Xi Yu threatened Qin Lin with the three of them, Qin Lin would be helpless.

"Qin Lin, have you left like this?" The Chang'e leaped up and hovered in the air, blocking the way of Qin Lin and others. (To be continued.) q

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