Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 264: Rebirth of war

On the Atlantic, seven-colored clouds pressed against the sky, wind and thunder agitated, various energies raged, and two giants were fighting frantically. M

One of the giants wore battle armor with a shining body.

The other giant is made of fine gold, with a shimmering golden metallic color.

The battlefield between the two had already moved from the shallow waters of the New Orleans war fortress to the Atlantic Ocean. This battle was so fought that the sky was broken, the wind and thunder billowed, huge waves soared into the sky, and countless small islands were submerged.

Of course, the one wearing battle armor is Qin Lin, and the giant made of fine gold is a metal giant made up of four metal giants.


Qin Lin's armor shrank suddenly, and countless energies entered the body, including the power of the law in the air, and even the power of the law that overflowed from the body of the giant, was also swallowed into the body by him.


Swallowing a small amount of the power of the law, and still the power of the golden law, Qin Lin swelled and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The blood energy is majestic, shining brightly, and the breath of terror is gushing out.

"The power of the law of light is still about the same, the power of the golden law... can't be absorbed at all, and it's at a loss." Qin Lin quickly backed away, temporarily not competing with the combined giant.

Because of the lack of energy in the body, Qin Lin was helpless because he wanted to try to feed the war.

The fit giant is a qualified assassin. From the beginning to the end of the battle, he has never said a word to Qin Lin. Just do it and attack fiercely!

Perhaps, it was made by the starry sky mother bug, it could not speak, just like a certain generation of robots made by humans, it could only execute commands and was not granted language functions.

"Go!" Seeing that the fit giant was killed again, Qin Lin flew back and stepped on a pseudo-dharma form in his body, his figure blurred, like a ghost, grabbed the giant sword from Qin Lin's hand, and greeted the fit giant.

Qin Lin himself continued to fly back. Sitting cross-legged in the back on the sea, following the waves ups and downs, the figure is like a sculpture on the sea, up and down, ups and downs.

Qin Lin, who was sitting down, swallowed the energy of the heavens and the earth, while keeping his eyes on. Staring at the fit giant.

Every blow of the combined giant contains the power of law.

However, its power of law is so scarce that it can't be seen by the naked eye.

The power of law was originally derived from the evolution of heaven and earth energy.

Normally, the naked eye cannot see the energy of heaven and earth. There is a lot more, you can see it as well.

For example, intuitive matter is actually a collection of energy.

It's just that the energy contained in ordinary matter is very low and the quality is not high.

Qin Lin had some contradictions in his heart, and he hoped that the law of the fit giant would be more powerful. I hope it's less.

More words, his spirit can be seen more clearly. The principles are interlinked. Observing the law of gold is also of great benefit to prying into the mystery of the law of light. Good luck can use this to realize the law of light.

I hope that the power of the law of the combined giant is less, because Qin Lin also wants to destroy the opponent and severely damage the starry sky female worm camp.

After watching the Pseudo-Dharma and the fit giant fighting for a while, Qin Lin could see it.

The "soul" of the fit giant is too weak. In other words, there are too few golden rules.

And the power of the law of control requires divine power.

It is even more necessary to perform secret techniques.

The law felt is not deep enough, just like the strength is not enough to lift a certain object.

The power of the combined giant lies in the majestic power of the energy and laws in the body, but unfortunately, it will not be used. Or it can't be used.

It's like two cars, BYD F0 and Land Rover Range Rover. The amount of fuel in the fuel tank of the two cars is the same, but the speed and explosiveness of BYD F0 can't be compared with Land Rover Range Rover.

The starry sky female worm is powerful. It can make fighters of the same realm, but no matter how it is made, the flaws of the fighters are still great.

The first is that the warrior's intelligence is not high, nor is it a cosmic being, and cannot grow up and practice alone.

Secondly, the combat power of a single soldier made by the Star Mother Worm cannot surpass itself.

Cosmic civilization technology can create powerful intelligent robots, interstellar warships, starry mechas, etc., and its combat power may be thousands of times stronger than the manufacturer.

But the starry sky mother worm can't do it.

This is also one of the manifestations of the fairness of the universe.


Less than a few minutes after the fierce battle with the combined giant, Qin Lin's pseudo-method was finally shattered by the opponent, disappeared in the air, and the giant sword flew back.

The combination of the virtual and the real can't help but fit the giant.

Qin Lin got up, holding the war sword, rushed to the fit giant again.

Only by your own presence can you capture the trajectory of the law more clearly.

Qin Lin had a feeling that the light was spreading in the soul, and even if let it go, within a few months, the law of light would come.

Using the power of the law of light to use the hand of the heavenly devil, even if the amount is small, Qin Lin is sure that a palm can smash the fit giant in front of him.

As for the Hand of Time, Qin Lin felt that the attack power in the early stage was not strong enough. It is estimated that only by fully comprehending the law of light transmission can its power be truly revealed.

Moreover, there is an essential difference between the hand of the devil and the hand of time.

The demon hand has the ability to swallow, absorb damage, and transform it into its own attack power.

And the hand of time is very weird, and it only contains destruction, and will not absorb the enemy's damage and turn it into its own attack power.


Fighting with the fit giant for a long time, he was hit by one of his punches again, and Qin Lin quickly retreated.


Qin Lin frowned, the cosmic armor was exhausted, a crack appeared, and a fast fragment fell off.

A total of more than a catty of Yuanyou Kebei metal, fighting against the combined giant, the energy was exhausted.

"After all, it's not my own power." Qin Lin sighed, and the metal from Yuan Youjuebei was squeezed out and failed to restore its original shape. It turned into pieces of metal and fell into the sea.

The fit giant has millions of physical abilities alone, and coupled with its powerful laws, the attack power is almost two million.

Fortunately, when the four metal giants joined together, the rain sculpture grabbed a small part of the metal giant's energy blocks.

Otherwise, even if Qin Lin relied on the Cosmos Armor, he would not be able to fight the combined giant at all.

Of course, this combined giant's intelligence is not high, and he doesn't use the power of law.

Qin Lin could only rush all the way and dare not fight against it if it could also use secret techniques such as the hand of the devil.

After fighting for so long, Qin Lin's momentum remained undiminished, and it seemed that the more he became more energetic after the war.

Heroes emerge in troubled times, and wars are reborn.

Qin Lin now has this feeling. Fighting with a formidable opponent can improve his fighting awareness and grasp the trajectory and mystery of the law.

Although I haven't realized the law yet, and I don't understand the power of the law, it's like reading ancient classical Chinese. There are at least a few sentences in the whole article that won someone's heart.

What's more, the power of the inability to rule, the nature of the power of the law is not clear, and the attack and defense of the energy of the heaven and the earth can be increased somewhat according to the gourd drawing.

"Qin Lin, how is your side?" Suddenly, a thoughtful voice sounded in Qin Lin's mind: "Our side is over. The four emperor-level peak behemoths were killed by me and the rain carving. The other emperors The Tier 1 monster was also half dead, and the rest retreated."

Qin Lin was overjoyed, but at the same time a little puzzled. Listening to the voice of Siruo, she was not relaxed. After a hard fight, her combat power must have declined.

Half of the battle died, the Emperor-level sea monster retreated, not seizing the opportunity, it was unreasonable.

If you retreat, then retreat. That's good. This battle was unexpected, and Qin Lin, Si Ruo, and Yu Diao were not ready.

Even more unexpectedly, there will be a fit giant.

It is estimated that the five metal behemoths before can all fit together, because Qin Lin, Si Ruo, and Yu Diao did not expect to appear, nor did they expect that their combat power was so strong, they had no chance to all fit together.

If that were the case, except Xiaoqi could deal with it, Qin Lin and the others would be useless.

"I'm fine, although I'm not the opponent of the fit giant, but I didn't face it head-on, and there will be no risk of life. You two have a good rest, and then go back to Jura Island. I am also ready to get rid of the fit giant and go back." Chuanyin said to Siruo who was thousands of miles away.

Siruo was silent over there for a Suddenly a voice came out: "Qin Lin, continue to drag the fit giant, something went wrong on the Jura Island."

"What?" Qin Lin's heart sank, his face changed, and he hurriedly used the spiritual contract to contact the little beast.

Xiao Beast Beast's dissatisfied voice came immediately: "Dad, I'm fighting, don't bother me anymore." After that, the contact was broken.

Qin Lin was in a daze, fighting?

Who do you fight with?

Suddenly, Qin Lin's heart jumped, and the emperor-level sea monster withdrew...

Could it be that Xiaoqi and the others are at war with the Star Sky Mother Worm?


At this time, the fit giant suddenly became very irritable.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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